Frederick Douglass Memorial Park Permanent Record Books

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Permanent Record Book 2

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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
July 14 21061 14850 Julia Carter 149 West 140th Street 55 M G 2 2 4 Peter J Lance false
"[Jul] 14 21062 14977 Mary Fraser 522 West 158th Street 48 F Mary & Jerome Fraser D 13 21 2 Peter J Lance true Re-op
"[Jul] 14 21063 14934 Margaret Wade 151 West 140th Street 69 F G 3 1 1 Theodore E Scriven false
"[Jul] 14 21064 14837 Ruby Edmond 234 West 122nd Street 54 F G 3 1 2 Unity Funeral Home, Inc true
"[Jul] 14 21065 14978 Joseph Cox 25 West 130th Street 70 M G 3 1 3 Cathedral Fun Home false
"[Jul] 14 21066 14971 Goldie Roberts 1842 Seventh Avenue 76 F G 3 1 4 Trumbo's Funeral Chapel false
"[Jul] 14 21067 14976 RIlliam Higley also William Hugley 535 West 155th Street 53 M G 3 1 5 Peter J Lance false
"[Jul] 14 21068 7473 Enid Fishenden 1628 Washington Av.e, Bx 34 F G 3 1 6 Cannon Funeral Home false
"[Jul] 16 21069 14940 Annie KAte Goodman 2214 Eighth Avenue 36 F G 35 15 1 Marcus Jackson false
"[Jul] 16 21070 14996 Frank Hayes 226 West 144th Street 67 M Ruth Jackson H 19 T 3 Perkins Mem Chapel true Re-op
"[Jul] 17 21071 15077 Ben Burke 200 West 81st Street 61 M G 3 2 1 George L Jones false
"[Jul] 17 21072 15149 Hazel Wingfield 28 Lenox Avenue 33 F G 35 15 2 Lafayette W Rogers true
"[Jul] 17 21073 7681 Cora Braithwaite 948 Union Avenue, Bx 73 F G 35 15 3 Walter H Wiley true
"[Jul] 17 21074 14941 George Bradunn 293 West 147th Street 41 M G 35 15 4 Marcus Jackson true
"[Jul] 17 21075 14529 Tyrone Russell 285 Lincoln Pl., Bklyn 4 M G 24 7 5 House of Hills Fun H false Baby
"[Jul] 17 21076 15116 Earl Dunn 11 1/2 West 137th Street 8 1 M G 28 5 5 Butler Fun Home false
"[Jul] 18 21077 7794 Grace Garrett 827 Home Street, Bx 65 F G 3 2 2 Kings County FUn H false
"[Jul] 18 21078 Julian Smith 127 Avenue X, Bklyn 69 M G 3 2 3 Jenkins FUn Home false
"[Jul] 18 21079 15143 Steven Love 103 West 117th Street 75 F G 3 2 4 Florence E Browne's true Morgue
"[Jul] 18 21080 Henry V Tucker 977 Tiffany St., Bronx 64 M G 3 2 5 Marcus Jackson false
"[Jul] 18 21081 14594 Gwendolyn Washington 81 Herzl Street, Bklyn 3 F G 28 5 6 Richard J King Fun Estb. false Baby
"[Jul] 19 21082 8799 Yama Roosevelt 146-06 116th Street, Jamaica, NY 74 M G 36 15 1 Fleetwood C Littlejohn false
"[Jul] 20 21083 Dist 5194 Reg 535 Ary Sligh 42 East 132nd Street 73 8 1 M G 36 15 2 Walter L Mitchell false
"[Jul] 20 21084 14595 Lillian Thomas 215 Ashland Pl., Bklyn 67 F Cassie Richardson & Lillian Thomas F 2 25 2 David Lane Fun Parlors true Re-op
"[Jul] 20 21085 15355 Byron S Monroe 584 East 137th Street, Bx 3 5 M G 24 7 3 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc false Baby
"[Jul] 21 21086 7835 Willie Fred Mack 455 East 166th Street, Bx 58 M G 36 15 3 Perkins Mem. Chapel true
"[Jul] 21 21087 15345 Lucille Lake 150 West 121st Street 37 F G 36 15 4 Bolden Funeral Home true
"[Jul] 21 21088 15393 Alphonso Green 109 West 113th Street 22 M G 1 17 1 George L Jones false
"[Jul] 21 21089 15419 Bessie Harris 50 West 117th Street 61 F G 1 17 2 St Helena Fun Home true
"[Jul] 21 21090 15392 Sadie Thompson 207 East 116th Street 41 F G 1 17 3 George L Jones true
"[Jul] 21 21091 15343 James La Bitue 281 Edgecombe Avenue 77 M G 32 9 2 Rodney Dade, iNc true Re-op
"[Jul] 24 21092 Dist 5194 Reg 543 Susan Smith 446 West 163rd Street 80 4 10 F G 1 17 4 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
July 24 21093 15573 Clarence McKenny 536 West 143rd Street 58 M G 37 15 1 Mickey Fun Ser,. Inc true
[Jul] 25 21094 15685 Edmond Trotman 16 Morningside Avenue 65 M Doris Trotman D 69 7 1 Carter & Carter Fun H true
[Jul] 25 21095 15646 Lillian Green 209 West 115th Street 31 F G 37 15 2 Charles A Chambers false
[Jul] 25 21096 1411 Robert Tolbert 485 Jersrey St., Staten I, NY 40 M G 37 15 3 Kenneth E Billups, Sr false
[Jul] 25 21097 14906 Viola Crump 670 Greene Ave., Bklyn 65 F Cassie Warrick F 3 52 3 Edward J Robeson true Re-op
[Jul] 26 21098 15697 Lenora Preston 1539 Lexington Avenue 93 F G 37 15 4 Unity Fun Home, Inc false
