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Year: 1961

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
May 4 19468 4897 Dorothy Gentle 405 Cifton St. Norfolk, VA 20 F I 53 35 3 Marcus Jackson false
"[May] 4 19469 10077 William Lawrence 372 W. 116t Street 55 M I 36 36 1 Peter J. Lance true
"[May] 4 19470 10091 Maggie Williams 747 East 168th St. Brooklyn, NY 45 F I 36 36 2 Griffin-Peters Funeral Home false
"[May] 4 19471 9976 Margie Charlton 112 West 129th Street 75 F I 36 36 3 Wainwright & Son, Inc true
"[May] 5 19472 5468 Roosevelt James 188-14 Pineville Ln., Springfield Garden, N.Y. 57 M I 36 36 4 Peoples Funeral Home false
"[May] 5 19473 10087 James Johnson 144 Convent Ave (College View Nursing Home NY) 88 M I 32 35 1 William S. Rose false
"[May] 5 19474 9886 Christine Clark 206 West 9th Street 31 F I 32 35 2 McMillian & Hawkins F.H false
"[May] 5 19475 9889 Beulah Stevens 2449 8th Avenue 44 F I 32 35 3 Marcus Jackson false
"[May] 6 19476 Dist. 2590 Wanda Brisco 230 West 113th Street 1 F G 20 18 7 Imperial Funeral Home true Baby Baby
"[May] 6 19477 Req 118 Wendy Bradley 30 Church Street F G 20 18 8 I. H. Jefferson true Baby Baby
"[May] 6 19478 Dist. 5194 Req. 383 Ada Dupree 2911 Baruce Ave. Bronx, NY 76 F I 32 35 4 S. McMillan, Inc. true
"[May] 8 19479 4972 Ellen Swinton 1215 Union Ave. Bronx, NY 64 F I 22 34 1 Peter J. Lance true
"[May] 8 19480 10092 Ora Ware 4 Mt. Morris Park, NY 71 F I 22 34 2 Griffin Peters F. H false
"[May] 9 19481 Dist. 5906 Felicia Jackson 139 Maple Ave., Rye, NY 46 F I 22 34 3 Peter J. Lance true
"[May] 9 19482 9592 Arthur Morris 163 Decatur St. Brooklyn, NY 46 M E 34 35 2 Emmanuel Dillard & Son F.H true Re-op Mabel Ford
"[May] 10 19483 10490 Estelle Frazier 158 West 141st Street 52 F I 35 26 1 Elizabeth M. Smith false
"[May] 11 19484 10159 Laura Jonson 106 West 83rd Street 34 F I 35 36 2 Cooper's Fun Chapel false
"[May] 11 19485 Dist. 1392 Req. 14 Nathan Bevin Matthew State Hospital, 99 Beacon St. M I 35 36 3 Butler Funeral Home false
"[May] 12 19486 10571 Mabel Davin 68 West 138th Street 48 F I 35 36 4 Mickey Funeral Serv. Inc. true
"[May] 13 19487 10716 Gladys E. Byrd 19 West 122nd Street 53 F Mildred Monroe D 53 12 1 Wallace L. Jones true
"[May] 13 19488 5260 Andrew J Fain 1344 Wilkins Ave., Bx 5 28 M G 17 18 7 Peoples Funeral Home false Baby
"[May] 13 19489 5228 Sam Small 947 East 217th Street, Bx 72 M I 31 35 1 Walter H Wiley true
"[May] 13 19490 10749 Nelson Willioams 314 West 133rd Street 57 M I 31 35 2 Unity Funeral Home false
"[May] 13 19491 10566 Frederick Gardner 960 Fox Street Bronx 78 M I 31 35 3 George L JJones false
"[May] 15 19492 10723 Charles Clark 1100 Franklin Ave., Bx 48 M I 31 35 4 Thomas N Cox false
"[May] 15 19493 10872 Lenora Carter 2727 Eighth Avenue 70 F Lenora Carter Dec F 18 43 2 Jenkins Funreal Home true Re-op
"[May] 15 19494 10892 Sarah Solomon 315 East 102nd Street 61 F I 34 36 1 Peter J Lance true
"[May] 15 19495 10849 HAttie Scott 202 West 103rd Street 66 F I 34 36 2 Lee P Weaver true
"[May] 15 19496 10893 Ernest Nichols 21 West 137th Street 9 29 M G 10 18 6 Peter J Lance false Baby
"[May] 16 19497 5370 Pauline Drake 1320 Prospect Ave., Bx 87 F I 34 36 3 Walter H Wiley true
"[May] 16 19498 10641 John Coleman 421 East 102nd Street 48 M I 30 35 1 George L Jones false
"[May] 16 19499 10914 Carrie Bennett 410 East 105th Street 50 F I 30 35 2 Griffin Peters Fun H false

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