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year: 1938

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
FEB 12 989 1090 1472 Clara Spears 31 F E 15 9 2nd Community Fun. Home false
[Feb] 12 990 1091 3372 Edward Crossman 42 M E 15 9 3rd Eric C. Phillips true
[Feb] 15 991 1092 3520 Napolean Parrish 271 West 140 Street 59 M E 15 9 4th Rodney Dade, Inc. false
[Feb] 15 992 1093 302 Teontha Woods 37 11 15 F E 8 4 1st Turner Und. & Enb. Co. false
[Feb] 16 993 3590 Reginald James Furbert 67 M Anna Furbert E 5 33 1st Mc Millon & Miller true
[Feb] 17 994 316 Garland H. Bolden 27 7 13 M Anna L. Harris E 6 33 1st Anna L. Harris true
[Feb] 19 995 3892 Gertrude Coldwell 38 F Georgiana Lennox E 7 33 1st Walton Frederick true
[Feb] 19 996 1094 2324 3517 Lillie Hicks 74 F E 8 4 2nd Claudius P. Sterrett false $3 allow
[Feb] 20 997 1095 3961 Jennie Gadsden 236 West 134 Street 66 F E 8 4 3rd David Jaudon, Inc true
[Feb] 21 998 1096 4126 Robert Mc Cullum 57 M E 16 6 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true
2/22 999 1097 Reg. 325, Dist. 4312 John Sherman Orangeburg, N.Y. 55 23 M E 16 6 2nd Fred. M. Williams true There was an "X" under Months
[Feb] 22 1000 1098 4136 Una Jackson 2166 Fifth Avenue 36 F E 16 6 3rd Mickey Fun. Service false
[Feb] 23 1001 1101 366 Eulalie Lewis 281 West 140 Street 13 6 11 F E 16 9 1st Perkins Mom. Chapel true allow. $3
[Feb] 23 1002 1102 4207 Lucy Carter 16 West 137 Street 62 F E 16 9 2nd Estwick Bros. false
[Feb] 23 1003 1103 4240 Julia Smith 172 West 135 Street 61 F E 16 9 3rd Rodney Dade Inc. false
[Feb] 24 1004 1104 4083 Russell Johnson 125 West 141 Street 21 8 M E 8 4 4th Henry W. Payne true There was an "X" under Days
[Feb] 24 1005 1105 4260 Etta Honton 408 West 154 Street 57 F E 16 9 4th Henry W. Payne true
[Feb] 24 1006 1106 4241 Belle Bradley 371 West 119 Street 50 F E 17 6 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true
[Feb] 24 1007 1107 4245 Issac Hammond 235 East 127 Street 54 M E 17 6 2nd M. Ross false
[Feb] 25 1008 1108 4271 Evelyn Jones 58 East 120 Street 23 10 23 F E 15 9 5th Mickey Fun. Service true
[Feb] 25 1009 1109 4242 Christine Keith 56 F E 17 6 3rd David Jaudon Inc. true
[Feb] 26 1010 1110 4455 Jennie Mc Natt 25 F E 17 6 4th Effie A. Miller false
[Feb] 26 1011 1111 4301 Elsie Marshall 36 East 138 Street 45 F E 9 4 1st Robert S. Moore true
[Feb] 26 1012 1112 4429 Fannie Graham 33 F E 8 4 5th Mickey Fun. Service false
[Feb] 27 1013 1113 Bronx Mary Garnett 1147 Prospect Ave - Bronx 37 F E 9 4 2nd Levy & Delaney F.H. true
[Feb] 28 1014 1114 4349 Helen Green 2447 Eighth Avenue 53 F E 9 4 3rd David Jaudon, Inc. true
MAR 1 1015 4643 Frances Barbour 63 F Gertrude Wall E 8 33 1st A. J. Hylton true
[Mar] 1 1016 1115 1931 James Tigner 259 West 144 Street 51 M E 9 4 th Turner Und. & Enb. Co. true
[Mar] 2 1017 1116 4526 Minnie Holmes 101 West 141 Street 33 F E 18 6 3rd Clara E. Ford true Top Int. Requested
[Mar] 3 1018 4672 Louis Bristol Hunter 2474 Eighth Avenue 48 M Georgia Hunter E 18 39 1st Clarence Mitchell true
[Mar] 3 1019 1118 2060 Harrison Cavness 895 East 167 St. Bronx 75 M E 18 6 1st Wainwright & Son true [Recpt. 117]
[Mar] 3 1020 1119 4768 Floyd Seaborn 60 West 129 Street 38 M E 18 6 2nd George Fulcher true

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