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Year: 1960

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Aug 17 18607 17307 William Garnett 216 East 127th Street 78 M I 59 41 1 St Helena Funeral H false
"[Aug] 17 18608 17292 Catherine Bantum 411 Manhattan Avenue 76 F Pearl Scott D 55 39 1 Est of PHillip P Kelsey Jr true
"[Aug] 18 18609 16282 Margaret Evelyn Scott 1220 Gates Avenue, Bklyn 48 F I 59 41 2 James Veal, Inc false
"[Aug] 18 18610 17528 James Davis 56 East 117th Street 37 M I 59 41 3 Griffin Peters Fun Home false
"[Aug] 18 18611 17448 James Walker 356 West 145th Street 91 M I 59 41 4 Butler Funeral Home true
"[Aug] 19 18612 17526 Charlie Wright 320 St Nicholas Avenue 50 M I 59 41 5 Trumbo Fun Chapel true
"[Aug] 19 18613 17621 Eldred Herron 41-51 Convent Avenue 49 M I 54 40 1 Marcus Jackson false
"[Aug] 19 18614 17594 Ralph Warren 320 St Nicholas Avenue 75 M I 54 40 2 David M Jaudon, Inc false
"[Aug] 19 18615 17527 Pearl Streeter 1 West 126th Street 60 F I 54 40 3 Griffin PEters Fun Home false
"[Aug] 19 18616 17569 William Fox AKA William Fax 141 West 110th Street 69 M I 54 40 4 Rolfe Daniels false
"[Aug] 20 18617 9470 Tony Dyln 50-13 101st St., Elmhurst NY 87 M I 54 40 5 Harry C Sease false
"[Aug] 20 18618 17215 Elmo Dowens 27 West 118th Street 52 M I 40 38 1 Marcus Jackson false
"[Aug] 20 18619 16423 Lottie White 33 Schnectady Ave., Bklyn 76 F John Coleman F 25 10 1 Phili[ A Calaway true opening
"[Aug] 22 18620 17639 Susan Jonse 1688 Oark Avenue 65 F Hattie Morrison D 56 39 1 Peter J Lance true
"[Aug] 22 18621 Dist no 5194 Reg No 653 Minnie Perryman 4 East 117th Street 85 F I 40 38 2 George L Jones false
"[Aug] 22 18622 17690 Louis Stephens 57 East 122nd Street 61 M I 40 38 3 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc false
"[Aug] 23 18623 17792 Estelle Campbell 1350 Fifth Avenue 41 F Theodore Campbell D 49 40 1 Charles N Lloyd true
"[Aug] 24 18624 17862 Eva Mercer 43 West 129th Street 56 F Rev John L Givens C 256 5 Sub B 2 Odessa M Bailey true Plot Re-op
"[Aug] 25 18625 Henry Mitchell 444 West 163rd Street 67 M I 40 38 4 Unity Funeral Home false
"[Aug] 25 18626 8791 Alice Burks Marshall Texas 1 F G 10 30 6 Thomas N Cox false BAby
"[Aug] 25 18627 17991 Anthony Bowen 129 East 130th Street 1 3 M G 10 30 7 Peter J Lance true Baby
"[Aug] 26 18628 8748 Silas Hill 1426 Crotona Ave,. Bx 64 M I 47 39 1 Marcus Jackson false
"[Aug] 26 18629 17937 Richard J Lawton 445 West 125th Street 52 M I 40 38 5 Wainwright & Son, Inc true
"[Aug] 26 18630 17956 Susie McClellan 45 East 131st Street 74 F Susan McClellan (Dec) H 30 W 3 Roy L Brown true Re-op
"[Aug] 26 18631 16923 Aizonia Dildy 471 Hancock St., Bklyn 71 James Dildy D 50 40 1 H R Hurd Jr., Fun Home, INc true
"[Aug] 27 18632 18048 Lincoln 187 Lenox Avenue 60 M I 47 39 2 Mickey Funeral Ser true
"[Aug] 27 18633 16794 Robert S Robinson 180 Troy Avenue, Bklyn 60 M I 47 39 3 Dorothy Y Chapman & Son true
"[Aug] 27 18634 17979 Ernest A Wynn 155 West 143nd Street 44 M I 47 39 4 George L Jones true
"[Aug] 27 18635 18047 Sarah Smith 450 Manhatta Ave 53 F I 53 40 1 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc false
"[Aug] 27 18636 18039 Charles Wilder 259 West 153rd St 30 M I 53 40 2 George H Richards true
"[Aug] 29 18637 18252 Mabel White 5 West 103rd Street 50 F I 53 40 3 Griffin PEters FUn Home false
"[Aug] 30 18638 17054 Lottie Williams 159 Bay 19th St Bathbeach Bklyn, NY 60 F I 53 40 4 Walter J Cogar true

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