Pages 26-27




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year: [1943]

header: 13 left page; 20 right page

Date Undertaker Interment Time Deceased Certificate Margin Notes Cost Plot Lot/Range Grave Section Transcriber Notes
Apr. 9 Clara E. Ford Boxed Interment 10:30 a.m. Ralph Lane 2153 5th Ave. 4617; Paid 5/15/43 $20 19 39 H
Apr. 9 M.A. Daniels & Sons Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Hattie Burch 508 Lenox Ave. 4618; p $20 18 24 H
Apr. 10 Mickey Funeral Service Single Grave 11:30 a.m. George White Lillian White- 633 Lenox Ave. 4619; no rebate? (1607) $65 V 14 H
Apr. 10 Griffin Funeral Home Boxed Interment 2:30 p.m. Rufus Redwood 7-9 W. 124 St. 4620; Paid 4/23/43 $20 18 24 H
Apr. 12 Griffin Funeral Home Boxed Interment 11:30 a.m. William Barnes 960 Tinton Ave. - Bronx 4621; Paid 4/23/43 $20 19 38 H
Apr. 12 Griffin Funeral Home Box. 3:30 p.m. George Wimberly 48 W. 99 St. 4623 $20 Information had been cancelled
Apr. 10 LeGarr & Kelsey Co. Boxed Interment 3 p.m. Virginia Spence 234 W. 123 St. 4622; p $20 18 24 H
Apr. 12 Estwick Bros. Single Grave 12 noon David Roberts Marion Roberts 87 Bainbridge St. - Bklyn 4623; p; no rebate (1608) $70 U 8 H
Apr. 12 Lafayette Rogers Single Grave 3:30 p.m. Woodrow Hadley Esther Jones- 373 W. 123 St. 4624; p; no rebate (1609) $70 V 13 H
Apr. 12 David Jaudon, Inc. Boxed Interment 12:30 p.m. Sarah Dabney 2698 8th Ave 4625; p $20 19 38 H
Apr. 15 Perkins Mem. Chapel Boxed Interment 4 p.m. Carrie West 44 McCombs Place 4626; p $20 18 23 H
Apr. 13 George S. Fulcher Boxed Interment Box 11:30 a.m. Willoughbia Nixon 54 E. 131 St. 4627; p $20 19 38 H
Apr. 15 Elliott M. Pryor Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. William Spaight 4628; p $20 20 63 H
Apr. 14 Clinton Brooks Boxed Interment 11:30 a.m. Emma Dance 318 W. 134 St. 4629; p $20 19 38 H
Apr. 14 Clinton Brooks Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Lena Epps 1730 Amsterdam Ave. 4630; p $20 20 63 H
Apr. 16 Rodney Dade, Inc. Boxed Interment 12:30 p.m. Walter Roberts 225 W. 133 St. 4631; Paid 5/29/43 $20 18 23 H
Apr. 15 Arthur Brisbane Boxed Interment 1 p.m. Lioncio Matos 132 W. 123 St. 4632; p $20 20 63 H

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