Frederick Douglass Memorial Park Permanent Record Books

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Permanent Record Book 2

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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
April 14 20743 8266 Anita Spears 256 West 123rd Street 2 14 F G 22 12 7 Riverton Fun Home false Baby
"[Apr] 16 20744 8034 Earl Pope 72 M I 64 41 1 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[Apr] 16 20745 8244 Anna May Berry 118 West 139th Street 49 F Eugene White D 49 6 1 Peter J Lance true
"[Apr] 16 20746 7964 Dorothy Bell Burant 54 Herkimer Place, Bklyn 41 F Evelyn Harrison D 67 8 1 Kings County Fun Home true
"[Apr] 17 20747 4349 Pearl Bunjan also Pearl Holly 1249 Tinton Ave., Bx 24 F I 64 41 2 Cannon Funeral Home false
"[Apr] 17 20748 8472 Sabrina McDuffen 68 West 118th Street 6 F G 25 11 6 S McMillan, Inc false Baby
"[Apr] 17 20749 743 Cheryl Linn McCombs 100 Lamport Blvd., SI, NY 9 26 F G 24 10 5 Kenneth E Billups, Sr true Baby
"[Apr] 17 20750 8307 Caralo Price 476 West 142nd Street 43 M I 64 34 1 Unity Fun Home, Inc false
"[Apr] 17 20751 4326 Jeanette Douglas 1833 Madison Avenue 90 F I 64 41 3 McCall's FUneral Home false
"[Apr] 17 20752 7941 Leon Smith 1949 Amsterdam Avenue 48 M I 64 41 4 Riverton Fun Home false
"[Apr] 18 20753 8370 Adeline Davis 165 West 129th Street 65 F Adelene Davis H 15 T 3 Paul P Lane true Re-op
"[Apr] 18 20754 4329 Patricia Dean 851 Cauldwell Ave., Bx 1 F G 24 10 6 Ioneze H Jefferson false Baby
"[Apr] 18 20755 8061 Albertha Bailey 444 Madison St., Bklyn 73 F Albertha Bailey F 6 12 1 Joseph H Mahood, Jr true Opening
"[Apr] 18 20756 4341 John S Givens, Jr 1 West 127th Street 56 M (Rev) John S Givens C 256 4 Sub B 2 Walter J Cogar true Plot Re-op
"[Apr] 18 20757 4287 James Brown 153 East 122nd Street 28 M I 64 34 2 George L Jones false
"[Apr] 18 20758 8601 Missouri Johnson 166 West 141st Street 75 F I 64 34 3 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[Apr] 19 20759 8475 Anna Galvin 30 Ridge Street 59 F I 68 39 1 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[Apr] 19 20760 8094 Arlene Griffin 784 Herkimer St., Bklyn 42 F I 64 34 4 William A Fletcher false
"[Apr] 19 20761 8508 Ruth Rodriquez 232 East 122nd Street 33 F I 64 5 Cooper's FUn Chapel false
"[Apr] 19 20762 8576 Lillie Hasty 45 West 132nd Street 42 F Zack Wilson D 9 24 3 Theodore E Scriven true re-op
"[Apr] 19 20763 Leanna August 268 Jersey St., SI, NY 57 F George Edwards D 60 34 2 Chambers Fun Home true Re-op
"[Apr] 20 20764 8782 William D Russell 124 West 117th Street 1 4 M G 21 11 9 Marcus Jackson false Baby
"[Apr] 20 20765 8783 Corrine Moore 67 West 137th Street 70 F I 65 41 1 Marcus Jackson false
"[Apr] 20 20766 8616 Martha Daniels 220 East 18th Street 21 F I 68 39 2 Mickey Fun Ser, Inc true
"[Apr] 20 20767 8711 Mary Davis 343 East 101st Street 80 F I 68 39 3 Trumbo's Fun Chapel true
"[Apr] 20 20768 8743 William Ed Washington 1176 Tinton Ave., Bx 47 M I 68 39 4 L Audrey Ward true
"[Apr] 20 20769 4436 Helen Blackwell 500 Trinity Ave., Bx 48 F I 65 41 2 Charles A Chambers false
"[Apr] 20 20770 8612 Susie Ramsey 300 West 153rd Street 83 F D 54 14 2 Edward M Fentress true Re-op
"[Apr] 20 20771 8555 George Erwin 77 East 119th Street 56 M D 68 8 1 Unity Fun Home true
"[Apr] 21 20772 8833 Alonzo Robinson 26 West 119th Street 71 M D 69 8 1 David M Jaudon, INc true
"[Apr] 21 20773 8640 Jennie Shipley 2340 Seventh Avenue 63 F I 65 34 1 M A Daniels & Sons, Inc false
"[Apr] 21 20774 8762 John Kilgore 128 West 117th Street 76 M I 65 34 2 Theodore E Scriven false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
April 21 20775 4478 Mary Jane Archer 1228 Union Ave., Bx 28 F I 65 34 3 Unity Fun Home, Inc true
"[Apr] 21 20776 8605 Bessie Jenkins 2441 Seventh Ave. 59 F I 65 41 3 Perkins Mem Chapel false
"[Apr] 21 20777 8830 Lewis Smith 271 West 144th Street 54 M I 65 41 4 Wilbur E Kendricks true
"[Apr] 21 20778 4492 William Brown 1056 Kelly St., Bx 51 M I 65 41 5 Peoples Fun Home false
"[Apr] 23 20779 5037 Barley Leroy Estwick 118-32 261st Pl, St Albans, LI, NY 27 M Helena Estwick E 1 52 2 Estwick Bros true Re-op
"[Apr] 23 20780 8478 Abraham BEaton 330 Reid Ave., Bklyn 59 M Doris Kennedy D 38 32 3 Estate of L.H Woodward true Re-op