[Jul] 26 21099 15615 Theodore Rapier 124 West 130th Street 71 M G 2 17 1 Charles A Chambers false
[Jul] 26 21100 15665 David James Cobb 2410 Eighth Avenue 21 M G 2 17 2 David M Jaudon, Inc true
[Jul] 26 21101 15734 Emma Flowers 14 West 127th Street 53 F Charles Flowers D 55 6 1 Griffin Peters Fun H true
[Jul] 27 21102 8106 Kelvin Watts 530 St Paul Place, Bx 1 M G 24 7 7 McCall's Fun Hmoe false Baby
[Jul] 27 21103 15701 Annie Galloway 72 F G 2 17 3 Elizabeth M Smith false Baby
[Jul] 28 21104 15727 Nancy H Gantling 79 F G 2 17 4 Kenneth E Billups, Sr false
[Jul] 28 21105 8162 Mary Darby 1352 Clinton Ave., Bronx 27 F G 1 3 1 Cannon Funeral Home true
[Jul] 28 21106 8077 Sylvanus Cole 1706 Nelson Avenue, Bx 64 M G 1 3 2 Henry A Toppins & Son false
Aug 1 21107 16169 Alonzo Livingston 300 West 143rd Street 62 M G 1 3 3 Griffin Peters Fun Home false
"[Aug] 1 21108 128 daniel Cousin 416 Bronx Pk Avenue M G 1 3 4 Duncan Bros Fun H true
"[Aug] 2 21109 9287 Jessina Doward 40-16 Vernon Blvd., LI, NY 39 F G 2-A 17 1 McCall's Fun Home false
"[Aug] 2 21110 16168 Minnie Brooks 26 East 118th Street 57 F G 2-A 17 2 Griffin Peters Fun H true
"[Aug] 2 21111 16118 George A Martin 61 St JAmes Pl., Manhattan 57 M G 2-A 17 3 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[Aug] 3 21112 16324 Margaret Beaman 529 West 134th Street 66 F G 2-A 17 4 Ioneze H Jefferson false
"[Aug] 4 21113 16242 Charles Wade 261 West 134th Street 64 M Charles Wade D 50 41 2 Harlem Funeral Home true Re-op
"[Aug] 4 21114 16440 Gertrude Rogers 129 East 130th Street 71 F Edward Rogers D 27 28 2 S McMillan, Inc true Re-op
"[Aug] 4 21115 16251 William Adkins 271 West 144th Street 58 M G 2 3 1 Unity Fun Home, Inc false
"[Aug] 4 21116 16204 Edna Jackson 508 West 159th Street 51 F G 2 3 2 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[Aug] 4 21117 16414 Pattie McDonald 23 Morningside Street 69 F G 2 3 3 Fred Williams true
"[Aug] 4 21118 16308 Elizabeth Farran 15 West 88th Street 49 F G 2 3 4 Butler FUn Home true
"[Aug] 6 21119 15648 Frank Baker 362 Lenox Avenue 52 M G 3 3 1 M A Daniels & Sons true
"[Aug] 6 21120 15586 James HIll 597 Franklin Ave., Bklyn 48 M G 3 3 2 Edward J Robeson false
"[Aug] 7 21121 16639 James R West cott 311 West 102nd Street 5 M G 24 5 10 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false Baby
"[Aug] 7 21122 15808 Sarah Drayton 430 Osborn St., Bklyn 82 F G 3 3 3 Richard J Kin Fun Estbs. true
"[Aug] 7 21123 16428 HArry Lee Davis, Jr 310 West 95th Street 41 M G 3 3 4 Perkins Mem Chapel false
"[Aug] 8 21124 16727 Retha Winston 308 West 135th Street 56 F G 1 4 1 Marcus Jackson false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Aug 8 21125 1484 Wentell Lawton 15 Bennett St., SI, NY 62 M G 1 4 2 Kenneth E Billups false
"[Aug] 9 21126 16748 Marcus Jones 2005 Madison Avenue 7 M G 25 5 5 Mickey Fun Ser., Inc false Baby
"[Aug] 9 21127 Dist 5194 Reg 574 Clarence Blair 19 Brooks St., SI, NY 69 4 28 M G 35 5 5 Kenneth E Billups, Sr true
"[Aug] 9 21128 8548 James Roy Kerfeuit 1020 Washington Ave., Bx 66 M G 1 4 3 Walter H Wiley true
"[Aug] 9 21129 John C Morgan 56 West 112th Street 65 M G 1 4 4 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[Aug] 9 21130 15821 Bethel Jenkins 555 Putnam Ave., Bklyn 56 F G 1 4 5 Joseph H Mahood, Jr false
"[Aug] 10 21131 <s>9562</s. Pearl Ledbetter 2064 Fifth Avenue 75 F G 2 4 1 Imperial Fun Home true
"[Aug] 10 21132 16854 Ernest Smith 104 West 144th Street 51 M G 37 1 1 John E Yates, Jr false
"[Aug] 10 21133 Tracy Moore 166 West 128th Street 58 M G 37 1 2 Marcus Jackson false
"[Aug] 11 21134 16732 Eugene Poole 325 East 100th Street 22 M G 37 1 3 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[Aug] 11 21135 1509 Magelen Tate 25 Henderson Ave., SI 40 F G 37 1 4 Chambers Fun Home false
"[Aug] 11 21136 16726 Alex White 208 West 140th Street 58 M G 2 4 2 Marcus Jackson false
"[Aug] 11 21137 1508 Margaret McCoy 17 Tompkins Place, SI 62 F Margaret McCoy (Dec) D 61 14 2 Chambers Fun Home true Re-op
"[Aug] 11 21138 16945 Milton Century 1649 Amsterdam Avenue 0 1 8 M G 25 5 6 Elizabeth M Smith false Baby
