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Year: 1945

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
June 1 5830 12088 John Sebastian 17 Easr 118 Street 53 M H 58 22 3rd Leroy Green true
"[June] 1 5831 12050 Fannie Thomas 2484 Seventh Ave. 65 F Fannie Thomas (deceased) D 23 10 2nd Lee P Weaver true Re-op
"[June] 2 5832 12195 Elizabeth Freeman 2825 8th Avenue 50 F Florence Curtis E 1 37 3rd Claudius P Sterrett true Re-op Final
"[June] 4 5833 8142 Nathaniel Henry 66 M H 58 22 4th Arthur Brisbane true
"[June] 5 5834 11416 Samuel J Hazel 300 St. James Pl., Bklyn. 63 9 19 M Archibald & Mary Millard F 13 52 1st Edward J. Robeson true op
"[June] 6 5835 12572 Edith Harris 40 Morningside Ave. 56 9 25 F Ella Rainer D 29 10 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true
"[June] 6 5836 Transit 700 Joseph Simon 121 Newton St., Newark, NJ 79 M Louise Hendrickson D 19 11 1st Robert Finley true
"[June] 8 5837 12727 John Patterson 213 West 140 Street 64 1 22 M Lola Patterson D 20 11 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true
"[June] 8 5838 5671 Bessie Jordan 639 East 169 Street 50 5 24 F William Jordan D 30 10 1st Lee P Weaver true
"[June] 9 5839 12664 Herman Marshall 66 West 134 Street 60 3 11 M H 10 20 1st Zebb V Kennedy true
"[June] 9 5840 12802 John Bullock 287 West 110 Street 37 M H 10 20 2nd Clinton Brooks true
"[June] 11 5841 12844 Irma Smith 250 West 154 Street 21 1 12 F H 10 20 3rd David M Jaudon true
"[June] 12 5842 12990 Simon Smalls 68 M H 20 21 1st Rodney Dade, Inc. true
"[June] 13 5843 12931 Daisy Butler 461 West 141 Street 33 F H 10 20 4th James Veal, Inc. true
"[June] 13 5844 13179 Arthur Clark 167 West 133 Street 49 11 21 M H 20 21 2nd S. McMillan Inc. true
"[June] 14 5845 6006 Jacqueline Leamus 943 Prospect Ave., Bx. 9 F H 66 13 5th Edith Jackson true Baby
"[June] 14 5846 13126 Maggie White Purnell 1986 Amsterdam Ave. 75 16 F H 20 21 3rd Perkins Mem. Chap. true
"[June] 15 5847 13262 Ernest Lyons 210 West 63rd Street 40 5 18 M H 57 22 1st Wainwright & Son true
"[June] 15 5848 13243 Mattie Evans 104 West 114 Street 43 2 2 F H 57 22 2nd M.A. Daniels & Sons true
"[June] 16 5849 13367 James Henderson 224 West 141 St4reet 49 M H 20 21 4th Lee P Weaver true
"[June] 18 5850 13354 Harriett Williams 307 West 153 Street 68 F H 57 22 3rd Clinton Brooks true
"[June] 18 5851 13582 Israel Burney 310 West 150 Street 62 2 25 M H 57 22 4th Lee P Weaver true
"[June] 18 5852 4856 Minnie Boyd 877a Gates Avenuem Bklyn. 72 6 9 F Minnie Boyd (deceased) F 1 26 2nd David Lane true Re-op
"[June] 19 5853 6138 Tony Smith 37-81 Third Avenue, Bx. 4 M H 61 14 5th Clara E Ford false Child
"[June] 20 5854 13557 Roland Case 311 West 126 Street 38 M H 9 20 1st Lee P Weaver true
"[June] 20 5855 13728 Vincent Thompson 14-16 West 127 Street 4 1 29 M Mattie Canty H 7 C 3rd Lafayette Rogers true Final Int.
"[June] 20 5856 13791 Mary John 1235 Grand Concourse, Bx. 45 5 21 F H 9 20 2nd Wainwright & Son true
"[June] 21 5857 13854 Matthew Fuller 298 West 138 Street 69 M Frank Fuller D 36 9 1st Lee P Weaver true
"[June] 22 5858 14034 Mattie Dunn 2328 Seventh Avenue 64 10 22 F H 9 20 3rd Rodney Dade, Inc. true
"[June] 22 5859 13556 Gus Adams 19 M H 9 20 4th David Jaudon, Inc. false
"[June] 23 5860 6360 Jerome Brown 818 East 167 St., Bx. 66 7 15 M H 19 21 1st Thomas A Warner true
"[June] 23 5861 14057 Lottie Robinson 233 East 127 Street 77 5 29 F H 19 21 2nd Wainwright & Son true

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Denise Giachetta-Ryan

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