"[Apr] 23 20781 8928 Ceasar Seabrook 127 West 129th Street 80 M I 66 41 1 David M Jaudon, INc true
"[Apr] 23 20782 8979 Irvin Johnson 145 St Nicholas Avenue 32 M I 66 41 2 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc false
"[Apr] 24 20783 9070 Indiana HArris 5 West 124th Street 49 F I 66 41 3 McCall's Fun Home false
"[Apr] 24 20784 8970 Paul Brown 2798 Eighth Avenue 72 M I 66 41 4 Walter A Mitchell true
"[Apr] 24 20785 4558 Rufus Green 2055 Washington Ave., Bx 41 M I 66 41 5 William S Ross false
"[Apr] 24 20786 4584 Dorothy Dixon 2225 Lacombe Ave., Bx 53 F Justice Dixon D 70 8 1 Peoples Fun Home true
"[Apr] 24 20787 8635 Luther Thom 61 McDonough St., Bklyn 37 M I 68 40 1 Bell & Johnson F H false
"[Apr] 25 20788 8879 Ella Wilson Also Ella Harrison 126 West 115th Street F D 35 23 2 Unity FUn Home, Inc true Re-op
"[Apr] 25 20789 4662 Maude Brown 531 St Paul Place, Bx 48 F I 38 40 2 L Audrey Ward true
"[Apr] 25 20790 9062 Charles Brockington 156 West 144th Street 57 M I 68 40 3 Unity Funeral Home, Inc false
"[Apr] 25 20791 8464 Evelyn Darden also Evelyn McCoy 303 Quincy St., Bklyn 31 F I 68 40 4 Walter J Cogar true
"[Apr] 26 20792 9252 Allen Beasley 282 West 150th Street 23 M G 28 11 6 Perkins Mem Chapel true Baby
"[Apr] 26 20793 Bronx Eliza Holloway 1255 Webster Ave., Bx 94 M Mammie Carter D 50 6 1 Cathedral Fun Home true
"[Apr] 26 20794 5253 Phillip Smith 117-40 168th St. Jamaica, NY 3 15 M G 27 11 6 Fleetwood C Littlejohn true Baby
"[Apr] 26 20795 9142 Ollie Mae McFarlan 249 West 134th Street 5 F G 28 11 7 Walter J Cogar false Baby
"[Apr] 26 20796 8695 Robert Lee 12 Kingston Ave., Bklyn 84 M I 69 40 1 McMillan & Hawkins F H false
"[Apr] 26 20797 9190 Margaret Hamilton 127 West 122nd Street 47 F I 69 40 2 Griffin Peters FUn H false
"[Apr] 26 20798 4628 Ada Nesbit 716 Commonwealth Ave., Bx 52 F I 69 40 3 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[Apr] 26 20799 9235 Louise Williams 137 West 116th Street 66 F I 69 40 4 Peoples Fun Home false
"[Apr] 27 20800 9196 Luvenia Pope 2362 Eighth Avenue 73 F I 69 40 5 Unity Funeral Home false
"[Apr] 27 20801 9064 Rebecca Garnett 466 West 26th Street 81 F I 67 41 1 Unity Funeral Home false
"[Apr] 27 20802 9306 Hassie Ryans 301 West 144th Street 68 F I 67 41 2 George L Jones false
"[Apr] 27 20803 9305 Marilyn Bland 49 East 131st Street 25 F I 67 41 3 George L Jones true
"[Apr] 27 20804 9357 Robert Woods 113 West 133rd Street 57 M I 67 41 4 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[Apr] 27 20805 4728 Carl Corbert 700 East 156th Street 6 M G 29 11 7 Unity Fun Home, Inc false Baby
"[Apr] 28 20806 9136 Marie Harris also Mary Davis 144 West 133rd Street 90 F I 67 41 5 George L Jones false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
April 28 20807 9383 William THomas 170 Avenue D, NY 67 M I 70 40 1 Unity Funeral Home false
"[Apr] 28 20808 8063 Beatrice Dorothy Duncan 106 Rochester Ave., Bklyn 39 F I 70 40 2 East NY Fun Chapel, Inc false
"[Apr] 28 20809 4786 Elizabeth Ann Johnson 888 Union Ave., Bx 90 F I 70 40 3 Walter H Wiley false
"[Apr] 28 20810 Mamie Hunter 41 F I 70 40 4 L Audrey Ward true
"[Apr] 28 20811 9394 Jennie Pritchard also Janie Pritchard 2335 Seventh Avenue 54 F Maggie Brockington D 71 8 1 Rodney Dade, Inc true
"[Apr] 28 20812 4787 George Butler 969 Cauldwell Ave., Bx 71 M I 68 41 1 McCall's Fun Home false
"[Apr] 28 20813 9303 Stella Loveland 24 East 118th Street 69 F I 68 41 2 Lee P Weaver true
"[Apr] 28 20814 9308 Grace Curry 2553 Eighth Avenue 71 F I 68 41 3 George L Jones true
"[Apr] 30 20815 9362 Walter Brown 220 West 111th Street 76 M H 2 X 3 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc true Re-op
"[Apr] 30 20816 9546 Willie James Martin 54 West 124th Street 52 M I 63 42 1 Riverton Fun Home false
"[Apr] 30 20817 9480 Harvey Olsen Todd 1958 Madison Avenue 79 M I 63 42 2 Cooper's Funeral Chap false
"[Apr] 30 20818 9284 Agnes Farrell 35 Hart Street, Bklyn 66 F I 63 42 3 Henry A Toppin & Son false
"[Apr] 30 20819 9041 Ethel Gayles 424 West 57th Street 57 F I 63 42 4 George L Jones false
"[Apr] 30 20820 9420 Charles Ward 45 M I 68 41 4 Griffin Peters Fun H false
May 1 20821 9604 Logan McField 156 Deerfield St., Bklyn 73 M I 69 41 1 Edward J Robeson false
