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Date Undertaker Interment Time Deceased Certificate Margin Notes Cost Plot Lot/Range Grave Section Transcriber Notes
Feb. 9 P. Lee Weaver Boxed Interment 3:00 p.m. Samuel Jones - 153 W. 117 St. 1589; Paid 4/25/39; Top $20 19 17 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 19; pencil check; Red box around $20
Feb. 9 Wainwright & Son Boxed Interment 3 p.m. Elnora Harvin - 305 E. 99 St. 1590; p $20 19 17 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 19; pencil check
Feb. 9 Rodney Dade, Inc. No Box Interment 3:30 p.m. Mary Williams - 113 W. [?3] St. 1591; Paid 3/10/39 $20 19 17 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 19; Red box around $20
Feb. 10 Lafayette Rogers Boxed Interment 4 p.m. Amma Anna Chandler - 125 E 150 1592; p $20 Cancelled written over entire entry
Feb. 10 Wainwright & Son Boxed Interment 12 noon Luther Wright - 6 W. 138 St. 1592; p $20 13 74 E Time written could either be "12 noon" or "12:30 p.m.", 12 noon was transcribed; Red box around cost; Red box around range 13; pencil check
Feb. 10 David Jaudon, Inc. 3:30 p.m. Peter Richardson - 1347 5th Ave 1593; Paid $7 2/21/39; 11 4/7/39; Paid; Paid $18 $18 13 74 H Internment Option was "Morgue Box", left blank in transcription; Red box around cost; Red box around range 13; 1347 5th Ave. by name of deceased; Red box around $18
Feb. 13 14 N.B. Sterrett 12 noon Arthur Pontello - 180; 108 E 97 St. 1594; p $18 13 74 H Internment Option was "Morgue Box", left blank in transcription; Red box around cost; Red box around range 13; pencil check
Feb. 13 Mickey Fun. Service Re-opening 3:30 p.m. Essie Lee Nelson Andrews - 32 W. 116 St. 1595; p $20 34 27 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 34; pencil check
Feb. 13 Estate of J. Wesley Lane Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Rosa Wilson - 221 W. 62 St. 1596; p $20 13 74 H Red box around cost; Red box around range 13; pencil check
Feb. 14 Florence Williams Boxed Interment 2:30 p.m. Frances Santos - 2466 8th Ave 1597; Paid 2/24/39; Red box around $20 $20 20 11 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 20
Feb. 15 C. Franklin Carr Single Grave 3:30 p.m. George W. Wynne Nannie Wynne - 281 Edgecombe Ave. 1598; p $60 32 12 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 32; pencil check
Feb. 15 Granville O. Paris Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Charles Samuels - 267 W. 140 St. 1599; p $20 20 11 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 20; pencil check
Feb. 15 Robert Scott Single Grave 1:30 p.m. John Reid Edith Hunt - 360 W 127 St. 1600; p $60 33 20 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 33; pencil check
Feb. 15 Dillard Funeral Home Boxed Interment 3-3:30 p.m. Hattie Wright - 1395 Fulton St. - Brooklyn 1601; p $20 20 11 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 20; pencil check
Feb. 16 Dillard Funeral Home Boxed Interment 3-3:30 p.m. Elizabeth Anderson - 831 Dean St. -Bklyn. 1602; p $20 19 20 18 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 19; pencil check
Feb. 15 Littlejohn & Ingram Baby Grave 2 p.m. Wesley Cain, Jr. 1603; 3 ft. p $8 6 2 E Red box around cost; Red box around range 6; pencil check
Feb. 17 Perkins Mem. Chapel Boxed Interment before noon Nathaniel Monroe 1604; p $20

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