"[Aug] 11 21139 15908 James Lee Pittman 529 W 147th Street 48 M G 2 4 3 Imperial Fun Home false
"[Aug] 11 21140 8627 Clifford Benton 570 Teasdale Pl, Bx 51 M G 2 4 4 St Helena Fun Home true
"[Aug] 11 21141 16815 Errol Hanson 635 East 137th St., Bx 17 M La Delle Hanson D 70 7 1 Peter J Lance true
"[Aug] 11 21142 9644 William Osborne Jamaica, NY 83 M G 1 15 1 Edward M Fentress false
"[Aug] 13 21143 16942 William Boone 267 West 141 Street 76 M Evelyn Douglas H 1 H 3 Perkins Mem Chapel true Re-op
"[Aug] 13 21144 15934 Annie Rodgers 128 West 137 Street 49 F G 1 15 2 Theodore E Scriven false
"[Aug] 14 21145 17068 Willie James 70 West 115th Street 67 M G 1 15 3 Mickey Fun Ser,. Inc true
"[Aug] 14 21146 16922 Rose Hunt 1725 Park Avenue 58 F G 1 15 4 Cooper Funeral Chapel false
"[Aug] 14 21147 580 Helen Watson 75 Jefferson Ave., Bklyn 52 6 17 F G 3 4 1 Rolfe Daniels false
"[Aug] 15 21148 17005 Elsie Young 8 East 117th Street 68 F G 3 4 2 Estella Brooks Alston false
"[Aug] 15 21149 16109 Harry Stevens 473 Jerome St., Bklyn 76 M G 3 4 3 Kings County Fun H false
"[Aug] 15 21150 17138 Antonia Pinerio 158 East 127th Street 54 M G 3 4 4 Cooper's Fun Chapel false
"[Aug] 15 21151 9755 James A Pate 560 West 148th Street 2 M G 28 5 7 Unity Fun Home true Baby
"[Aug] 15 21152 8769 Marie Campbell 1114 Forrest Ave,. Bx 67 F G 1 5 1 Henry W Payne, Inc true
"[Aug] 16 21153 17237 Louise Stanley 1407 Fifth Avenue 74 F Daniel Jenkins D 71 7 1 David M Jaudon true
"[Aug] 16 21154 17272 Rose Owens 218 West 113 Street 64 F G 1 5 2 Henry W Payne, Inc false
"[Aug] 17 21155 17311 Jennie Monroe 313 W 121st Street 78 F Jennie Monroe D 10 21 2 Lowry Callaway Mem true Re-op
"[Aug] 17 21156 17131 Ocie Cobb 312 West 114 Street 36 M G 1 5 3 Trumbo's Funeral Chapel false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Aug 17 21157 17320 Georgia McGowan 2 West 106th Street 99 F G 1 5 4 S McMillan, Inc false
"[Aug] 17 21158 17354 Felix A Ramirez 253 West 91st Street 27 M G 1 5 5 Cathedral Fun Home false
"[Aug] 17 21159 137 Dorothy Stewart 210 West 117th Street M G 2 15 1 St Helena Fun Home true From City Cem Disin
"[Aug] 18 21160 16524 Amelia Trammell 1373 Atlandtic Ave., Bklyn 3 F G 29 5 4 Kings County Fun H true Baby
"[Aug] 18 21161 17256 Wade Davis 335 St Ann's Ave., Bx 36 M G 2 15 2 Cobb Funeral Ser true
"[Aug] 18 21162 17310 Mattie Mae Baldwin 615 East 168th Street, Bx 57 F G 2 15 3 L Audrey Ward true
"[Aug] 18 21163 17392 Ollie Mae Charleston 1578 Lexington Avenue 48 F G 38 1 1 Florence E Browne's false
"[Aug] 18 21164 16452 Leroy Collier 172 McKivvin St,. Bklyn 65 M G 38 1 2 Kings County Fun H false
"[Aug] 18 21165 17306 Arnold Smith 184 East 101st Street 19 M G 38 1 3 Lee P Weaver true
"[Aug] 18 21166 17415 Lula Maynard also Turlington 42 West 127th Street 72 F G 38 1 4 St Helena Funeal H false
"[Aug] 20 21167 771 Patricia Ann Blake 327 Lenox Avenue 15 F G 2 5 1 Peter J Lance true
"[Aug] 21 21168 9968 George Bryson 450 East 105th Street 63 M G 2 5 2 Superior Fun Chapel false
"[Aug] 21 21169 17528 Priscilla Keyser 211 West 151 Street 46 F G 2 5 3 George L Jones false
"[Aug] 22 21170 Dist 4395 Reg 371 Alfred Barnes 260 West 125th Street 67 M G 2 5 4 Benta Fun Home false
"[Aug] 22 21171 17595 Elizabeth Bland 2 East 117th Street 94 F G 2 5 5 Cooper's Fun Chapel false
"[Aug] 22 21172 17596 Bronx JoAnn WIlliams 963 Washington Ave., Bx 3 F G 20 5 7 Peter J Lance false Baby
"[Aug] 22 21173 17601 WIlliam Benson 345 West 145th Street 83 M Marie Daniels E 2 39 2 M Marshall Blake true Re-op
"[Aug] 23 21174 17597 Raymond Johnson 117 West 132 Street 48 M G 1 6 1 Peter J Lance false
"[Aug] 23 21175 17665 Caspar Cox 68 M G 1 6 2 Henry W Payne, Inc false
"[Aug] 23 21176 17604 Ronald Gee 239 West 122 Street 9 M G 1 6 3 Unity Fun Home false Child
"[Aug] 23 21177 16811 Andrew Gibbs 9 Pulaski St., Bklyn 38 M G 1 6 4 St Helena Fun Home false
"[Aug] 24 21178 9068 James D Scates 661 Cauldwell Ave., Bx 46 M G 1 6 5 Lafayette W Rogers false
"[Aug] 24 21179 9048 Andrew Horton 418 East 165 St., Bronx 61 M G 3 15 1 M A Daniels & Sons false
"[Aug] 24 21180 9064 Anna Mae Whitty also Jordan 1000 Trinity Ave., Bx 32 F G 3 15 2 Charles ROllerson false
