Untitled Page 33




Status: Complete

year: 1938

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Mar. 3 1021 1120 4663 Andrew Jenkins 208 West 64 Street 55 M E 1 3 1st David Jaudon, Inc. true
[Mar] 3 1022 4654 Mary Long 2411 Seventh Avenue 61 F Rosa Long E 9 33 1st Claudius P. Sterrett true
[Mar] 3 1023 1121 4771 Lillian Cox 488 Lenox Avenue 41 F E 1 3 2nd Clarence Mitchell true $2. allow.
[Mar] 5 1024 1122 2075 Dempsey Blount 29 M E 19 6 1st Perkins Mem. Chapel true
[Mar] 5 1025 1123 4933 Florence Dyson 152 West 143 Street 48 F E 1 3 3rd Walton Frederick true
[Mar] 6 1026 1124 2193 Jannie Salley 1130 Union Ave.-Bronx 19 M E 19 6 2nd Granville O. Paris true
[Mar] 7 1027 1125 5151 William Johnson 6 M E 18 6 4th Littlejohn & Ingram true child There are dashes under Month and Day
[Mar] 8 1028 1126 5266 Artinsia Johnson 173 West 133 Street 40 F E 10 4 1st Anna E. Sewell true
[Mar] 9 1029 1127 5268 Cora Corbin 463 Manhattan Ave. 72 F E 2 3 1st Perkins Mem. Chapel true
[Mar] 9 1030 1128 5264 Annie Maria Hall 264 West 144 Street 56 F E 10 4 2nd Mamie Rhodman true
[Mar] 10 1031 1129 5464 Lucien Turner 242 Lenox Avenue 67 M E 10 4 3rd Littlejohn & Ingram true
[Mar] 11 1032 1130 5392 Minnie Carswell 130 West 143 Street 44 F E 19 6 3rd Clarence Mitchell false
[Mar] 12 1033 1131 5609 Richard Daniels 17 East 113 Street 6 weeks M E 15 11 5th Wainwright & Son true Baby
[Mar] 12 1034 5593 Augustus Smith 48 M Elna Smith E 19 39 1st LeGarr & Kelsey true
[Mar] 14 1035 1132 5748 Joseph Smith 225 West 62 Street 62 M E 2 3 2nd Rodney Dade, Inc. true
[Mar] 14 1036 1133 5543 Pan Goodin 74 M E 11 5 5th Tunner Und & Emb Co. false
[Mar] 15 1037 1134 Dist. 4312; Reg. 344 Grady Robinson Orangeburg, N.Y. 35 8 21 M E 2 3 3rd Effie A. Miller true
[Mar] 15 1038 1135 2496 Mary Louise Hudson 553 East 132 Street 6 F E 19 6 4th Clara E. Ford true child 5' X 24
[Mar] 15 1039 1136 5284 Patrick Calloway 30 M E 2 3 4th David Jaudon, Inc. true morgue box
[Mar] 16 1040 1137 5827 Edward Mills 165 West 136 Street 84 M E 12 5 1st Levy and Delaney true
[Mar] 18 1041 5839 Florence Robinson 31 Carlton Ave- Bklyn 67 F Eva Smallen "F" 2 35 1st Tunner Und. & Emb. Co. true
[Mar] 18 1042 1138 6108 Adele Boots 26 F E 12 5 2nd Wainwright & Son true $3. allow.
[Mar] 18 1043 1139 5981 Joseph Mitchell 92 West 134 Street 22 M E 12 5 3rd Florence Browne true
[Mar] 18 1044 6122 Claude Cobb M Charlotte White E 20 39 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true
[Mar] 19 1045 1140 6041 Fannie Jones 2329 Third Avenue 62 F E 3 3 1st M. S. Ross true
[Mar] 19 1046 1141 6209 Dorothy Doyle 11 1/2 F E 15 11 6th Henry W. Payne true Baby
[Mar] 19 1047 1142 6210 Clarence Mack 208 West 64 Street 59 M E 3 3 2nd Rodney Dade, Inc. true
[Mar] 19 1048 1143 6054 Andrew White 232 West 130 Street 58 M Wilhelmiena Polite "C" E 186 5 3 sub "c" 3 1 st 3rd David M. Jaudon Inc. true 4/22/38; Removal
[Mar] 21 1049 1144 6162 Hannah Bayer 340 West 59 Street 69 F E 3 3 3rd 4th Wainwright & Son true
[Mar] 22 1050 1145 6471 Ceceille Johnson 6 F E 15 11 7th Mickey Funeral Service false Baby There is an "X" under Years and Day
[Mar]23 1051 1146 6268 Caroline Minkenson 67 F E 13 5 1st Wainwright & Son false $3. allow.
[Mar]23 1052 1147 6505 Hattie Green 356 West 126 Street 44 E 4 3 1st McMillan & Miller true

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