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Status: Complete

year: 1938

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
"(Mar) 24 1053 1148 6524 Lucy Faulk 311 West 121 Street 61 F E 4 3 2nd Perkins Mem. Chapel true
"(Mar) 24 1054 1149 6597 Stella Crawford 40 St. Nicholas Place 52 F E 13 5 2nd Duncan Brothers true
"(Mar) 25 1055 6601 Ralph Money 14 Morningside Ave. 68 M Mabel Morey E 21 39 1st Marion Daniels & Son true
"(Mar) 25 1056 1150 6687 Carrie Taliaferra 41 F E 13 5 3rd Wainwright & Son true
"(Mar) 25 1057 1152 Brooklyn Charles Grant James 168 Adelphi St. Bklyn 35 M E 13 5 4th Lafayette Rogers true
"(Mar) 26 1058 6784 Anna Johnson 2568 Seventh Ave. 61 F James Johnson E 10 33 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true
"(Mar) 26 1059 6548 John Williams 1980 Seventh Ave. 58 M Mary Williams E 20 36 1st A.J. Hylton true
"(Mar) 26 1060 1153 Dist.no.3510; Reg.No.60 Harriet Martin Middletown, N.Y. 28 4 F Mamie Rhodmon "C" 243 6 Sub C 2nd Mamie Rhodmon true Opening There is an "X" under Days
"(Mar) 26 1061 1154 6664 Wilma Greines 2 8 F E 1 9 5th David Saudon, Inc. true Baby There is an "X" under Days
"(Mar) 25 1062 1151 6598 Joyce Swain 2 3 F E 1 9 4th Duncan Bros. true Baby There is an "X" under Days
"(Mar) 26 1063 1155 6836 Olivia Tyler 57 F E 4 3 3rd Wainwright & Son true $3. allow
"(Mar) 28 1064 1156 6917 George Griffith 5 M E 14 14 4th Levy & Delaney false Baby 2'
"(Mar) 29 1065 1157 6916 Georgia Martin F E 4 3 4th Levy & Delaney true There are dashes under every date field
"(Mar) 30 1066 1158 6936 Marian N. Foote 129 West 115 Street 39 F E 1 8 1st A.J. Hylton true
"(Mar) 30 1067 1159 7024 William Carter 37 M E 1 8 2nd Clara E. Ford true
"(Mar) 30 1068 1160 7036 Thomas Heywood 37 M E 1 8 3rd McMillan & Miller true
"(Mar) 31 1069 7169 Leocadia Bryan 75 F ? Adina Bryan E 7 38 1st N.B. Stennett true
"(Mar) 31 1070 1161 7133 Alice Reid 320 St. Nicholas Ave. 4 F E 1 10 6th Littlejohn & Ingram true Child 57' X 20
"(Apr) 1 1071 1162 7144 Taulton White 72 M E 14 5 1st M. Ross true
"(Apr) 3 1072 1163 3159 Vivian Mebane 27 F E 14 5 2nd Henry W. Payne true $5 for Sunday
"(Apr) 3 1073 1164 7294 Mary Atmore 59 F E 14 5 3rd N.B. Stennett true $3. for Sunday
"(Apr) 4 1074 1165 7375 David Scott 43 M E 14 5 4th McMillan & Miller true
"(Apr) 4 1075 # 7484 Samuel Pope 366 West 117 Street 5 5 13 M Edward Pope "C"; E 205 815 38 1st Duncan Bros. true Removed to plot Unsure if "E" or "C" was meant to be crossed out
"(Apr) 4 1076 1166 7337 Arthur Rhodes 29 M E 1 8 4th George Fulcher true
"(Apr) 6 1077 1167 7510 Daisy Brinley 44 F E 5 3 1st Claudius P. Stennett true
"(Apr) 6 1078 1168 7471 Julia Williams 48 West 132 Street 43 F E 5 3 2nd Florence E. Browne true
"(Apr) 6 1079 1169 7464 Helen B. Harris 37 F E 5 3 3rd Tunner Und. & Emb. Co. true
"(Apr) 7 1080 7549 Anna Penible 68 F Fannie Penible E 21 36 1st A.J. Hylton true
"(Apr) 7 1081 1170 Disinterred Ped. No. 25 Monroe Atkins M E 2 8 1st N.B. Stennett false Disinterred from city cemetery There are dashes under every date field
"(Apr) 7 1082 1171 7596 Willie Morton 59 West 139 St. 43 F ? E 2 8 2nd Rodney Dade, Inc. true
"(Apr) 7 1083 1172 Dist No.4312; Reg.no.75 Louise Murray (Frazier) Orangeburg, N.Y. 38 7 29 F E 2 8 3rd Wainwright & Son true
"(Apr) 7 1084 3347 James Hunt 40 M Vera Hunt E 13 33 1st Littlejohn & Ingram true

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