"[Aug] 24 21181 9046 Otis Salley 63 Morningside Ave 76 M Carrie Salley D 56 6 1 Lee P Weaver true
"[Aug] 25 21182 16894 Percy Malloy 306 West 146 Street 72 M G 3 15 3 Imperial Fun Home true
"[Aug] 25 21183 17867 Esther Jones 48 McCoombs Place 89 F Julia Dunn D 29 31 2 Marcus Jackson true Re-op
"[Aug] 25 21184 17745 George Penson 48-50 W 138 Street, NY 56 M G 3 15 4 Wainwright & Son, Inc true
"[Aug] 25 21185 17866 Calvin Turner 1381 Clay Avenue Bx 32 M G 2 6 1 Marcus Kackson false
"[Aug] 25 21186 17827 Norman Simms 413 West 125th Street 68 M G 2 6 2 Butler Fun Home false
"[Aug] 25 21187 17812 Charles Freeman 204 West 123 Street 88 M G 2 6 3 Cathedral Fun Home false
"[Aug] 27 21188 1595 Leona McKay 117 VanDuzer St, SI 9 F G 20 5 8 Kenneth E Billups, Sr false Baby
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Aug 27 21189 9178 Wendell Tinsley 1417 Prospect Ave., Bronx 50 M G 2 6 4 L Audrey Ward false
"[Aug] 28 21190 New Jersey Calvin Branch 2306 Eighth Avenue 15 M G 2 6 5 Mickey Funeral Ser., Inc true
"[Aug] 28 21191 18024 John M Standish also John Maddox 226 West 111th Street 28 M G 1 18 1 Butler Fun Home, Inc false
"[Aug] 28 21192 17874 Ada Phillips 53 East 130th Street 34 F G 1 18 2 Unity Funeral Home true
"[Aug] 28 21193 17848 James Carey 208 West 149th Street 66 M James & Bertha Carey H 1 F 2 Griffin Peters Fun H true Re-op
"[Aug] 29 21194 Dist 5195 Reg 503 James Ramsey Kings State Park Hospital 53 M James Harrison D 57 6 1 Gilmore FUn Home true
"[Aug] 29 21195 17228 Sterling Miller, Jr 688 Lexington Ave., Bklyn 16 M G 1 18 3 J Jose Spencer false
"[Aug] 30 21196 18004 Judge Garwood Graham 1902 Seventh Avenue 70 M Feen Ray D 72 7 1 Harry C Sease true
"[Aug] 30 21197 18153 Sylvia Embrel 2326 Seventh Avenue 61 F G 18 10 1 Wainwright & Son, Inc true
"[Aug] 30 21198 Bronx Christine Williams 984 East 223rd Street 45 F G 18 10 2 Rodney Dade, Inc false
"[Aug] 30 21199 18132 Melvin Swan 92 St Nicholas Avenue 61 M G 1 18 4 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[Aug] 31 21200 17107 Smauel Carrey also Samuel Coffery 23 Herkimer St., Bklyn 68 M G 18 10 3 Hunte H Wiley false
"[Aug] 31 21201 9302 Eddie Heywood also Eddie Haywood 1294 Intervale Ave., Bx 47 M G 18 10 4 Walter H Wiley false
"[Aug] 31 21202 18265 Emanuel Theodore 551 West 159th Street 74 M G 18 10 5 Virgil S Smith, Jr false
"[Aug] 31 21203 18108 Zada Adeline Smith 115 West 143 Street 4 F Adeline Smith D 73 7 1 Griffin Peters Fun H true Baby
Sept 1 21204 9313 Harrison Drayton 950 East 180th St., Bx 49 M Fannie Drayton D 74 7 1 Theodore E Scriven true
"[Sep] 1 21205 18154 Lorraine Leslie 669 Lenox Avenue 32 M G 2 18 1 Henry A Toppin & Son false
"[Sep] 1 21206 10465 Peter Reeder 300 West 140th Street 49 M G 2 18 2 S McMillan, Inc false
"[Sep] 1 21207 18291 Robert Curtis 110 West 143rd Street 64 M G 2 18 3 St Helena Fun Home true
"[Sep] 4 21208 17548 Florence Woods 185 Clifton Place, Bklyn 60 F Merritt Green F 2 28 3 Merritt Green true Re-op
"[Sep] 4 21209 17559 Ruth Powell 391 Adelphi St., Bklyn 82 F Ruth Powell F 11 25 2 David Lane true Re-op
"[Sep] 4 21210 18485 Doris Hughes 16 West 104th Street 28 F G 2 18 4 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[Sep] 5 21211 18528 Calie Griffith 140 West 144th Street 74 F G 3-A 18 1 David M Jaudon, INc true
"[Sep] 5 21212 18514 George Hollington 722 Lafayette Ave, Bklyn 33 M G 3-A 18 2 Walter J Cogar true
"[Sep] 5 21213 19507 Louise Gourdine 10 East 132nd Street F Christina Harvey D 45 18 2 Mickey Funeral Ser true Re-op
"[Sep] 5 21214 18569 Reginald Soard 307 West 133rd Street 64 M G 3 6 1 Virgil S Smith, Jr false
"[Sep] 5 21215 18582 Edna Bell 60 East 104th Street F G 3 6 2 William S Ross false
"[Sep] 5 21216 18413 Lydia Vinsetto 1192 Fox Street, Bx 52 F G 3 6 3 Lee P Weaver false
"[Sep] 5 21217 Bronx Clarence Pankey 1380 Ogden Ave,. Bx 29 M G 3 6 4 Marcus Jackson false
"[Sep] 6 21218 18529 Clarence J White 247 West 145th Street 54 M Julia White D 58 6 1 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[Sep] 6 21219 18446 Pearl Hankinson 122 West 143rd St 78 F Pearl Hankinson D 21 25 2 Rodney Dade, Inc true Re-op