"[May] 2 20822 9608 Percy Wright 64 West 128th Street 61 M I 69 41 2 Ioneze H Jefferson true
"[May] 2 20823 9641 Beatrice Jerryman 128 West 115th Street 37 F I 69 41 3 George L Jones true
"[May] 3 20824 9762 Charles Storey 112 West 113th Street 86 M I 69 41 4 Peter J Lance false
"[May] 3 20825 9547 William Ward 31 East 127th Street 78 M William Ward, Jr D 72 8 1 Lee P Weaver true
"[May] 3 20826 9751 Laura Maple 208 West 133rd Street 42 F G 31 20 1 Unity Fun Home, Inc true
"[May] 3 20827 9764 Henry Robinson 247 West 122nd Street 48 M G 32 20 1 Imperial Fun Home false
"[May] 4 20828 Dist 5195 Reg 265 Ellen Robinson 57 Kingston Ave., Bklyn 82 F G 32 20 2 Kings County Fun H false
"[May] 4 20829 Dist 5196 Reg 462 Frances SMith 109 West 137th Street 52 F G 32 20 3 William S Ross false
"[May] 4 20830 Dist 1395 Reg 221 Kathleen Farrow 146 S 7th Ave., My Vernon, NY 43 F G 32 20 4 Edna R Hatchett false
"[May] 4 20831 9629 James N Hoyt 104 West 128th Street 68 M G 31 20 2 Unity Fun Home false
"[May] 4 20832 9879 Naomi Henry 102 East 94th Street 45 F G 31 20 3 Charles A Chambers false
"[May] 4 20833 9314 Cecil Cogle 181 New Lots Ave., Bklyn 35 M G 31 20 4 William A Fletcher true
"[May] 5 20834 4951 Minnie White 1145 Fox Street, Bx 62 F G 32 20 5 Charles A Chambers false
"[May] 4 20835 5017 Isiah Steward 1075 East 213th St., Bx 56 M Mattie Stallworth D 73 8 1 Walter J Cogar true
"[May] 5 20836 9947 Keith Jackson 3 West 103rd Street 21 M G 24 13 6 Harry C Sease false Baby
"[May] 5 20837 9963 James Clark 334 Putnam Ave., Bklyn 68 M G 41 18 1 Jenkins Fun Chapel false
"[May] 5 20838 9946 Blanche Anmfield 317 W 142nd Street 32 F G 41 18 2 George L Jones false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
May 7 20839 9868 Herman Bumpers 27 West 127th Street 54 M G 41 18 3 David Jaudon, Inc false
"[May] 7 20840 9909 Emma Willis 254 West 146th Street 63 F Eunice McGriff D 74 8 1 St Helena Fun Home true
"[May] 8 20841 10147 Eigene Morris 139 West 130th Street 51 M G 41 18 4 Lafayette W Rogers false
"[May] 8 20842 10127 Frank Gillam 542 West 156th Street 39 M G 41 18 5 Riverton Fun Home false
"[May] 8 20843 10129 William Smalls 223 West 148th Street 28 M G 41 18 6 Riverton Fun Home false
"[May] 8 20844 10103 Pamela Brewington 2405 Seventh Avenue 9 F G 26 11 7 George L Jones false Baby
"[May] 9 20845 10105 Rebecca Ward 825 East 179th St., Bx 63 F Maybell Drayton D 75 8 1 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc true
"[May] 9 20846 10258 Charlotte Woolrdge 542 West 112th Street 65 F Esther Barnett D 42 22 3 David M Jaudon, Inc true Re-op
"[May] 9 20847 Bronx Henry Johnson 827 Kelley St., Bx 38 M G 42 18 1 Unity Funeral Home, Inc true
"[May] 9 20848 9580 Kenneth James Fletcher 849 Hancock St., Bklyn 20 M Alice Simmons D 40 33 2 Edward J Robeson true Re-op
"[May] 10 20849 10224 Lucille JAckson 108 West 141st Street 68 F G 42 18 2 FLorence W Browne's false
"[May] 10 20850 10198 Johnnie Moore 409 West 52nd Street 54 M G 42 18 3 Griffin Peters Fun H false
"[May] 12 20851 9882 Cheryl Taylor 379 Greene Ave., Bklyn 1 F G 25 10 6 Unity Parkway Chapel true Baby
"[May] 12 20852 10316 Renee Armstrong 99-15 24th St., E Elmhurst, LI 4 F G 25 10 7 St Helena Fun Home true Baby
"[May] 12 20853 9919 Patsy Colvin 299 Clifton Place, Bklyn 21 F G 42 18 4 King A Sanders false
"[May] 12 20854 10245 Lilian Minor Barbry 14 West 104th Street 45 F G 33 20 1 St Helena Fun Home false
"[May] 12 20855 5186 Elisha McPherson 1061 Intervale Ave., Bx 57 M G 33 20 2 William S Ross true
"[May] 14 20856 10533 Dorsey Pate 316 West 95th Street 57 M G 33 20 3 Clinton W Jeffries true
"[May] 14 20857 5371 Alejandro Lopez 889 East 172nd Street 31 M G 33 20 4 Thomas N Cox false
"[May] 14 20858 9940 Evelyn Wilson 123 West 136th Street 35 F I 64 42 1 St Helena Fun Home false
"[May] 15 20859 Dist 5194 Reg 382 Abraham Frazier 512 East 145th Street 66 M I 64 42 2 Peter J Lance false
"[May] 15 20860 Bronx William McCellan 1293 Lafayette Ave., Bx 70 M I 64 42 3 Peter J Lance false
"[May] 15 20861 10655 Mabel Mitchell 75 F I 64 42 4 Dorothy D Brooks true
"[May] 15 20862 10235 William Joyner 2864 Eighth Avenue 53 M G 34 20 1 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[May] 15 20863 10664 Ruth Middleton 122 West 134th Street 43 F G 34 20 2 St Helena Fun Home true
