Pages 36-37



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year: [1943]

header: 42 left page; 50 right page

Date Undertaker Interment Time Deceased Certificate Margin Notes Cost Plot Lot/Range Grave Section Transcriber Notes
May 24 R. S. Saunders Opening 4:30 p.m. Elizabeth Collins Elizabeth Collins 84 Utica St. Bklyn 4699 (232-F) $20 57 6 "F"
May 24 Mamie H. Rhodman Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. David A. Johnson 208 W. 140 St. 4700 $20 20 59 H
May 24 Mickey Funeral Service No Box Interment 11:30 a.m. Rosabelle Jones 52 W. 119 St. 4701 $18 18 19 H
May 26 Est. of James Veal, Inc. Boxed Interment 3 p.m. Emma Faust 68 W. 99 St. 4702 $20 20 59 H
May 26 Clinton Brooks Single Grave 3:30 p.m. Norma Smith Florie Pennington- 320 St. Nicholas Ave. 4703 (1620) $70 W 19 H
May 25 Mickey Funeral Service, Inc. Single Grave 3:30 p.m. Jeanette Dorsey 510 W. 120 St.; Elizabeth Phillips- 421 W. 162 Street 4704; 2'6"l 4 internments allowed (1619) $70 V 6 H
May 28 Griffin Funeral Home Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. James Patton 368 Lenox Ave. 4705; Paid 6/4/43 $20 19 33 H
May 29 Arthur L Dunn (?) Opening 3:30 p.m. Henry McAdoo Estelle & Henry McAdoo- 389 Cumberland St. 4706 (80-F) $20 28 1 "F"
May 30 Rodney Dade, Inc. Single Grave 4 p.m. Octavia Farley Violet Bryant- 5 E 128 Street 4707; rebate pd.; Paid 6/15/43 (1624) $80 U 3 H
May 31 Estwick Bros Boxed Interment 11:30 a.m. Henrietta Singleton 534 Decatur St., Bklyn. 4708 $25 20 59 H
May 31 David Jaudon, Inc. No Box Interment 11 a.m. Edgar Allen 201 E. 100th Street 4709; (53); pd. $18, pd. 5 12/30/43; Paid in Full 12/30/43 $23 20 59 H
June 3 Levy & Delaney Boxed Interment 11 a.m. Robert Bridges 47 E. 139 St. 4710 $20 20 59 H
June 4 John E. Yates Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Betty Harper 217 W. 60 St. 4711 $20 19 33 H
June 5 Mamie Rhodman Boxed Interment 1:30 p.m. Thornton Powell 304 W 134 St. 4712; Top or near Top $20 19 33 H
June 6 Edward Robeson (Community) Single Grave Mildred Nelson Marie Norfleet- 475 Monroe St., Bklyn. 4713; rebate (1621) $80 V 5 H
June 7 Clinton Brooks Boxed Interment 3:30 p.m. Otto Hoage 350 W. 121 St. 4714 $20 19 33 H

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