"[Sep] 6 21210 18678 Thomas Goodwin 1305 Amsterdam Avenue 49 M G 19 10 1 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Sept 6 21221 18596 Alonzo Sharp 64 Clinton Street 54 M G 3-A 18 3 Estwick Bros false
"[Sept] 6 21222 18581 Edwin Wilson 115 West 129th Street 63 M G 3-A 18 4 Marcus Jackson false
"[Sept] 6 21223 18671 Carlton H Hepburn 70 Lenox Avenue 3 6 17 M G 15 7 4 Virgil S Smith, Jr true Baby
"[Sept] 7 21224 18725 Novella Johnson 450 West 164th Street 2 6 F G 14 7 4 Charles Rollerson false Baby
"[Sept] 7 21225 17772 Yvonne McNair 167 Park Place, Bklyn 57 F G 14 7 5 King A Sanders true Baby
"[Sept] 7 21226 18717 Joseph Gars 47 M G 1 11 1 Butler Fun Home false
"[Sept] 7 21227 18599 Cleo Talker 40 Center Mall Bklyn 65 F G 19 10 2 J Jose Spencer true
"[Sept] 7 21228 18592 Charles H Brahm 142 West 139th Street 77 M G 19 10 3 Birdie E Brown true
"[Sept] 7 21229 18552 Lacy Gould 507 East 164th Street 62 M G 19 10 4 George L Jones true
"[Sept] 7 21230 18731 Theodore Randall 111 West 143rd Street 56 M G 1 11 2 S McMillan, Inc false
"[Sept] 7" 21231 18567 Lou Harvey 11 West 88th Street 57 M G 1 11 3 Griffin Peters Fun H false
"[Sept] 8 21232 Rose Mary Hill 823 East 166th Street 24 F G 1 11 4 Unity Funeral Home false
"[Sept] 8 21233 186913 Blanche Palmer 124 West 117 Street 68 F G 1 11 5 Mamie H Rhodmon false
"[Sept] 8 21234 18692 Mary P Crochane 115 West 113 Street 78 F G 20 10 1 Mickey Fun Service, Inc false
"[Sept] 8 21235 18809 Leon Sharpen English (Davis) 3675 Broadway, NY 27 M G 20 10 2 Peter J Lance false
"[Sept] 10 21236 18925 Daisy M Garnes 227 West 149th Steet 55 F Delacey Garnes D 59 6 1 William S Ross true
"[Sept] 10 21237 9116 James Bates 154 West 120th Street 35 M G 20 10 3 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[Sept] 10 21238 Dist 5196 Reg 858 Jessie Austin 200 West 147th Street 73 F G 20 10 4 Griffin Peters Fun H false
"[Sept] 10 21239 18938 Margarte O Berry 107-48 142nd St., Jamaica, NY 22 F G 20 10 5 Unity Fun Home, Inc false
"[Sept] 10 21240 17972 Guy Russell Smith 1301 Atlantic Ave., Bklyn 2 1/2 wks M G 12 7 5 Kings County Fun Home true Baby
"[Sept] 11 21241 10735 Allen Kine 104 East 121st Street 45 M G 2 11 1 Mickey Fun Service false
"[Sept] 11 21242 18947 Edna Franklin 2813 Eighth Avenue 77 F G 2 11 2 Elizabeth M Smith false
"[Sept] 11 21243 Willie White 305 West 118th Street 61 M G 2 11 3 Peter J Lance false
"[Sept] 12 21244 18048 Manhattan Lemuel Harris 378 Hancock St., Bklyn 52 M G 2 11 4 McMillan & Hawkins false
"[Sept] 12 21245 19069 Margueritte Bryant Ross 2264 7th Avenue 60 F G 2 11 5 Lee P Weaver false
"[Sept] 12 21246 18120 Donna Andrews 878 Lafayette Ave, Bklyn 6 F G 2 11 6 McMillan & Hawkins false Baby
"[Sept] 13 21247 Dist 4305 Reg 404 Hester Porter Garcia 60 West 129th Street 66 F Nemecio Garcia D 60 6 1 Unity Funeral Home true
"[Sept] 13 21248 18175 theresa Booth 509 West 142nd Street 47 F G 21 10 1 Butler Fun Home false
"[Sept] 13 21249 N Jersey James F Hill 166 West 130 Street 83 M G 15 7 1 S McMillan, Inc true
"[Sept] 13 21250 18079 Joseph Booker 1664 Bergen St., Bklyn 77 3 29 M G 15 7 2 Edward J Robeson true
"[Sept] 13 21251 Lenwood Rakestraw 1270 Stebbins Ave., Bx 48 M G 15 7 3 S McMillan, INc true
"[Sept] 14 21252 19201 Samuel Hicks 176 West 18st Street 50 M Janie Hicks D 61 6 1 David M Jaudon, INc true
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Sept 15 21253 19202 Tommie Brown 507 West 133rd Street 49 M Jim Singleton D 62 6 1 David M Jaudon, Inc true
[Sep] 14 21254 18907 Adrennia Rouse 45 East 135th Street 48 F G 21 10 2 St Helena Funeral Home false
[Sep] 14 21255 19206 Rosa Smalls 20 Madison Avenue 82 F G 21 10 3 Elizabeth M Smith false
[Sep] 15 21256 19125 Marie Curman 9 West 91st Street 42 F G 21 10 4 S McMillan, Inc false
[Sep] 15 21257 19207 Thalia Allen 1385 Fifth Avenue 94 F G 2 14 1 Elizabeth M Smith false
[Sep] 15 21258 19256 Linda Price 65 East 127th Street 3 F G 20 5 9 Lee P Weaver false
[Sep] 17 21259 19332 Charles Wilson 305 West 111th Street 63 M G 2 14 2 Duncan Bros false
[Sep] 17 21260 19292 Fred Daniels 500 West 154th Street 72 M G 2 14 3 Butler Fun Home true
[Sep] 17 21261 Richard Waring (Warren) 24 St Nicholas Place 80 M G 2 14 4 Unity Funeral Home false