"[May] 15 20864 5413 James Windley 562 West 173rd Street 73 M G 34 20 3 George L Jones true
"[May] 16 20865 10053 Charles Miller 131 Moore St., Bklyn 68 M Emma Miller F 6 54 2 Edward J robseon true Re-op
"[May] 16 20866 10660 Jewel Felicia Smith 471 Lenox Avenue 3 F Fardenia Smith D 52 7 1 Peter J Lance true
"[May] 16 20867 10661 Viola Garvin 430 East 105th Street 57 F G 34 20 4 Peter J Lance false
"[May] 16 20868 10698 Pinkey Gardner 28-30 West 127th Street 65 F I 71 40 1 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc false
"[May] 17 20869 10572 Mary Ella Hickson 159 East 112nd Street 53 F I 71 40 2 Lee P Weaver false
"[May] 17 20870 10626 James Butler 24 East 119th Street M I 71 40 3 George L Jones false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
May 18 20871 10563 Maxine Stovall 2068 Seventh Avenue 41 F I 71 40 4 George L Jones false
"[May] 19 20872 10872 Ozzie Brown 467 Lenox Avenue 55 M Curtis Brown D 44 38 2 M A Daniels & Son true Re-op
"[May] 18 20873 10875 Ronald P Williams 240 W 123rd Street 2 10 M G 31 5 5 Ioneze H Jefferson true Baby
"[May] 19 20874 10719 Elizabeth Ross 1787 Lexington Avenue 66 F I 72 40 1 St Helena Fun Home false
"[May] 19 20875 10924 Ruth Johnson 146 West 146th Street 39 F I 72 40 2 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[May] 19 20876 10191 Chief Hill Canoe 404 Albee Square Bklyn 66 M I 72 40 3 Joseph H Mahood Jr false
"[May] 19 20877 10394 Bertha Mills 56 Movenment Walk Bklyn 71 F I 72 40 4 S McMillan, Inc true
"[May] 19 20878 10878 Gussie Bails 15 West 91st Street 59 F I 72 40 5 George L ones false
"[May] 19 20879 10989 Evans Wright 364 East 163rd St., bx 57 M G 35 20 1 Samuel Granby true
"[May] 19 20880 10950 Mary Williams 156 West 144th Street 52 F G 35 20 2 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[May] 19 20881 5572 Pauline Finley 440 Manhattan Avenue 48 F Estella Edwards D 53 7 1 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[May] 19 20882 10870 William F Ray 569 Amsterdam Avenue 63 M William T Ray &Arthur N Ray D 54 7 1 M A Daniels & Sons, INc true
"[May] 21 20883 11077 John Mosley 507 West St. Manhattan 36 M G 35 20 3 Erskine Fun Home false
"[May] 21 20884 Bronx Frank Bell 1907 Davidson Ave., Bx 33 M G 35 20 4 St Helena Fun Home true
"[May] 22 20885 11109 Eunice Belcher 2 West 111th Street 66 F G 35 20 1 George L Jones false
"[May] 22 20886 11200 Robert Lashley 2349 Pitkin Ave., Bklyn 30 M G 36 20 2 Henry W Payne, Inc true
"[May] 23 20887 10648 Elijah Nelson 106 Carlton Avenue, Bklyn 73 M G 36 20 3 S McMillan, Inc true
"[May] 23 20888 10743 Kelly Statuto 1082 Myrtle Ave., Bklyn 11 M G 31 5 6 Imperial Fun Home true Baby
"[May] 24 20889 5734 William Cole 930 Bruckner Blvd., Bx 63 M I 70 41 1 Haywood H Greene false
"[May] 24 20890 5697 Joseph Arthur Butler 242 East 136th Street, Bx 52 M I 70 41 2 Charles A Chambers false
"[May] 24 20891 11243 Watson William Jr 470 Lenox Avenue 50 M I 70 41 3 Ioneze H Jefferson true
"[May] 25 20892 1014 Leroy Adams 143 York Avenue, SI, NY 10 M Margaret Lambert D 24 38 2 Kenneth E Billups Sr true Re-op
"[May] 25 20893 44 Matthew Williams 507 West Street, Man M I 70 41 4 St Helena Fun Home true
"[May] 26 20894 5816 Anthony Tate 818 East 167th St., Bx 11 M G 31 5 7 McCall's Fun Home false
"[May] 26 20895 5809 Edward Small Jr 169 Edgecombe Avenue 30 M G 37 20 1 Rolfe Daniels Fun H true
"[May] 26 20896 11384 Willie Egerton 160 West 141st Street 63 M G 37 20 2 Marcus Jackson false
"[May] 26 20897 5817 Cecil Roberts 837 Beck Street, Bx 58 M G 37 20 3 Charles Rollerson false
"[May] 26 20898 11452 George Jones 184 East 101st Street 33 M G 37 20 4 Lee P Weaver true
"[May] 26 20899 11470 Ronald Green 203 West 148th Street 20 M I 71 41 1 Unity Fun Home true
"[May] 28 20900 11579 Honshell Scott 78 West 132nd Street 61 M I 71 41 2 St Helena Fun Home false
"[May] 28 20901 11580 Austin Pettaway 241 West 135th St 33 M I 71 41 3 St Helena Fun Home false
"[May] 28 20902 11527 John Bryan 138 W 143rd Street 51 M I 71 41 4 Henry W Payne, Inc true
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
May 29 20903 11647 Sarah Tadman 11 East 115th Street 72 F Alphonso Thomas D 55 7 1 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc true
