Untitled Page 20




Status: Page Status Transcribed

year: 1937

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
APRIL 24 607 781 10063 Wilhelmina Downey 26 F E 2 9 3rd Henry W. Payne true
[APRIL] 24 608 782 10372 Jacob Jeter 11A East 119 Street 30 M E 4 6 1st Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[APRIL] 28 609 10688 Marie Richardson 17 F Mattie Dowd E 1 34 1st Clara E. Ford true paid $30 owes 30 ([?])
[APRIL] 30 610 783 10864 Harry Paceley 213 West 147 Street 30 M E 4 6 2nd Mickey Fun. Service false
[APRIL] 30 611 4509 William D. Robinson 54 M Robinson E 2 34 1st Norman B. Sterrett true
[APRIL] 30 612 784 10854 Lillie Mozelle 49 F E 4 6 3rd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. false
MAY 1 613 785 10739 Joseph De Frietas 40 M E 3 9 1st Claudius P. Sterrett true
[MAY] 3 614 786 11033 Arthur Mooney 53 M E 3 9 2nd Littlejohn–Ingram true
[MAY] 3 615 4590 Ella Blizzard 44 F Nicodemus Blizzard E 3 34 1st Est. of J. Wesley Lane true
[MAY] 4 616 787 11118 Mary Borg 56 F E 3 9 3rd Wainwright & Son true
[MAY] 5 617 11270 Henrietta Holmes 43 F Andrew Holmes E 8 51 1st N.B. Sterrett true
[MAY] 8 618 788 11530 Daniel LaPort 82 M E 11 11 1st Rodney Dade true
[MAY] 10 619 789 11488 Neville M. Thomas 19 M E 11 11 2nd Fred Graves true
[MAY] 11 620 790 11653 Sam Brown 54 M E 5 6 1st Mickey Funeral Service true
[MAY] 13 621 791 11883 James Chambers 64 M E 11 11 3rd Howell Fun. Church false
[MAY] 13 622 792 11878 Rebecca Robinson 42 F E 5 6 2nd Littlejohn–Ingram true
[MAY] 13 623 793 11738 Charles Payne 65 2 5 M E 11 11 4th Rodney Dade false
[MAY] 14 624 12009 Louis Williams 22 M Hallie Williams E 4 34 1st Rodney Dade true
[MAY] 14 625 794 Dist No. 5510 Reg. no. 171 William H. Robinson Central Islip, N.Y. 46 5 5 M E 5 6 3rd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[MAY] 18 626 795 12036 Arthur Fortie 53 M E 12 11 1st Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[MAY] 18 627 796 11973 Julia Whipple 85 F E 12 11 2nd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. false
[MAY] 20 628 797 12369 Jefferson Washington 225 West 143 Street 30 M E 6 6 1st Henry W. Payne false
[MAY] 22 629 801 12476 Charles Claude Mulllen 47 M E 12 11 3rd Wainwright & Son true
[MAY] 22 630 802 12606 James Douglass 49 M E 6 6 2nd N. B. Sterrett true Strikethrough
[MAY] 25 631 803 12885 Beryl McGhie 106 West 142 Street 3 M E 1 11 4th Rodney Dade true Baby
[MAY] 26 632 12746 Lucretia Adams 148 Lenox Avenue 46 F Austin Adams E 5 34 1st Le Garr & Kelsey true
[MAY] 28 633 804 13106 James Petties 21 M E 5 16 6th Rodney Dade true
[MAY] 31 634 805 13308 Blanche Collins 9 F E 6 6 3rd Mickey Funeral Service true
JUNE 1 635 25077 James Polley 14 6 9 M Leona Weaver Polley E 6 34 1st Rodney Dade true
[JUNE] 1 636 806 13378 James Robinson 63 M E 13 11 1st Littlejohn–Ingram true
[JUNE] 6 637 807 13587 Mary Winington 35 F E 13 11 2nd Fred Graves true
[JUNE] 8 638 808 13945 Augustus Edwards 35 M E 6 6 4th Rodney Dade false

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