[Sep] 18 21262 9922 Joseph Bras 844 East 163rd Street 67 M G 2 14 5 McCall's Fun Home false
[Sep] 18 21263 19485 James Ed Haywood 45 West 110 Street 62 M John Haywood D 19 9 2 Trumbo's FUn Chapel true Re-op
[Sep] 18 21264 19448 Adolph Gracia 601 West 110th Street 25 M G 14 7 1 Mickey Fun Ser, Inc false
[Sep] 19 21265 19446 Elizabeth Dyson 2305 Eighth Avenue 59 F G 14 7 2 Unity Funeral Home false
[Sep] 19 21266 19537 Theopholus Daniels 431 West 125th Street 58 M G 3 14 1 St Helena Fun Home true
[Sep] 19 21267 9965 Leroy Kendricks 1097 Washington Ave., Bx 65 M G 3 14 2 Walter H Wiley true
[Sep] 19 21268 19416 John Paul 120 West 134th Street 76 M G 3 14 3 George L Jones true
[Sep] 19 21269 Lula Belle Homes 425 East 166th St., Bx 30 F G 3 14 4 Charles Rollerson false
[Sep] 20 21270 1740 Oscar Mitchell, Jr 505 Magnolia St., Elizabeth NJ 34 M Mary E Mitchell D 63 6 1 Kenneth E Billups, Sr true
[Sep] 20 21271 19632 Thoas J Raleigh 471 Lenox Avenue 67 M G 14 7 3 George L Jones false
[Sep] 20 21272 19646 Robert McKnight 31 West 111th Street 10 M G 3 4 5 George L Jones false ?Baby
[Sep] 21 21273 19415 James Edwards 525 East 120th Street 61 M G 1 20 1 George L Jones true
[Sep] 21 21274 11277 Francis Hill 1312 Boston Rd., Bx 59 M Sarah Hill E 12 45 2 McCall's Fun Home false Re-op
[Sep] 21 21275 19458 Arthur Colson 85-02 Rockaway Blvd., Jamaica, NY 53 M G 1 20 2 Peter J Lance false
[Sep] 21 21276 19651 Willie Mae Smith 100 Moringside Avenue 45 F G 1 20 3 Unity Funeral Home false
[Sep] 21 21277 19645 Martha Alexander 1999 Madison Avenue 76 F G 1 20 4 George L Jones false
[Sep] 22 21278 18184 Willie Mae Harper 230 West 101st Street 33 F D 64 6 1 Cathedral Fun Home true
[Sep] 22 21279 19768 Joseph Solomon 525 East 157th Street 58 M D 65 6 1 Mickey Fun Ser., inc true
[Sep] 22 21280 18784 Melvin Brothers 39 Downing St., Bklyn 54 M G 1 7 1 Kings County Fun Home false
[Sep] 22 21281 19742 Henry Ames 310 West 150 Street 63 M G 1 7 2 Elizabeth M Smith false
[Sep] 24 21282 4721 Marie Clark 565 Amsterdam Avenue Stillborn F G 2 14 6 George L Jones false Baby
[Sep] 24 21283 10021 James Miley 976 Tiffany St. Bx 56 M G 1 7 3 Theodore E Scriven false
[Sep] 24 21284 18765 Bessie Evans 70 F G 1 7 4 McMillan & Hawkins false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Sept 24 21285 Bronx 19671 Will Gist 2423 Seventh Avenue 63 M G 1 7 5 Marcus Jackson false
"[Sep] 24 21286 19770 Essie Fickling 2597 Seventh Avenue 41 F Arthur Ficking D 67 6 1 David M Jaudo, Inc true
"[Sep] 24 21287 19775 Hampton Lockett 893 Stebbins Ave., Bx 61 F Charlotte Lockett D 75 7 1 Griffin Peters Fun H false
"[Sep] 24 21288 19935 Sarah Anderson 300 West 151st Street 78 F Clarence Johnson D 66 6 1 Lafayette W Rogers true
"[Sep] 25 21289 19949 Dorothy Springer 2267 Seventh Avenue 73 F Dorothy Springer D 40 20 2 Ioneze H Jefferson false Re-op
"[Sep] 25 21290 Estelle Clayton 2150 Richmond Terrace, SI, NY 83 F arminta Thompson D 61 39 1 Chambers Fun Home true
"[Sep] 25 21291 19968 Aldred A Nelson 129 West112th Street 63 M G 2 20 1 George L Jones true
"[Sep] 25 21292 Dist 5194 Reg686 Joseph Turnage 123 West 136 Street 79 11 9 M G 2 20 2 Griffin Peters Fun H false
"[Sep] 25 21293 19933 George Owens 69 West 105 Street 52 M G 2 20 3 Marcus Jackson false
"[Sep] 26 21294 20112 Helen Davis 118 East 128 Street 38 F G 2 20 4 Imperial Fun Home false
"[Sep] 26 21295 20039 Harry Bradley 69 West 130 Street 72 M G 2 7 1 Griffin PEters Fun H false
"[Sep] 26 21296 19826 William Harvey 1465 Fifth Avenue 78 M G 2 7 2 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[Sep] 26 21297 20045 Wilbur Graves 304 East 102 Street 62 M G 2 7 3 Manhattan Fun Home false
"[Sep] 26 21298 20018 Lorraine Whitley also Lorraine Jenkins 231 West 138 Street 32 F Nineviah Whitley D 28 8 2 Walter H Wiley false Re-op
"[Sep] 27 21299 20116 Fannie House 1967 Seventh Avenue 62 F Margie Collins D 687 6 1 William S Ross false
"[Sep] 27 21300 20037 Audrey Perry 6 East 117 Street 33 F G 41 12 1 Estella Brooks Alston false
"[Sep] 27 21301 20174 Clayborne Jones 145 West 111 Street 81 M G 41 12 2 Cathedral FUn Home false
