Bodleian Library Addit. C.38





Seint Dunstone was in englonde: comen of goed more miracles oure lord did : for him er he were bore ffor when he was in his modirs wombe : on a candelmesse day þer was atte churche folc ynowe : as to þe tyme lay as þei stode alle with her light : as men do ȝit so nou her light went out ouer all : and no man wist hou her light brent ful wele : and on one it was al out þe folc in greet wondir stode : and þerof were in doute and asked iche of oþir : in what maner it were hou it queynt so sothenly : þe light þat þei bere as þei stode and spake þer of : in greet wondir ichone Seint Dunstone modirs tapir : o fyre wax on one þat she helde in hir honde : she wist not whennys it come þe folc stode and bihelde : and greet wondir þer of nom But none wist whennys it come : but thorou oure lordes grace þer of þei teynde alle her light : þat were þan in þe place what was it but þat oure lord crist : light fro heuen sent and þe folc þat þere aboute stode : her tapres þer of tende but þat þat holy childe : þat in hir wombe was þere al englonde shulde light : bettir þan it was er þis childe was borne nyen hundirth ȝeere and fyve and twenty right aftir þat oure suete lord : in his [...] alight and in þe firste ȝeere of his crounyng [...] atholstone his modir hight Quyndrede : and [...]erstoue when þis childe was on erthe borne : [...] þer to heede þei lete it do to Glastenbury : to [...] To teche him eke his right bileue : [...] þat childe wexe and wele there [...] litil geme he toke of þe wo[...] Iche man þat harde of him [...] ioie ynough when he was of mannes w[...] he gan go Archebisshop of cantirbury : seint [...] þat was þo he made with him ioie ynough : and ever length more when he sye his goednes : and also þat he was of gred lore

{118 · xlii· de sancto Dunstanis.}

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ffor deyntee þat he had of him he lete him sone bringe Bifor þe prince of englonde : athelstone þe king þe king for him made ioie ynough: and grannted al his bone of þat he wolde prie him : if it were to done þan pried he him of an abbey : þat he was in forthe broght In þe toun of Glastenbury : þat he warned him it noght þe king him graunted his bone on one : and after him also Edmund þe king þat was his broþir : when it was in his power do To Glastenbury went sone : þis goed man seint Dunstone þe bothe kinges had gyuen him leue : Emond and athelstone Of þe hous of Glastenbury : a greet ordynour he was and made myche of her good rule : þat neuer er ainouge hem nas þat hous was first bigonne : foure hundirth ȝeere bifore and three and fifty also : er seint Dunstone were bore ffor þere was ordre of monkes : er seint patrik come and er seint austyn to englonde: broght cristendome and seint patrik dyed: foure hundirth and tuoo and fifty ȝeere after þat sure suete ladi : oure lord crist on erthe bere But no monkes þer were first : but as in hidyng ichone as men þat drue to wildirnes : for drede of goddes sone Seint Dunstone and Seint Athelwolde [...] oure lord bisaye Ordeyned were preestes : bothe on o day þer aftir sone to Glastenbury : seint Dunstone wende abbot he was made þere : his lyf and þe hous to amende and for he nolde bi his wille : in no tyme ydel be a privy smythi bi his celle : he gan him bisee ffor when him must of his orisons : rest for werynes To werke he wolde his hondes do : to flee al ydelnes serue he wolde pore men [...] he might dure al day for þe loue of [...] of them none hyre and when he [...] his hondes were at þe dede and his [...] mouthe bad his hede so þat at [...] stedes his hondes þere · his [...] his mouth to bid his bedes þerfore þe fiends to [...] greet onde on a tyme he come to his [...] lone him to fonde Right as þe sonne went [...] he a woman were and spake to him of his [...] with laghing chere and seide she had greet werke : wat him for to done triflyng she spake here and þere : and in a noþir tale sone þis holi man had greet wondir : þat she was so here and þere :

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and sate and bithoght him who it were : and his hert on one him bere when he had buthoght him who it was : he druwe forthe his tonge and leide it in þe hote fyre : and spake faire with hir longe Til þe toonge were al on fyre : and sith stille ynough þe deuyl he caught bi þe nose : and ful fast to him drough he tuynged and shoke hir bi þe nose : and þe fyre out blast þe deuyl wrigged here and þere : but euer he hielde fast she ȝalle and lept and drue ageyn : and made reuful chere she nolde for al hir wynnyng : þat she had comen þere with his toonge he stroke hir nose. and tuynged euer sore Til it was witinne nyght : þat he might se no more þe shrewe was glad ynough : when she was out of his honde and fley and cried in þe eyre : þat men harde thorou þe londe Out what hath þe talwe do : what hath þis oalwe do thorou al þe cuntree men harde : hou þe shrewe cried so as goed þe shrewe had ben : bileft at home to snyte his nose but he hyed þidir no more : to tille him of þe pope Þis holi man seint Dunstone : had þan greet power wit h þe king Edmond þat was þer : and was his counseler aftir þe king Edmondes dee[...] a good while þer was gone þat Edwyn his son was made king : and noght aftir on one Þis Edwyn had euyl reed : and þer aftir [...] he drough wit seint Dunstone he was wroeth : and hated him ynough of his abbey he did him out : and did him shame with wough But þe more shame þat men did him : þe more þe goed man lo[...]gh he droue him out of englonde : and [...] him crie fleme þis goed man went forthe [...] he no geeme To þe abbey of seint amaund[...] he drough and soiourned þere longe · and [...] aftir þe king Edwynes deeth . [...] broþir was þan made kinge : for he was [...] ful good man he bicome : and loues [...] and aftir him þat him þerto [...] men tolde him of Seint Dunstone : þat [...] of londe al wth unright for his goednes[...] and aftir him he sent sone [...] to be his counseler wth him : [...] Seint Dunstone come home ageyn. [...] was undir songe and had his abbey al in pees . fro [...] had ben longe with þe king he was long : al his priuy counseler :

