Untitled Page 23




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year: 1937

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Aug 6 703 854 5618 Julia Moxley 333 Tompkins Ave. - Bklyn 22 F E 11 6 1st Hunte & Lee true
(Aug) 7 704 855 18095 Victor Yossatt 50 M E 9 10 4th Clara E. Ford true
(Aug) 9 705 18091 Lucinda James 269 West 140 Street 53 F Leroy Robinson E 2 37 1st Arthur Brisbane true
(Aug) 10 706 856 18262 Ella Louise Brothers X 4 X F E 1 11 7th Edward Fentress true Baby grave
(Aug) 10 707 857 18284 Joseph Staten 302 East 101 Street 47 M Elizabeth Washington "C" 274 6 Sub "C" 1st Rodney Dade false
(Aug) 11 708 858 18265 Anna M Foulkes 67 F E 11 6 2nd Rodney Dade true
(Aug) 13 709 1575;859 18253 Walken Roosevelt 36 M E 11 6 3rd Fred Graves false
(Aug) 14 710 860 18359 Louis Mitchell 54 M E 10 10 1st Henry W Payne true
(Aug) 14 711 861 18517 Mary Smith 48 F E 11 6 4th Howell Funeral Ch. false
(Aug) 15 712 862 18530 Samuel Reid 41 M E 10 10 2nd Clara E. Ford false
(Aug) 15 713 7897 Annie M. Rogers Shields 19 F Annie Rogers E 3 37 1st Howell Funeral Church true Paid
(Aug) 19 714 863 8008 Josephine Wick 44 F E 10 10 3rd Rodney Dade false
(Aug) 18 715 18607 Robert Pickney 68 M Daisy Banton E 4 37 1st Littlejohn & Ingram true
(Aug) 20 716 864 18654 Eva Hamilton 48 F E 1 7 1st Mickey Funeral Service false
(Aug) 21 717 865 18914 Iris Curiel 115 West 129th St. 38 F E 1 7 2nd Thomas W. Warner true
(Aug) 21 718 866 Reg. 19;Dist. 5910 Major Green 34 M E 10 10 4th Anna L. Harris true
(Aug) 23 719 867 19027 Ida Haiston 32 F Lora Andrews E 1 50 2nd Rodney Dade true Re-opening
(Aug) 24 720 868 1692 James Ruffin 3 5 28 M E 1 10 4th Wainwright & Sons true Baby Grave
(Aug) 25 721 869 1683 Maria Boykins 234 West 134 Street 32 5 4 F E 1 7 3rd Perkins Memorial Church true
(Aug) 25 722 870 19088 Abraham Albert 223 West 140 St apt. 5W 28 M E 1 7 4th Wainwright & Sons true
(Aug) 26 723 871 19117 Mary M. Smith 52 F James Smith E 5 37 1st Howell Funeral Church true
(Aug) 26 724 872 19202 Thomas S. Lewis 147 West 120 Street 50 M E 11 10 1st Henry Payne true
(Aug) 26 725 873 19229 Rosalie Boyd 264 W 123 Street 28 F E 11 10 2nd Mickey Funeral Service false
(Aug) 28 726 874 19111 Sophie Roland 224 W 114 th Street 34 F E 2 7 1st Mickey Funeral Service true
(Aug) 28 727 875 17939 Louis Greenage 39 M E 2 7 2nd Hunt & Lee true
(Aug) 29 728 876 19296 E. Eddie Curry 33 M E 11 10 3rd Perkins Memorial Church true 35-8-E;Removed 9/11/37
(Aug 31 729 877 18181 George Baum 36 M E 12 10 1st Richard J King false
Sept 1 730 8782891 19494 Carly White 50 M E 12 10 2nd Clara E. Ford true
(Sept) 2 731 879 19574 Essie Jackson 36 8 8 M E 2 7 3rd Charles Ables true bal - 82-
(Sept) 3 732 880 19563 David Little 23 F E 2 7 4th Wainwright & Sons true
(Sept) 4 733 881 19675 Amelia W. McIntosh 52 F E 4 9 1st Clara E. Ford true
(Sept) 4 734 882 19776 Caroline Brown 29 F E 4 9 2nd David Jaudon (Mt Morris) false

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