"[Sep] 27 21302 20193 Charles Owens 302 West 118 Street 48 M G 2 7 4 Trumbo's Fun Chapel false
"[Sep] 27 21303 10221 Mary Christian 1093 Franklin Ave., Bx 47 F G 41 12 3 Haywood H Green false
"[Sep] 27 21304 10271 William Scott 2755 Sampson Ave., Bx 47 M G 41 12 4 Mickey FUn Ser., Inc false
"[Sep] 27 21305 20022 Katherine Booth 276 West 119 Street 55 F G 2 7 5 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[Sep] 28 21306 19184 Marion Brown 393 Osborn St., Bklyn 25 F G 3 7 1 King A Sanders false
"[Sep] 28 21307 20247 George Lloyd 265 West 139 Street 67 M G 3 7 2 George L Jones true
"[Sep] 28 21308 20292 Kathleen Snipe 246 Manhattan Avenue 17 F G 3 7 3 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[Sep] 28 21309 20217 Frank Gilmer 203 West 145 Street 86 M G 41 12 5 William S Ross false
"[Sep] 28 21310 20040 Sarah Combs 20 West 115 Street 70 F G 41 12 6 Griffin Peters FUn Home false
"[Sep] 28 21311 19063 Lorenzo Van Romondt 1386 Dean St., Bklyn 74 5 24 M Lorenzo Van Romondt F 17 17 1 H.R. Hurd, Jr, Fun H false opening
"[Sep] 29 21312 19185 Charlie Ann Moore 954 Marcy Ave., Bklyn 52 F G 42 12 1 King A Sanders true
"[Sep] 29 21313 20293 URsula Ellatine Dickerson 1632 Amsterdam Avenue 37 F G 42 12 2 David M Jaudon, Inc true
"[Sep] 29 21314 20337 Herman Hobson 3 East 131 Street 46 M G 42 13 3 Peter J Lance true
"[Sep] 29 21315 20220 James M Daye 83-10 Rockaway BEach Blvd 36 M G 40 12 5 Theodore E Scriven false
"[Sep] 29 21316 20330 Sallie Smith Callham 101 West 133 Street 53 F Hattie Preston D 57 26 2 Riverton Fun Home false Re-op
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Sept 29 21317 20151 Richard Anderson 144 West 139 Street 5 M G 23 16 4 Elizabeth M Smith false Baby
"[Sep] 29 21318 10210 Mary E Graham 259-26 Harlem River Drive 60 F Thomas Graham D 69 6 1 Griffin Peters Fun Home true
"[Sep] 29 21319 20246 Mary Anna Russell also Robinson 264 West 123 Street 31 F G 3 7 4 George L Jones false
Oct 1 21320 Dist 5120 Reg William Dunn 166 Clarke Blvd, Amityville, LI 60 M Elva Dunn D 70 6 1 Harry C Sease true
"[Oct] 1 21321 Elizabeth Johnson 840 Dawson St., Bx 35 F G 3 20 1 S McMillan, INc true
"[Oct] 1 21322 20326 David Jones 2102 Eighth Avenue 62 M G 3 20 2 Marcus Jackson false
"[Oct] 2 21323 2316 Kenneth Seignsious 759 Jennings St., Bx Stillborn M G 17 7 5 L Audrey Ward true Baby
"[Oct] 2 21324 20534 Eudopsie Ostane 142 West 87th Street 72 F G 3 20 3 Cathedral Fun Home false
"[Oct] 2 21325 20443 Aurelia Morris 67 East 122nd Street 75 F G 1 12 1 Henry W Payne, Inc true
"[Oct] 2 21326 20533 Katie M Mack 2187 Eighth Avenue 56 F G 1 12 2 Odessa M Bailey false
"[Oct] 3 21327 20567 Burrekk Whiting 69 West 131st Street 78 M G 1 12 3 St Helena Fun Home true
"[Oct] 3 21328 20449 Minnie Jackson 255 West 144th Street 79 F G 1 12 4 Lee P Weaver false
"[Oct] 3 21329 20563 Wilfred Ivy 507 Lenox Avenu 75 M Ellen Ivy D 72 6 1 Harry C Sease true
"[Oct] 3 21330 20489 Alonza Walker 69 West 138th Street 58 M G 31 8 1 Walter J Cogar true
"[Oct] 3 21331 11843 Jennie Woodard 110-17 156th St., Jamaica, LI 90 F G 31 8 2 Fleetwood C Littlejohn false
"[Oct] 3 21332 20564 Sarah Coston 1024 Prospect avenue, Bx 82 F G 31 8 3 McCall's Fun Home true
"[Oct] 3 21333 203-2 Oscar Long 460 West 126th Street 74 M G 2 12 1 St Helena Fun Home true Morgue
"[Oct] 4 21334 Dist 4395 Reg 428 Pearl Greene 201 West 121st Street 74 F G 2 12 2 MIckey Fu Service true
"[Oct] 5 21335 20728 Mildred Johnson 70 West 118th Street 48 F G 2 12 3 Peter J Lanec true
"[Oct] 6 21336 20900 Kenneth Hodges 56 West 118th Street 1 14 M G 25 16 5 Walter J Cogar true
"[Oct] 6 21337 20738 Lillie Coles 496 East 182nd Street 81 F G 32 8 1 Lafayette W Rogers true
"[Oct] 6 21338 10590 James Pompey or Jimmy Pompey 1311 Clinton Avenue, Bx 45 M G 32 8 2 Cannon Fun Home false
"[Oct] 6 21339 20870 Ella Brown 274 West 140th Street 68 F G 32 8 3 Unity FUn Home, Inc false
"[Oct] 6 21340 20836 Albert Livingston 520 West 158th Street 69 M G 32 8 4 George L Jones false
"[Oct] 8 21341 20613 Charles McLean 475 Central Park West 3 1/2 M G 26 16 6 Elizabeth M Smith false Baby
"[Oct] 8 21342 19867 Demetrius Bullock 472 Macon St., Bklyn 42 F G 25 16 5 McMillan & Hawkis false Baby