"[May] 29 20904 10876 Harry Saunders 1600 55th St. Bklyn 52 M G 38 20 1 George L Jones false
"[May] 29 20905 5928 Elmo Carpenter 1327 Intervale Ave., Bx 58 M G 38 20 2 L Audrey Ward false
"[May] 31 20906 11718 Mary Graham 359 West 126th Street 1 F G 13 5 6 Griffin Peters Fun Home false Baby
"[May] 31 20907 11708 Edward Mac Eddy 402 East 105th Street 77 M G 38 20 3 Charles A Chambers false
"[May] 31 20908 11255 Edward M Cannonban also Carzan 1372 Sterling Pl, Bklyn 80 M G 38 20 4 Henry W Payne false
"[May] 31 20909 11814 Thomas Canty 451 East 171st St. Bx 44 M G 38 20 5 Thomas N Cox false
"[May] 31 20910 11738 Barney Morris 2412 Seventh Avenue 46 M I 72 41 1 Charles N Lloyd false
"[May] 31 20911 1047 Lillian C Hinton 52 Wayne St., SI, NY 1 F G 13 5 7 Kenneth E Billups, Sr false Baby
June 1 20912 11792 Ida Shephard 26 East 118th Street 62 F G 39 20 1 Griffin Peters Fun Home false
"[June] 1 20913 6038 Maria Gregg 53 F G 39 20 2 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[June] 1 20914 6003 Ida Morris 1014 Hoe Avenue, Bx, NY 49 F I 72 41 2 Lee P Weaver true
"[June] 1 20915 11913 Hayes Jarman 991 Boston Rd., Bronx, NY 69 M I 72 41 3 L Audrey Ward true
"[June] 2 20916 11788 Charles Benton 138 West 143rd Street 74 M G 39 20 3 Peter J Lance false
"[June] 2 20917 11968 Gladys Chapman 36 West 93rd Street 31 F G 39 20 4 Unity Fun Home Inc false
"[June] 4 20918 6165 William Fuller 1100 Franklin Ave., Bx 35 M I 73 41 1 Thomas N Cox false
"[June] 4 20919 11501 Willie Williams 391 Park Place, Bklyn 47 M I 73 41 2 L Audrey Ward true
"[June] 4 20920 11979 Lee Whaley 204 East Fourth St 45 M G 39 20 5 Lee P Weaver true
"[June] 4 20921 12026 Eliza Spratt 116 West 129th Street 91 F Eliza Spratt D 38 29 2 Wainwright & Son, Inc true Re-op
"[June] 2 20922 11921 Benjamin Hunt, Jr 549 West 144th Street 5 weeks F G 10 5 6 Mickey Fun Sert., Inc false Baby
"[June] 5 20923 12215 Annie Brown 136 West 116th Street 55 F I 73 41 3 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[June] 5 20924 6183 Joseph Domingo 969 Tiffany St,. Bronx 69 M I 73 41 4 Henry A Toppin & Son false
"[June] 5 20925 6197 Noble Williams 855 East 172nd St., Bronx 59 n Geraldine Stewart D 17 15 3 Walter H Wiley true Re-op
"[June] 5 20926 6181 Arlene Rogers 992 Boston Road, Bx 28 F I 73 41 5 L Audrey Ward true
"[June] 6 20927 12040 Mary Scott 224 West 141st Street 84 F G 1 22 1 Charles Finley Fun H false
"[June] 6 20928 12169 Edward Maddicks 230 West 129th Street 17 M G 1 22 2 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[June] 6 20929 12160 Robert Singleton 229 West 121st Street 49 M G 24 15 4 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc true
"[June] 6 20930 12102 James E Crawford 105 West 123rd Street 40 M G 1 22 3 George W Snipes false
"[June] 6 20931 6233 Chris Chanie Jones 1360 Boston Road, Bx Adult F Disinter <sG</s> <s24</s> <s15</s> <s5</s> L Audrey Ward true Disin taken of cemetery
"[June] 6 20932 11904 Mamie Holmes 1188 Sterling Pl, Bklyn 55 F G 25 15 3 Walter J Cogar false
"[June] 7 20933 12271 William Homes 431 East 102nd Street 78 M G 25 15 4 George L Jones false
"[June] 7 20934 12333 Nan Crosby 117 West 142nd Street 82 F Nannie Elizabeth Crosby D 35 11 2 Rodney Dade, Inc true
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
June 8 20935 6338 Andres Russell 1080 Simpson St., Bx 4 M G 20 7 5 George L Jones false Baby
"[Jun] 8 20936 12399 Robert Brmlett 2100 Fifth Avenue 67 M G 1 22 4 Butler Funeral Home false
"[Jun] 8 20937 12323 James D Thomas 56 West 117th Street 64 M Mary Thomas D 56 7 1 Griffin Peters FUn H true
"[Jun] 8 20938 1080 Virgie Thomas 120 Gordon St., Stapelton, SI, NY 82 M Virgil Thomas & Kenneth Thomas D 49 16 1 Kenneth E Billups Sr true Re-op
"[Jun] 9 20939 12105 Thomas Holmes Stanley 2182 Eighth Avenue M G 2 22 1 Charles Rollerson false
"[Jun] 9 20940 12180 Carl N Cooper 220 West 133rd Street 75 M G 2 22 2 Benta Funeral Home false
"[Jun] 9 20941 12440 Mary Plumber 307 East 102nd Street 69 F G 2 22 3 David M Jaudon, Inc false
"[Jun] 9 20942 12270 William Hutchinson 1447 Minford Pl., Bx 38 M G 2 22 4 George L Jones false
"[Jun] 11 20943 12436 Joseph Headley also Joseph Hanley 2773 Eighth Avenue 93 M G 2 22 5 Henry A Toppin & Son false