{119 · xly· de sancto Dunstanis.} {Mc}

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Men spake myche of his goednes : bothe fer and nere It bfiel þan þat þe bisshop : of Wynchestre was deed þe king and þe erchebisshop Ode : þer of toke her reed and þe gode abbot seint Dunstone : bisshop þei made þere To make him heyer in goddes lawe : ageyn his wille þowe it were Som men were atte erchebisshop : of cantirbury sir Ode and asked himm whi he made him bisshop : and his grates were so goed ffor he sshal quod þis goed man : afar me here be Archebisshop of cantirbury : as men shal sone se What wotest þou þis oþir seide : þou spekest fullyche ywis þou wotest no more þan þine hele : al in god it is mi leeue fiendes quod þis goed man : ȝou thar me blame noght wele i wote þat oure lord ihesus crist : in my mouthe it hath broght as who sey of thing : þat he hath on me seide welle i may þowe it bifalle : aftir þat i am deed Bisshop he was of Londoun : seint Dunstone sith also Of Londoun and of Wynchestre : for he hielde bothe tuoo It bifel þat þe erchebisshop : of cantirbury was deed þe pope and þe king Edgar : þer of [...] her reed and made þe goed man Dunstone : ere[...]hop þere Goed men þat him knewe : ful glad þerof were Cristendome of englonde : to goed state he drough and þe rightes of holi chirche . hielde up fast ynough he had first thorou al englonde : þat iche person shulde chese To kepe him chaste fro lecherie : or his churche lese Seint Athelwold þat tyme : bisshop was of wynchestere and seint Oswold þe goed [...] as of wircestere þise bisshopes and seint [...]t o reed and Edgar þe goed [...]de þise three biss[...] englonde and iche w[...] none withstonde her chirch [...] hem bynom and bisett[...]pes reed of Rome Eight and [...] nonne þer arered [...]f persons wonne and so it [...]er in shrewen for þer g[...]ei wil shewen Goed were þise þree biss[...] tyme were þo þe bettir is englonde for hym [...] so shal it be euer moo Oure lord gaf on erthe [...] seint Dunstone faire grace on a tyme as he was him self in a privy place

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his fadir and his modir : in þe ioie of heuen on hye aftir þei were deed : ful openly þere he sye Greet loue oure lord him kidde : when he him shewed þere so myche of his priuyte : þe while he on lyue were as he lay a noþir tyme : in his rest bi nyght he sye þe ioie of heuen : and þe place þer inne ful light Aungels also he harde synge : a myry songe þer inne þat men synge in holi chirche : when þe messe doeth bigynne Kirieleyson . christeleyson : þat was þe myry songe þat þis holi man harde : him thoght it no thing longe wele aught he cum to heuen : at his endyng day when he bi his lyue : so myche of heuen saye herpyng he loued wele : and couthe þer on ynough a day as he sate in his solace : a myri lay on his harpe he drough þe harpe he hanged on þe walle : when it was tyme to ete and al redy was þer to broght : he sate doum to þe mete and bigan to thenk of heuen : and of þe ioie þat was þere and þe blisse þat amonge halwes is : þat þere þan were þe harpe him self bigan to syn [...] a myry steuen ywis þat men synge in holi chirche : [...] englisshe it is þis alle halwen soules be glad : þa[...]n heuen be do þat suyd oure lordes weye : an[...]had[...] her blode for him also ffor his suete loue : þerfore þ[...]ha[...] wone and knyghtes be withoutten ende : with [...] goddes sone þis anteme was ful myry : as þe folc harde alle Þe harpe songe it bi þe self : [...] it h[...]e bi þe walle ffaire grace oure lord shewed him [...] deed tree so shulde synge of þat ioie . [...] lord herid be þi grate : and þi [...] þat þou woldest for him here o[...] When þis holi man had lyued [...] and his ende was nye as god [...] On holi thursday he bicome sel[...] he lete sende aftir alle his fi[...] hem þat him serued eke : he [...] and forgaf hem alle þe tresp[...] and assoiled hem of her synne[...] and so he lay in his stronge eny[...] and lete hem clepe þe satreday : [...] bifalle and bad hem alle haue good day [...] his leeue of alle

{120 · xly· de sancto Dunstanis.} {ypstinche} {Gaudent in celio drime sanctoum}

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