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year: 1937

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
June 9 639 809 13955 Mary Wyckoff 70 F E 13 11 3rd Wainwright & Son false
[June] 10 640 810 13954 Daisy Dancy 16 F E 6 10 1st Wainwright & Son true
[June] 10 641 811 14080 Louis Keene 352 West 118th Street 44 M E 6 10 2nd Littlejohn - Ingram true
[June] 10 642 812 13107 Gloria Odon x 5 2 F E 14 15 8th Turner Und. & Enb. CO false
[June] 13 643 14135 Florence Dyer 41 F Wildred Blanner E 7 34 1st Howell Fun. Church true
[June] 14 644 813 14035 Edward Samuel 54 M E 6 10 3rd Robt. B. Brodie true
[June] 15 645 6064 Alice Smith 46 F Barry Smith E 8 34 1st Wainwright & Son true
[June] 15 646 814 14431 Mannie Mills 72 F E 7 6 1st Clara E. Ford true
[June] 16 647 815 14431 Annie Hill 63 F E 14 11 1st Mickey Funeral Services true
[June] 19 648 816 14699 Howard Johnson 37 M E 14 11 2nd Claudius P. Sterett false
[June] 22 649 817 14868 Rosa Hamilton 55 F E 14 11 3rd Mickey Funeral Services true
[June] 23 650 14889 Frederich Longford 5 M Duncan Bros. E 1 35 1st Duncan Bros true
[June] 23 651 818 14975 Anita Steile 79 F E 7 6 2nd Littlejohn - Ingram true
[June] 23 652 14855 James Walters 29 West 119 Street 32 M Sadie Walters E 9 34 1st N. B. Sterrett true
[June] 23 653 14869 Anna Sutton 42 F Reine Doar E 15 13 1st Mickey Funeral Services true
[June] 24 654 819 15073 Edith Gadson 12 F E 7 6 3rd Turner Und. & Enb. Co true
[June] 24 655 820 15083 Mary Cornish 63 F E 15 11 1st Rodney Dade false
[June] 24 656 14938 Philip Johnson 72 M Vesta Johnson E 1 33 1st Henry W. Payne true
[June] 29 657 821 6463 Oliver Thomas 6 M E 8 6 1st Howell Funeral Ch. true
[June] 29 658 822 15217 James Miller 33 M E 8 6 2nd Clara E. Ford false
July 1 659 15486 Lizzie Harris 55 F John C. Harris E 11 34 1st Edward Fentress true
[July] 1 660 15419 James Arrington 77 M Patient Annington E 2 35 1st Duncan Bros. true
[July] 2 661 823 15603 Audrey Smith 1 8 11 F E 13 14 5th Edward Fentress true Baby Grave
[July] 3 662 5192 Frank Powell 8 M Grace Powell E 3 35 1st Turner Und. & Enb. Company true Removal from 10-2-E
[July] 3 663 824 15619 Julius Butler 24 M E 2 10 3rd Clara E. Ford true
[July] 3 664 825 15571 Janie Bailey 49 F E 15 11 2nd Robert Brodie true
[July] 4 665 826 6559 William Tucker 1800 Seventh Avenue 35 M E 15 11 3rd Clara E. Ford true $2 allowence
[July] 6 666 827 15776 George Logan 49 M E 8 6 3rd N. B. Sterrett false not paid
[July] 8 667 828 Dist no. 5110 ; Reg. no. 228 Theodore Frank Central Islip. n.y. 36 9 7 M E 8 6 4th Mickey Funeral Services true
[July] 9 668 829 15882 Ida Wilder 59 F E 7 10 1st Wainwright & Son true
[July] 10 669 6710 Cassanda Brown 215 West 123 Street 43 F Stewart & Company E 12 34 1st Stewart & Company true
[July] 12 670 16140 Sarah White 240 West 137 Street 61 F Duncan Bros. E 14 34 1st Duncan Bros true

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