"[Jun] 11 20944 12551 James Smith 309 West 128th Street 62 M G 26 15 1 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[Jun] 11 20945 Arthur Young 216 West 149th Street 61 M G 26 15 2 Marcus Jackson false
"[Jun] 11 20946 12455 Margie Johnson 54 East 120th Street 51 F G 26 15 3 William S Ross false
"[Jun] 11 20947 12576 Susie Alexander 274 West 135th Street 60 F G 26 15 4 George L Jones true
"[Jun] 12 20948 Addline Herbert 11 Pine Street, SI, NY 51 F Beatrice Herbert D 57 7 1 Clinton W Jeffries true
"[Jun] 12 20949 1118 George Black 99 Oilgton Pl., SI NY 59 M Mr & Mrs George Black D 62 11 2 Chambers Fun Home true Re-op
"[Jun] 12 20950 12616 William Simmons 134 West 126th Street 51 M G 3 22 1 Walter J Coger true
"[Jun] 12 20951 12575 Mary Jackson 207 West 85th Street 76 F G 3 22 2 George L Jones false
"[Jun] 13 20952 12654 Mabel Brown 408 West 150th Street 46 F Edward Brown D 58 7 1 Clinton W Jeffries true
"[Jun] 13 20953 12659 Thomas Clark 488 St Nicholas Avenue 63 M G 3 22 3 Wilbur E Hendricks true
"[Jun] 13 20954 Baby Girl Cown 68 Cumberland Walk, Bklyn 1 F G 20 7 6 George L Jones false Baby
"[Jun] 14 20955 6486 Christina Scuff 1119 Boston Rd., Bronx 73 F G 3 22 4 Haywood H Greene false
"[Jun] 14 20956 12802 Gilbert Togbak 305 West 117th Street 1 3 M G 20 7 7 Lafayette W Rogers false Baby
"[Jun] 14 20957 12199 Joseph White 24 Midwood St., Bklyn 71 M G 27 15 1 Edward J Robeson false
"[Jun] 14 20958 12685 Henry Tolton 239 West 63rd Street 66 M Henry Tolton D 59 34 3 David M Jaudon, Inc true Re-op
"[Jun] 15 20959 12805 Katie Samul 425 Convent Avenue 86 F G 27 15 2 Riverton Fun Home true
"[Jun] 15 20960 12315 Sadie Thompson 111 Glenmore Ave., Bklyn 60 F G 27 15 3 Richard J King Fun false
"[Jun] 15 20961 Dist 5196 Reg 592 Peter Gregory 46 West 128th Street 74 M G 27 15 4 Imperial Funeral Home false
"[Jun] 15 20962 12776 Diana Maynard 262 West 144th Street 59 F G 27 15 5 Unity Funeral Home false
"[Jun] 16 20963 7389 James E Hill 2254 Fifth Avenue 57 M G 4 22 1 Florence E Browne's true
"[Jun] 16 20964 12806 Frank Bishop 128 Wst 139th Street 45 M G 4 22 2 George L Jones false
"[Jun] 16 20965 12949 Jacqueline Manley 517 West 169th NY 38 F G 4 22 3 Trumbo's Fun Home false
"[Jun] 16 20966 Clyde Jennings 173 West 141st Street 2 M G 11 5 6 Dumas Bros Fun Home false Baby
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
June 18 20967 Dist 5904 Deborah Light 369 Park Hill Ave., Yonker 68 F G 4 4 Florence E Brown's false
[June] 18 20968 12477 Stradford Walker 456 Van Buren St,. Bklyn 39 M Stradford Walker D 30 28 2 House of Hills F H true Re-op
[June] 19 20967 See 6/6/62 Disinter 14 Perm Chris Chanie Janes 1360 Boston Rd., Bx adult F Disinter G 24 15 5 Bodien Hendrickson false Disinter taken out of cemetery
[June] 19 20968 12502 Mary Major 182 Macon Street, Bklyn 80 F Mary Major C 242 4 Sub B 2 William H Wallace., Jr true Plot re-op
[June] 19 20969 13075 Robert Middleton 268 West 141st Street 33 M Mary Dais D 59 7 1 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc true
[June] 19 20970 13098 Jerry Emmit 695 St Nicholas Avenue 53 M G 28 15 1 Rolfe L Daniels true
[June] 19 20971 6770 Benjamin Harrison 790 East 165th Street 72 M G 28 15 2 McCall's Funeral Home false
[June] 20 20972 13053 Terrance Sawyer 2492 Seventh Avenue 31 M G 4 22 5 Gill's Funeral Home false
[June] 20 20973 13127 Minnie Lee 446 Central Park West, NY 44 F G 28 15 3 George L Jones false
[June] 20 20974 13240 Harold Charles 47 M G 28 15 4 Perkins Mem. Chapel false
[June] 20 20975 13259 Augustus Gavin 1778 Madison Avenue 67 M G 24 15 5 George L Jones false
[June] 21 20976 13187 Ann Wheitstone 65 East 98th Street 43 F G 29 15 1 Manhattan Fun Home true
[June] 21 20977 13204 Lottie Berry 31 West 128th Street 57 F G 29 15 2 Unity Funeral Home true
[June] 21 20978 13271 David Brown 2142 Fifth Avenue 60 M G 29 15 3 David M Jaudon, Inc true
[June] 21 20979 6789 Willie Alston 1261 Brook Avenue, Bx 62 F G 5 22 1 L Audrey Ward true
[June] 21 20980 13189 Eva Marie Bowles 157 West 123rd Street 2 F G 17 5 6 Bolden Fun Home false Baby
[June] 22 20981 13261 Catherine Swanson 620 East 137th Street 72 F G 30 15 1 George L Jones false
[June] 22 20982 13037 Kenneth Jenkins 305 East 102nd Street 21 M G 5 22 2 Samuel Granby false
