Untitled Page 26




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year: 1937

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Oct 11 798 933 22053 Richard Oxford 15 M E 15 10 2nd Clara E. Ford true
[Oct] 12 799 934 22054 Theodore McLaughlin 27 M E 15 10 3rd Clara E. Ford true
[Oct] 12 800 22127 Marvin Hunter 38 M Harriet Hunter E 15 35 1st Littlejohn & Ingram true
[Oct] 13 801 935 22112 Heslean Cooper 2 F E 15 10 4th David Jaudon Inc. true Baby Grave
[Oct] 15 802 936 9581 Irene Thomas Brooks 36 F E 7 7 1st Perkins Mem. Chapel true
[Oct] 15 803 937 22229 Louise Casey Norton 39 F E 7 7 2nd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[Oct] 16 804 938 22402 Daisy Jackson 303 West 154 Street 43 F Thomas Jackson E 7 36 1st Carr Funeral Services true
[Oct] 16 805 938 22386 Palice Thompson 147 West 117 Street 58 F E 7 7 3rd Richard J. King true
[Oct] 18 806 22552 Lily Jones 111 1/2 West 115 Street 31 F Marie Jones E 16 35 1st Wainwright & Son true
[Oct] 18 807 939 22460 Thelma Morris 18 F E 7 9 1st Henry W. Payne true
[Oct] 19 808 940 2004 John Brown 50 1 M E 7 7 4th Rodney Dade false
[Oct] 19 809 941 22655 Ignesita C. Seon 282 Lenox Avenue 35 F E 7 9 2nd Arthur Brisbane false D 35. oversized
[Oct] 19 810 942 22632 Blanch Hudson 161 West 129 Street 50 F E 7 9 3rd A. J. Hylton true
[Oct] 20 811 22523 Mamie Alston 2127 Madison Avenue 59 F William Harris E 8 36 1st Clarence Mitchell true
[Oct] 20 812 943 22662 Martha Wilson 305 West 142 Street 45 F E 5 5 1st L. Purchase Weaver true
[Oct] 21 813 22583 Marie Walker 26 F Elizabeth Moore E 17 35 1st Walton Frederick true
[Oct] 21 814 944 Dist No. 5110 Reg. No. 342 Heny Cuthbert Central Islip, N.Y. 47 7 26 M E 5 5 2nd Fred M. Williams true
[Oct] 21 815 22553 William Hamilton Sr. 850 Morris Avenue Bronx, N.Y. 59 M William Hamilton E 12 40 1st Turner Und. & Emb. Co. true pd. $10 - pd 20. bal. $25.
[Oct] 22 816 22713 Edward W. Smith 60 West 147 Street 51 M Margaret Smith E 9 36 1st Effie A. Miller false
[Oct] 21 817 945 22843 Edward Jones 207 East 99 Street 65 M E 5 5 3rd Thomas H. Kinton false
[Oct] 23 818 946 9880 Virginia Hamilton 19 F E 5 5 4th David Jaudon, Inc. true
[Oct] 23 819 947 21512 Wenera Cook 47 F E 8 7 1st Florence Williams true
[Oct] 23 820 3440 void 948 22864 Clarence Brown 42 M E 8 7 2nd Clara E. Ford true
[Oct] 25 821 949 22954 Emma L. Rouse 259 West 134 Street 80 F E 8 7 3rd Wainwright & Son true
[Oct] 25 822 950 23049 Ella Brown 227 West 59th Street 81 F E 8 7 4th Littlejohn & Ingram true
[Oct] 26 823 951 23025 Ruby Simmons 24 F E 6 5 1st Mamie Rhodmon false
[Oct] 26 824 952 23079 Rosetta Robinson 52 F E 6 5 2nd Mickey Funeral Service, Inc. true
[Oct] 27 825 953 23031 Henry Hart 43 M Lelia H Green "C"E 149 5 7 Sub C 9 1st 4th Perkins Mem. Chap true 6/12/38 Removal
[Oct] 27 826 954 23039 Robert McKenzie 44 M E 6 5 3rd David Jaudon, Inc true
[Oct] 29 827 955 23235 Sarah Smith 54 F E 9 7 1st Rodney Dade true
[Oct] 29 828 Transit 1024 Albert McGill Joliet, Illinois 25 M Margaret Banner E 13 40 1st Wainwright & Son true
[Oct] 30 829 23423 Rachael Beech 27 Barney Beech E 18 35 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true Female- Not Indicated on Record

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