"[Oct] 8 21343 20915 Henry Brown 601 West End Avenue 73 M G 33 8 1 Butler Fun Home true
"[Oct] 8 21344 19764 Mary Williamson 406 Evergreen Ave., Bklyn 61 F G 33 8 2 Philip A calaway true
"[Oct] 8 21345 Alice Mangin 27 Markham Walk, SI, NY 72 F Joseph Mangin D 73 6 1 Kenneth E Billups true
"[Oct] 9 21346 19986 Anna Robinson 24 McDonald St., Bklyn 71 F G 33 8 3 Kings County Fun Home false
"[Oct] 9 21347 19932 Hattie Blackwell 329 Thacker Ave., Bklyn 80 F G 33 8 4 Edna Hatchett true
"[Oct] 10 21348 12040 Lucy Jackson 114-31 168th St Jamaica, NY 80 F G 34 8 1 Elizabth M Smith false
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Year: 1962

Date Interment No. Receipt No. B. of H. No. Deceased Last Address Age (Years) Age (Months) Age (Days) Sex Plot Owner Sec. Plot Grave Range Position Undertaker Box Remarks Transcriber Notes
Oct 10 21349 21091 Mary Strotler 111 West 128th Street 80 F Delores Pedro D 49 5 1 Charles A Chambers true
"[Oct] 10 21350 10769 Ruth Labelle 520 East 157th Street 58 F Fred Labelle D 57 5 1 David M Jaudon, INc true
"[Oct] 11 21351 10713 John Benjamin Boyce 755 Dawson Street, Bx 71 M D 50 16 1 McCall's Fun Home true Opening
"[Oct] 11 21352 21257 Elbert Reid 2053 Seventh Avenue 53 M G 34 8 2 George L Jones true
"[Oct] 11 21353 21093 Mary Boone 4 East 118th Street 54 F G 34 8 3 Lee P Weaver true
"[Oct] 12 21354 21254 Isabell Palmer also Doris Lewis 740 Riverside Drive 58 F G 2 12 4 Virgil S Smith, Jr false
"[Oct] 12 21355 10717 Woodrow Deleslis 1432 Crotona Parkway, East Bx, NY 62 M G 34 8 4 Mickey Fun eral Ser., Inc false
"[Oct] 12 21356 21334 Magtthew McCauley 57 West 117th Stret 37 M G 35 8 1 William S Ross true
"[Oct] 12 21357 21067 Robert Williams 1725 Park Avenue 37 M G 35 8 2 Marcus Jackson false
"[Oct] 13 21358 21403 James Morrison 1513 Grand Concourse, Bx 53 M G 35 8 3 Marcus Jackson false
"[Oct] 15 21359 21354 Bessie Parker 211 West 149th Street 66 F Mary Bowe E 32 35 2 Rolfe L Daniels true Re-op
"[Oct] 15 21360 10878 Edward King 1314 Stebbins Ave., Bronx 53 M Edward King (Dec) D 27 21 2 George L Jones true Re-op
"[Oct] 15 21361 21486 Alfred Cooper 305 West 127th Street 74 M G 18 B 1 Unity Funeral home false
"[Oct] 15 21362 21455 Jennievevse Conaway 72 East 122nd Street 56 F G 35 8 4 Clinton W Jeffries true
"[Oct] 15 21363 Beulah Toatley 1111 Westchester Ave., Bx 58 F G 35 8 5 Henry W Payne, Inc false
"[Oct] 16 21364 Dist 4395 Reg 453 Ann Louise Jackson Rockland State Hospital 72 F G 18 B 2 Butler Fun Home false
"[Oct] 16 21365 20188 Mtilda White 1031 Myrtle Ave., Bklyn 107 F G 18 B 3 Kings County Fun Home false
"[Oct] 16 21366 21528 Adam T Martin 153 West 142nd Street 58 M G 18 B 4 Perkins Mem Chapel false
"[Oct] 16 21367 21581 Sylvester Carter 191 St Nicholas Avenue 34 M F 6 3 1 Unity Fun Home true
"[Oct] 16 21368 21563 Mary Maggie Forbes 54 East 118th Street 59 F F 6 3 2 Mickey Fun Service true
"[Oct] 16 21369 20369 Diana Obee 425 Marion St., Bklyn 19 F F 6 3 3 Edward J Robeson false
"[Oct] 16 21370 21526 James McKenny 141 West 113th Street 76 M F 6 3 4 Theodore E Forte false
"[Oct] 17 21371 Samuel James 680 St Nicholas Avenue 7 weeks M G 26 16 7 Imperial Fun Home true
"[Oct] 17 21372 21639 Joseph Arthur Chapman 438 St Nicholas Avenue 48 M F 7 3 1 George l Jones true
"[Oct] 17 21373 21548 March Holman 1788 Madison Avenue 69 M F 7 3 2 Trumbo's Fun Chapel true
"[Oct] 17 21374 20492 Naomi Langdon 1707 Atlantic Ave., Bklyn 72 F G 7 3 3 Edward J Robeson false
"[Oct] 17 21375 21676 Mary Smith 440 East 141st Street, Bx 18 F G 7 3 4 Louise B Hart false
"[Oct] 18 21376 Louise Thomas 1313 Clinton ave., Bronx 59 F G 39 9 1 Unity Fun Home false
"[Oct] 18 21377 12400 Robert Mauzon 109 West 122nd Street 57 M G 39 9 2 Unity Fun Home false
"[Oct] 18 21378 Bronx Arthur Nathaniel Wright 1178 Washington Ave., Bx 52 M 39 9 3 Unity Fun Home false
"[Oct] 18 21379 21753 Leroy Bumford 271 West 144th Street 88 M Leroy Bumford H 11 Y 2 Benta Funeral Home true Re-op
"[Oct] 19 21380 Dist 5932 Reg 221 Marcel August Rosset 620 S Broadway, Taaytown NY M G 39 9 4 Florence E Browne's false
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