[June] 22 20983 Bklyn Irene Gaillard 103-37 Holland Ave., Bklyn 54 F G 30 15 2 Peter J Lance false
[June] 22 20984 6899 Bertha Blair also Bertha Balor 2131 Prospect Avenue, Bx 56 F G 30 15 3 Henry A Toppin & Son false
[June] 22 20985 Dist 4395 Reg 287 Esther Moore also Esther Curtis 306 West 140th Street 65 F G 5 22 3 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
[June] 22 20986 13383 Virginia Carter 282 West 132nd Street 63 F G 5 22 4 Marcus Jackson false
[June] 22 20987 6872 Edgar Myles 1108 Finlay Ave., Bx 44 M G 5 22 5 Walter L Mitchell false
[June] 23 20988 6893 Robert Dance 560 Morris Ave., Bx 72 M Josephine Dance D 60 7 1 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc true
[June] 23 20989 6886 Mary J Whittaker 330 West 85th Street 55 F G 30 15 4 George L Jones false
[June] 23 20990 Ethel Eley 150 St Marks Avenue, Bklyn 55 F G 6 22 1 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
[June] 23 20991 13428 John Cole 1326 Fifth Avenue 55 M G 30 15 5 Peter J Lance false
[June] 23 20992 13274 Reginalda Harris 110 West 127th Street 19 M Louise Harris D 61 7 1 Ioneze H Jefferson true
[June] 23 20993 13347 Alemeda Fisher 66 East 119th Street 46 F Estate of Alex C David c/o Mayme Rhodman E 1 40 3 Estella Brooks Alston true Re-op
[June] 23 20994 Bklyn Raymond Suggs 868 Jefferson Ave., Bklyn 32 M Raymond Suggs D 53 22 2 Marcus Jackson true Re-op
[June] 23 20995 13451 Birley Huggins 20 East 118th Street 32 M G 6 22 2 Charles A Chambers false
[June] 23 20996 13384 Edward Brown 622 West 113th Street 45 M G 6 22 3 Riverton Fun Home false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
June 25 20997 Clarence King 628 West 151st Street M G 6 22 4 Levy & Delaney Fun Home false
"[Jun] 25 20998 13133 Frances Rogers 190 West 134th Street 70 F G 6 22 5 Harry C Sease false
"[Jun] 25 20999 12917 Don Sanders 164 Winfield St., Bklyn 4 M G 17 5 7 Kings County Fun Home true
"[Jun] 25 21000 13346 Mary Lee 213 West 121st Street 77 F Alice McShaw D 62 7 1 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc true
"[Jun] 26 21001 13492 Inez Barbara Clarke 309 West 127th Street 34 F Julia Jiles D 63 7 1 Unity Fun Home, Inc true
"[Jun] 26 21002 13673 Tyrone Morrison 230 West 129th Street 9 M G 19 5 8 Unity Fun Home, Inc true Baby
"[Jun] 26 21003 7031 Bessie Moonen also Bessie MOore 700 Morris Ave., Bronx 62 F G 31 15 1 Unity Fun Home, Inc false
"[Jun] 26 21004 13494 Annie Hall 37 West 130th Street 94 F G 31 15 2 Ioneze H Jefferson true
"[Jun] 26 21005 13657 Mildred Wanser 5 West 137th Street 58 F G 31 15 3 St Helena Fun Home false
"[Jun] 26 21006 13619 Marcelino Morales Riveria 319 West 85th Street 55 M G 31 15 4 Cathedral Fun Home false
"[Jun] 27 21007 13620 Leon C Terrence 205 West 85th Street 60 M G 7 22 1 Cathedral Fun Home false
"[Jun] 28 21008 Charlie Magbee 246 West 125th Street M G 7 22 2 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc false
"[Jun] 28 21009 13789 Herbert Taylor 240 West 100th Street 64 M G 7 22 3 William S Ross false
"[Jun] 28 21010 13777 Raymond Barnes 1990 Lexington Avenue 54 M G 7 22 4 St Helena Fun Home false
"[Jun] 30 21011 13991 Clarence Beau 238 West 139th Street 27 M G 32 15 1 Riverton Funeral Hnome false
"[Jun] 30 21012 564; 13954 Morris Kent (Plus Left Leg) 58 M G 32 15 2 S McMillan, Inc false
"[Jun] 30 21013 7164 Ivan Edwards 112 West 139th Street 47 M G 32 15 3 Haywppd H Greene false
"[Jun] 30 21014 13301 Etheline Christie 2032 Fifth Avenue 62 F G 32 15 4 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc false
"[Jun] 30 21015 13989 Carrie Allgood 200 West 149th Street 65 F Bertha Johnson D 64 7 1 Marcus Jackson true
"[Jun] 30 21016 13993 Loumal Hall 2387 Seventh Avenue 72 M G 8 22 1 Levy & Delaney F H false
"[Jun] 30 21017 Dist 4395 Nellie Jordan 345 Lenox Avenue 80 F G 8 22 2 Finley FUn Home false
"[Jun] 30 21018 13984 Gladys Esteves 7 West 119th Street 60 F G 8 22 3 Edward M Fentress false
"[Jun] 30 21019 13970 John Prtichard 242 West 146th Street 45 M G 8 22 4 Harlem Fun Home true
July 3 21020 14015 King David Nixon 267 West 126th Street 54 M Eddie Nixon C 273 8 Sub D 1 Unity Funeral Home true Plot opening
"[Jul] 3 21021 14016 Benjamin Roper 1318 College Ave., Bx 52 M G 33 15 1 Unity Funeral Home false
