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Year: 1961

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
June 27 19, 628 14058 Darnell Smalls Hill 143 West 111th Street 1 18 M G 8 18 6 Cathedral Funeral Hoem false Baby Unsure of the significance of 19 in from of internment number
"[June] 27 19629 1109 Aaron Buckner 47 Wayne Court, Staten Island 6 M Leon Brent D 64 24 2 Kenneth E Billups Sr true Re-op
"[June] 27 19630 14074 Clinton Hillard 111 East 110th Street 49 M I 58 43 4 Manhattan Funeral Home true
"[June] 28 19631 1125 Moses Allen 37 Ely Street, Staten Island 55 M Ruth Allen D 54 11 1 Kenneth E Billups Sr true
"[June] 28 19632 13111 Cecil McKay 414 Macon Street, Bklyn 68 F Charlotte Bailey F 3 59 2 R S Saunders false
"[June] 28 19633 14107 Rachael Herriot 83 W 132nd Street 78 F Rachael Herriot (Dec) D 11 16 2 Mickey Funeral Service true Re-op
"[June] 28 19634 14193 Charles Barksdale 525 West 151st Steet 65 M I 39 37 1 David M Jaudon true
"[June] 28 19635 14174 Joseph Nelson 163 West 136th Street 77 M I 39 37 2 Charles N Lloyd false
"[June] 28 19636 14176 Maurice Perkins 2367 7th Avenue 46 M I 39 37 3 Georeg L Jones true
"[June] 28 19637 14052 Samuel Wallace 211 West 101th Street 55 M I 39 37 4 Griffin Peters Funeral false
"[June] 29 19638 14220 Alfred Hathway 203 W 119th Street 80 M Della Hathway D 56 12 1 David M Jaudo true
"[June] 30 19639 14305 Kelley Fleming 1751 Amsterdam Avenue 6 M G 8 18 7 Unity Funeral Home true Baby
"[June] 30 19640 14329 Mamie Martin 522 West 147th Street 59 F I 57 43 1 Trumbo's Funeral Home false
"[June] 30 19641 14173 Margaret Wilkerson 248 West 154th Street 22 F I 57 43 2 Imperial Funeral Home true
"[June] 30 19642 14388 Ernest E Adams 207 West 110th Street 61 M I 57 43 3 Allen W Brown false
July 1 19643 14425 Elijah Bucknight 36 W 117th Street 70 M I 57 43 4 Harlem Funeral Home false
"[July] 1 19644 14293 Wesley Jacobs 253 W 121st Street 19 M I 56 43 1 Riverton Funeral Home false
"[July] 1 19645 14264 Mary McInville 528 W 151st Street 69 F I 56 43 2 Harry C Sease true
"[July] 1 19646 14387 John Williams 219 W 123rd Street 71 M I 56 43 3 Lee P Weaver true
"[July] 1 19647 7074 Thelma Hall 828 Dawson St., Bx 46 F I 38 37 1 Haywood H Greene true
"[July] 1 19648 14267 William Arnold AKA Arnold Williams 160 Bleecker Street 63 M I 38 37 2 Harry C Sease false
"[July] 1 19649 14298 John Jenkins 75 W 124th Street 33 M I 38 37 3 Peter J Lance true
"[July] 1 19650 14256 Harry Jubilee 345 W 145th Street 53 M I 38 37 4 Rolfe Daniels true
"[July] 1 19651 14322 Mary Bill Hill 902 Union Ave, Bronx 76 F Julia Edmonson James D 65 31 2 Fred M Williams true Re-op
"[July] 3 19652 1145 Carrie Semple 202 St Paul Place, SI 62 F George Semple D 55 11 1 Kenneth E Billups, Sr true
"[July] 3 19653 14475 Lillie Mae Chatfield 2447 Eighth Avenue 44 F Dorothy Chatfield Smith D 57 12 1 Unity Funeral Home true
"[July] 3 19654 1155 Mazie Page 282 Franklin Avenue, SI 50 F Paul Page D 49 10 1 Kenneth E Billups Sr true
"[July] 3 19655 14392 Anna Simmons 8-10 W 117th Street 63 F I 37 37 1 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[July] 3 19656 14399 George W Jones 2283 Seventh Ave 52 M I 55 43 1 Griffin PEters FUn Home false
"[July] 5 19657 7174 Mildred Stovall 755 Jennings St., Bx 60 F I 37 37 2 Charles Rollerson true
"[July] 5 19658 14736 Robert Lee Hooks 301 W 134th Street 34 M I 37 37 3 George L Jones true
"[July] 5 19659 14615 Hery Plummer 11109 34th Ave., Corona, LI 57 M I 55 43 2 Lee P Weaver true

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