Untitled Page 31




Status: Complete

year: 1938

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Jan 21 957 1063 1557 Benjamin Williams Sr. 151 West 117 Street 54 M E 13 6 2nd Mickey Funeral Service Inc. true
[Jan] 22 958 1064 1646 Louise Jackson 117 Jefferson Ave., Bklyn 59 F E 13 6 3rd Dillard Fun. Home true
[Jan] 22 959 1503 Kats Whiting 231 West 141 Street 44 M Ida Whiting E 3 33 1st L.L. Debnam true
[Jan] 22 960 1065 1482 Maggie Jackson 45 F E 13 6 4th Wainwright & Son true
[Jan] 24 961 1066 1877 Clara Baker 71 F E 6 4 1st L. Purchase Weaver true
[Jan] 26 962 1067 2018 Milton Sullivan 11 East 131 Street 21 M E 6 4 2nd Clara E. Ford true
[Jan] 26 963 1068 1914 Frank Wood 63 M E 6 4 3rd Turner Und. & Emb. Co. false
[Jan] 27 964 1069 2095 Clinton Bailey 27 M E 14 6 1st L. Purchase Weaver true
[Jan] 28 965 1070 2153 Orphelia Baylor 64 F E 6 4 4th Robert W. Finley true
[Jan] 28 966 2148 Ada Grant 50 F Felix Grant E 17 36 1st Claudius P. Sterrett true
[Jan] 29 967 1071 2286 Edward McGint 10 M E 2 17 7th David M. Jaudon, Inc. true 2'6' Baby grave Yrs and Days were marked with an "X"
[Jan] 30 968 1072 2392 Charity Andrews 138 East 117 Street 78 F E 14 6 2nd Mickey Funeral Service true
[Jan] 31 969 1073 197 Royal Parker 42 8 29 I? E 14 6 3rd Lafayette Rogers true
[Jan] 31 970 1074 2187 Callie Davis 6 14 F E 14 6 4th Florence E. Brown true "E" [?} written under Days
Feb. 1 971 1075 2555 Burgess Sharp 30 M E 7 4 1st Henry W. Payne true
[Feb] 2 972 1 2573 Francis S. Carrington 2091 Madison Avenue 45 M Duncan Bros. E 18 36 1st Duncan Bros. true
[Feb] 2 973 1076 Disinterment Per 35, 2457 Mary Archer 21 West 131 Street 23 F Olive Moore E "C" 211 151 6Sub A 1st Turner Und. & Emb. Co true Removal 8/14/38
[Feb] 4 974 1077 2770 Josephine Jackson 46 F E 15 6 2nd Rodney Dade, Inc. true
[Feb] 5 975 1078 2719 Minnie Monteria 122 Bradhurst Ave. 52 9 F E 15 6 3rd A.J. Hylton false Days was marked with an "X"
[Feb] 7 976 1079 Reg. No 66; Dist No 5112 Dennis Sherman 35 4 28 M E 14 9 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. false
[Feb] 7 977 1080 2833 Lucius Smith 24 M E 14 9 2nd Fred M. Williams true
[Feb] 8 978 1081 3124 John Bullock 67 M E 15 6 4th Rodney Dade, Inc. true
[Feb] 8 979 1082 3063 Leroy Edwards 26 M E 14 9 3rd Effie Miller true
[Feb] 8 980 1083 3142 Nathan Ivy 58 M E 14 9 4th Henry W. Payne true
[Feb] 8 981 1084 3060 Henry Butler 83 M Maud Jackson E 1 53 2nd Littlejohn-Ingram true Reopening
[Feb] 9 982 1085 3076 Lily May Smith 5 F E 15 11 4th M. Ross true Baby grave Month and Days were marked with an "X"
[Feb] 9 983 1086 1002 Emily Thomas 43 F E 7 4 2nd Dillard Funeral Home true
[Feb] 10 984 1087 3082 Iveon Francis 40 M E 7 4 3rd A.J. Hylton true
[Feb] 10 985 1088 3080 Ioner Davis 47 F E 7 4 4th Lafayette Rogers (United) true
[Feb] 11 986 3250 Arthur Carter 42 M E 4 33 1st Rodney Dade true
[Feb] 12 987 1089 3343 Beatrice Bates 46 F E 15 9 1st Norman B. Sterrett false $4 allow
[Feb] 12 988 3387 Willette Rowe 48 F Elizabeth Johnson E 19 36 1st Littlejohn-Ingram true

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