Pages 30-31



Status: Complete

year: [1943]

header: 46 left page; 2 right page

Date Undertaker Interment Time Deceased Certificate Margin Notes Cost Plot Lot/Range Grave Section Transcriber Notes
Apr. 24 Est. of James Veal Boxed Interment 1 p.m. James C. Wyche 4650 $20 19 36 H
Apr. 24 S.McMillan, Inc. Boxed Interment 1:30 p.m. Emanuel DeWeever 211 W. 115 St. 4651 $20 19 36 H
Apr. 27 M.A. Daniels & Sons Boxed Interment 11 a.m. Josephine Williams 127 W. 137 St. 4652 $20 20 62 H
Apr. 27 Lafayette Rogers Boxed Interment 3:35 p.m. Bessie Williams 125 W. 134 St. 4653; pd/ $5 7/29/43, pd. 15 12/22/43; Paid in Full $20 20 62 H
Apr. 29 Levy & Delaney Boxed Interment 12 noon Arthur Bennett 160 W. 133 St. 4654 $20 20 62 H
Apr. 28 Mickey Funeral Home Boxed Interment 1:30 p.m. Estelle Robinson 4655 $20 20 62 H
Apr. 29 S.McMillan, Inc. Boxed Interment 1 p.m. Nora Graves 63 E. 101 St. 4656; (53) $20 18 21 H
May 1 M.A. Daniels & Sons Boxed Interment 12 noon Lala Reed 1372 Brook Ave., Bronx 4657 $20 18 21 H
May 1 M.A. Daniels & Sons Single Grave 3:30 p.m. Nannie Hill 133 Beechwood Ave., Mt. Vernon; Clarence Smith- 116 W. 144 St. 4658 (1612) $70 T O H
May 2 M.A. Daniels & Sons Re-opening 3:30 p.m. Julia Jackson Oscar Jackson- 316 W. 112 St. 4659 (1329) $30 L 2 H
May 3 Lee. P. Weaver Single Grave 2:30 p.m. George Kyle Eleanor Kyle- 49 St. Nicholas Place 4660 (1614) $70 W 20 H
May 1 Henry W. Payne Single Grave 3:30 p.m. Howard De Lowrie Cer: Helen Joes- 1293 Union Ave. Bronx 4661; 30" wide (1613) $70 U 7 H
May 1 Mickey Funeral Home Boxed Interment 11:30 a.m. Caroline Long 209 W. 128 St. 4662 $20 18 21 H
May 4 M.A. Daniels & Sons Boxed Interment John Bowles 410 E. 165 St. 4663 $20 20 61 H
May 4 Lafayette Rogers Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Jaunita Baldwin 446 Manhattan Ave. 4664 $20 20 61 H
May 4 Clinton Brooks Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. James McPherson 1642 Park Ave. 4665 $20 20 61 H
May 4 Ernest Reid & Sons Boxed Interment 11:30 a.m. Gwendolyn Houston 347 Manhattan Ave. 4666 $20 18 21 H

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