Pages 32-33



Status: Page Status Transcribed

year: [1943]

header: 10 left page; 18 right page

Date Undertaker Interment Time Deceased Certificate Margin Notes Cost Plot Lot/Range Grave Section Transcriber Notes
May 4 Turner Funeral Home Opening 3:30 p.m. Percival Waldron Royal Order of Ethiopian Hebrews- 146 W. 136 St. 4667; 199-F $20 35 9 "F"
May 5 David Jaudon, Inc. Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Malvina Smith 1424 Walton Ave. 4668 $20 20 61 H
May 6 Clara E. Ford Boxed Interment 11:30 a.m. Frank Palmer 4669 $20 19 35 H
May 7 Mamie Anderson Pratt Boxed Interment 2:30 p.m. Rudette Harden (m) 266 W. 154 St. 4670 $20 19 35 H
May 7 George Fulcher Single Grave 11:30 a.m. Grace Anderson Emma L. Anderson- 245 W. 135 St. 4671 (1615) $70 V 12 H
May 8 Levy & Delaney Boxed Interment 10:30 a.m. Mamie Jackson 121 Edgecombe Ave. 4672 $20 19 35 H
May 8 Rodney Dade, Inc. Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Nancy Lee 1925 7th Ave. 4673; Paid 6/26/43 $20 19 35 H
May 10 Claudius P. Sterrett Re-opening 11:30 a.m. Melvin Gaillard 403 W. 137 St.; Melvin Gaillard, Sr.- 287 W. 142 St. 4674 (111) $20 47 2 E
May 10 Mickey Funeral Service Boxed Interment 1:00 p.m. Ethel King 119 W. 60 St. 4675 $20 18 20 H
May 11 Clinton Brooks Boxed Interment 11:30 a.m. Irene Turner 12 E. 117 St. 4676 $20 18 20 H
May 11 Clinton Brooks Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Lavenia Thornton 457 W. 164 St. 4677 $20 18 20 H
May 11 Wainwright & Son Boxed Interment 2:30 p.m. Charles Anderson 982 Union Ave., Bronx 4678 $20 18 20 H
May 11 Levy & Delaney Boxed Interment 11: 30 a.m. John Stilt 333 Lenox Ave. 4679 $20 18 21 H
May 12 Wainwright & Son Top Board 12:30 p.m. James Wiley 2502 8th Ave. 4680 $20 18 20 H
May 12 LeGarr & Kelsey Co. Single Grave 3:30 p.m. Harold Behagen Rose Behagen- 248 W. 64 Street 4681 $70 U 6 H
May 15 Wainwright & Son Re-opening 11:30 a.m. Lucinda Bradley 227 W. 148 St.; Cer: Selina Davis- 305 W. 146 St. 4682 (1505) $20 R 12 H

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