"[Jul] 5 21022 7324 Will Martin 601 West 164th Street 54 M Loraine Martin D 65 7 1 Mickey Fun Ser, Inc true
"[Jul] 5 21023 14302 Samuel Brown 474 Lenox Avenue 49 M Ruth Grant D 66 27 2 Peter J Lance true Re-0-
"[Jul] 5 21024 591 Julius Sams, Jr 108 West 132nd Street 20 M G 33 15 2 Peter J Lance false
"[Jul] 5 21025 7249 Robert Priddie 504 Amsterdam Avenue 58 M G 33 15 3 M A Daniels & Son false
"[Jul] 5 21026 14355 Randy King 300 West 130th Street 2 M G 20 5 6 Lafayette W Rogers false Baby
"[Jul] 5 21027 8104 William A Wright 146-05 120th Avenue, South Ozone Park, LI Anna Wright D 66 73 1 Theodore E Scriven true
"[Jul] 6 21028 14306 Edmund R Godwin 51 East 117th Street 66 M G 33 15 4 Gill's Funeral Home false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
July 6 21029 7407 Rosa Lee Martin 1794 Prospect Ave, Bronx 54 F G 33 15 5 Peoples Funeral Home true
"[Jul] 6 21030 14395 Charles W Brown 300 West 150th Street 78 M G 8 22 5 M Marshall Blake Fun H true
"[Jul] 6 21031 7411 William Junor Swinton 35 Mt Morris Park, Manhatta 1 M G 24 5 7 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc false Baby
"[Jul] 6 21032 7374 Darrell Lewis 317 Crimmins Ave., Bronx 1 6 25 M G 24 5 8 Lee P Weaver false Baby
"[Jul] 6 21033 Bronx Gail Williams 200 West 131st Street 1 2 F G 24 5 9 Peter J Lance false Baby
"[Jul] 7 21034 14415 John W cooper 16 East 111th Street 51 M Emma Cooper D 67 7 1 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc true
"[Jul] 7 21035 1296 Jannie Johns 1480 Richmond Terrace, SI 65 F Alice Mason H 4 C 3 Kenneth E Billups true Re-op
"[Jul] 7 21036 14404 Otis Fairley 100 West 139th Street 37 M G 1 1 1 S McMillan, Inc false
"[Jul] 7 21037 7220 William White 1058 East 228th St., Bx 83 M G 1 1 2 Cathedral Fun Home true
"[Jul] 7 21038 14416 Edwin Coleman 612 East 179th Street 68 M G 1 1 3 McCall's Fun Home false
"[Jul] 7 21039 14462 Henny Rooks 103 Bowery Manhattan 66 M G 1 1 4 Riverton Fun Home true
"[Jul] 7 21040 14387 Albert Morton 307 West 112th Street 70 M G 34 15 1 Est of Phillip P Keslsey, Jr true
"[Jul] 7 21041 14460 Jonathan Johnson also Johnie Johnson 2573 Eighth Avenue 37 M G 34 15 2 Bolden Funeral Home true
"[Jul] 7 21042 14418 Fitzgerald Nurse 130 West 121st Street 60 M G 34 15 3 Perkins Mem Chapel false
"[Jul] 7 21043 14390 Daisy Watson 1292 Park Avenue 74 F G 1 1 5 Griffin Peters Fun H false
"[Jul] 9 21044 7506 Lewis Morris 1359 Limone Pl, Bronx 36 M G 1 2 1 Haywood H Greene false
"[Jul] 9 21045 14577 Beatrice Chambers 131 West 142nd Street 73 F G 1 2 2 Trumbo's Fun. Chapel false
"[Jul] 9 21046 14578 Samuel Butler 1980 Seventh Avenue 76 M G 1 2 3 Trumbo's Fun. Chapel false
"[Jul] 9 21047 14579 Henry Turner 300 West 121st Street 64 M G 1 2 4 Riverton Fun Home false
"[Jul] 10 21048 14520 Beulah Williams 2431 Eighth Avenue 69 F Louise Williams D 68 7 1 Unity Funeral Home true
"[Jul] 10 21049 13974 Carrie Harrison 142 Duffield St., Bklyn 52 F G 2 1 1 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc false
"[Jul] 10 21050 14612 Louise Palmer 124 West 114th Street 60 F G 2 1 2 William S Ross false
"[Jul] 10 21051 14252 George Admill 296 Sutter Avenue, Bklyn 38 M G 2 1 3 Edward J Robeson false
"[Jul] 10 21052 14683' Bklyn Lillie Mae Drake 75 Cumberland Walk, Bklyn 31 F G 2 1 4 Riverton Fun Home false
"[Jul] 10 21053 14671 Claude Ellis also Claude Montue 206 West 140th Street 12 M G 2 1 5 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[Jul] 10 21054 14506 Elena Raulhac 225 West 129th Street 25 F G 19 6 4 Butler Funeral H false
"[Jul] 11 21055 14456 Gardner Thomas 278 West 119th Street 4 M G 26 5 5 Elizabeth M Smith false Baby
"[Jul] 11 21056 14749 Calvin Lester Mungin 1448 Fifth Avenue 4 M G 26 5 6 Florence E Brown false Baby
"[Jul] 12 21057 13963 Emma Morris also Emma Morrison 558 Gates Ave., Bklyn 63 F Annie Morris F 16 15 2 Hunte's Fun Home true Re-op
"[Jul] 12 21058 7508 Charles Whittaker 165 St Ann's Ave., Bx 53 M G 2 2 1 Lee P Weaver true
"[Jul] 12 21059 7610 John Miller 450 West 151st Street 45 M G 2 2 2 S McMillan, Inc false
"[Jul] 12 21060 14480 Joseph Taylor 132 West 136th Street 60 M G 2 2 3 Unity Funeral Home, Inc false
Last edit about 1 year ago by Denise Giachetta-Ryan
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