Untitled Page 24




Status: Page Status Transcribed

year: 1937

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Sept 5 735 1754 John Koonce 139 West 112 Street 52 5 14 M Lucy Koonce E 6 37 1st C. Franklin Carr true
[Sept] 8 736 883 19884 Ernest Butler 145 Lenox Avenue 33 M E 4 9 3rd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. false
[Sept] 8 737 19931 Frederick Savory 80 M Phillip M. H. Savory C 275 8 sub D 1st Duncan Bros. true Plot
[Sept] 9 738 884 19982 James Strughter X 5 X M E 1 10 5th Florence E. Browne false
[Sept] 9 739 885 8528 Anna Sykes 1292 Washington Ave-Bronx 40 F E 4 9 4th Florence E. Browne false
[Sept] 10 740 886 20060 Robert Johns 24 M E 3 7 1st Wainwright & Son true
[Sept] 10 741 19981 Mahala Randall 424 St. Nicholas Ave. 24 F Mahala Randall E 1 36 1st Rodney Dade true
[Sept] 11 741 19296 E. Eddie Curry 33 M Essick Curry E 8 35 1st Perkins Memorial Chap. true Removed from 10-11-E
[Sept] 11 742 887 20121 William Lucas 46 M E 11 10 3rd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. false
[Sept] 12 743 888 20159 Alice Smith 30 F E 11 10 4th Littlejohn - Ingram true
[Sept] 13 744 889 20212 Gertrude Thorpe 43 F E 12 10 3rd Wainwright & Son true
[Sept] 13 745 890 20157 Rosaline Shorten 45 F E 3 7 2nd Mt. Morris-Jaudon true
[Sept] 13 746 891 Sist no. 5903 Annie Thompson 31 N. 5th Avenue-Mt. Vernon-N.Y. 47 F E 3 7 3rd O. Milton Closson true
[Sept] 14 747 892 20236 Lillian O'Kane 6 7 6 F E 5 9 1st Wainwright & Son true
[Sept] 14 748 Dist no. 5905 Arthur Hargrave 38 4 5 M Charles Hargrave E 2 36 1st Walton Fredericks true
[Sept] 16 749 20362 Millicent A. Clarke 271 West 117 Street 49 F Estelle Clarke E 3 36 1st Florence Williams true
[Sept] 17 750 893 14079 Laura Gordon 29 F E 4 7 1st Florence Browne true
[Sept] 17 751 Reg no. 22; Dist no. 5910 Purnell Smith Ossining, n.y 24 M Julia Smith E 9 35 1st Littlejohn - Ingram true
[Sept] 17 752 894 20469 Charles Simpson 2467 Eight avenue 25 M E 12 10 4th Henry W Payne true Check Mark Crossed Out
[Sept] 17 753 895 20344 Elizabeth Paschel 14 F E 4 7 2nd Mt. Morris Jaudon true
[Sept] 17 754 896 19102 Sadie Brown 570 Blake Ave-Bklyn 44 F E 4 7 3rd Richard J. King true
[Sept] 18 755 897 20486 Nathaniel Bryant 28 M E 5 9 2nd George A. Benton true
[Sept] 18 756 898 20422 Elizabeth Williams 68 F E 5 9 3rd George Fulcher true
[Sept] 18 757 899 20308 Joe Rodriquez 50 M E 3 7 4th Turner Und. & Emb. Co. false
[Sept] 18 758 901 20436 George Smith 227 West 62nd Street 23 M E 5 9 4th Mt. Morris Fun. Chapel true
[Sept] 19 759 902 20394 Anna Humphreys 50 F E 4 7 4th Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[Sept] 19 760 903 20525 James Thompson 44 M E 13 10 1st Mickey Funeral Service true
[Sept] 19 761 904 20515 Adam Gordon 75 M E 13 10 2nd Le Garr & Kelsey Co. true
[Sept] 21 762 905 20724 Julia Bostick 2127 Madison Ave. 50 F E 13 10 3rd Wainwright & Son false
[Sept] 22 763 1830 Eunice Wilkins 15 6 10 F Eunice Wilkins (sr) E 4 36 1st Walton Frederick true
[Sept] 23 764 906 20690 Charles Mason 79 Old Broadway 58 M E 3 5 1st Mickey Fun. Service true
[Sept] 23 765 907 897 Oscar Holmes N. Hornell, N.Y. 24 M E 3 5 2nd Wainwright & Son true

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