Seint Dunston was of engelonde . icome of god mor Miracle oure lord dude for him . ar he were ibore . Vor þo he was in is moder wombe . on candelmasse day Þat volk was at chirche meche . as to þe time lay . As volk stod mid here liȝt . as me ʒet seþ now Here li[..] queinte ouer al . nomon nuste how . Here [……] barnde wel . in here riʒt was oute Þat volk stod in gret wonder . ⁊ were þer of in doute And bispeke ech to oþer. in whoch manere it weir How it queinte solemeliche . þe liȝt þat heo bere . [….] […..] and speke þer of . in gret wonder echon Seint Dunstones moder taper . afuire wer anon . þat heo hult in hir hond . heo nuste how it com [.. ….] stod ⁊ [..] bihuld . ⁊ wonder þer nam .
Non nuste whanne it com . bote bi godes grace þat heo tenden al here liȝt . aboute in eche place . Þat was oure lord crist . þat vram heuene þat liȝt sende Al þe volk þer aboute . here tapres þer of tende Bote of þat ilke holi child . þat in hire wombe was þere Al engelonde scholde beo liȝt . bet þan hit was ere . Þe child was niȝe hondred ȝer . ⁊ viue ⁊ aventi riȝt After þat oure swete lord . mis moder was liȝt . And in fourtene of þe coviming . of kings aþeston His moder het quendrice. His fader het herston . þo þis child was ibore . his vrendes nomen to him hede Heo duden him to glastinburi . to norice ⁊ to vede . To techen his bileue . pater noster and crede Þe child wex ⁊ wel þeiȝ . as it moste nede . Sure he tol[.] of þe worlde . to alle godnesse he drow Ech man þat him seiȝ . hadde of him ioie mow . Þo he was of mannes wit . to is vncle he gan go Þe erchebischop of cantelburi . seint Dunston þat was þo . ⁊ made mid him ioie mow . ⁊ eil þe leng þe more Þo he seiȝ of his godnesse . ⁊ of is wise lore Vor deinte þat he hedde of him . he let[.] him sone bringe Bifore þe prince of engelond . Aþelston þe kinge . Þe king him made ioie . and grauntede al is bone Of what he wold bidde . ȝif it were to done . Þo bad he him an abbeiȝe . Þat he was inne vorp brouȝt. In þe toun of glastingburi . þat he ne wernde him nouȝt . Þe king gra ntede is bone . and after him also Edmond is broþer þat was king . and in power ido . To glastingburi wende sone . þe gode mon seint donston Þo boþe him ȝeue leue . Edmund and Aþelston . Of þe hous of Glastingburi ⁊ order or he was He made muche of þe gode rule . þat among hem er was . Ar þat hous was bigonne . vour hondred ȝer bifore And þeed and visa þer to . ar seint Dunston were ibor[.] Vor þer was ordre of monkes . ar seint patrik com And ar seint austin to engelond . br[….]te cristendom . Seint patrik deiȝete vour hondred ȝer [.]f to in four[..] her After þat oure ledi . oure lord on Erþe ler[.] . Ac none monkes nere furst . bote as u[.] briding echon And as heo drowe to wildernesse . vor dr[..]ete of goles fon. Seint Dunston ⁊ seint Aþelwold > as our [.] lord bissaþ Ordeined were to prestes . boþ in o day .
⁊ after to glastinburi . seint Dunston wende Abbot he was þer mad . his lif to amende . And for he nulte bus wille . no time idel beo A peneance bi his celle . he gan him biseo . Whanne he moste of hise orisons . reste for werinesse To werke he wolte is honden do . to vleo idelnesse . Serue he wolde pore men . while he miȝte dure [.]ltni vor þe loue of god . kepte non oþer hure . Whanne he sat at is werke . his honden at is dede His herte was on ihus crist . his mouþ is bedes sede . So þat at one time . he was at þreo dedes His honden at werk . his herte at god . is mouþ bad is betes . þer vore þe deuel to him . envie hedde an onde A time he com is celle . alone him to fonde . Riȝt as þe sonne ȝrode a doun . as he a womon were And spak wiþ him of is werk . wiþ [..]ge chere. Heo seide þat heo hedde wiþ him . gret werk to done Truflinge heo sinot . in to anoþer tale sone . þis holimon wondrede . if heo was her ⁊ þere He sat longe in þouȝte . narwe who it were . þo he þouȝte who it was . he drow ner is tonge Ande lede it in þe hote . and sperk faire longe . Vorte þe tonge was ofure . and suþþe stille inow þe deuel he hente bi þe nose . ⁊ wel faste drow . þe deuel wrickede her ⁊ þe . he huld euere faste . Heo ȝal ⁊ hupte aboute . ⁊ made grisli bere Heo nolte vor al þe biȝete . heo beo hedde icome þere . Wiþ þe tonge euer he hild . and awende so soȝe Vorte it was wiþinne niȝt . þat he ne miȝte so namore þe schre was well bliþe . þo heo was out of is honde Heo gradde as heo vleiȝ . þat me herde al ȝend þe londe . Out what haþ þis calwe ido . what haþ þis calwe ido In al þe contrei me herde wide . how he grade so . As god hire ibeo . isuntȝ atom hiþer nose Al nolte namore þider go . to telen hire of þe pose .
¶ þis holi abbot se[…] Dunston . hadde gret power Wiþ king Edmund þat was . he was is conseller . After king edmund[.] dey . a gode while þer was agon þer Edwine is sone was king . ac not after e drow . þis edwine had[..] euel red . ⁊ þere after e drow . Wiþ Seint Dunston he was wroþ . siker mid gret w[..]w . Het wende so hi[.] nose . þat þe fuir out blaste .
Of is Abbe he dude him out . And dude him schame inow þe more wo þat he him dude . þe more þe gode mon loue . He drof him out of engelonde . ⁊ let him crie fleme þis gode mon wende forþ glad . ne tok he neil ȝeme To þe abbei of seint amaunt . biȝende see he drow . And soiornede þere longe . ⁊ ladde god lif mow . After king edwines dey . Edgar þat was is broþer Was mad king for he was . ner þan ani oþer . Swiþe god mon he bicom . ⁊ louede welll holichirche Ech man þat him þer to radde . after him he gan wurche . Me tolde him of seint Dunston . þat is broþer drof of londe Wiþ unriȝt for is godnesse . he bigan him vunderstonde . After him he sende anon . þat he come aȝen sone And bileueded is conseler . of þat he hedde to done . Sone Dunston com aȝen . and faire was vnerfonge And ladde is abbei in pes . vrom wham e was so longe . Wiþ þe king he was wel . and was is conseiler Muche me spak of his godnesse . love fer and ner . Hit befel þat þe bischop . of wircestre was ded þe king ⁊ þe erchebischop . þat of nomen red . And þe holi seint Dunston . bischop þei maden þere To maken him herre in godes lawe. his witte þeiȝ it nere . Somme aftere þe erchbischop . cantelbiri [.]i[.] eode Whi made he Dunston bischop . ⁊ whi is grace were so gode . Vor he schal quoþ þis gode mon . After me here bee Erchebischop of cantelburi . ⁊ þat me schal iseo . What wottou þis oþer seide . þat spekest folliche iwis [.]ostou nanmore þan þi fot . uvpone god al it is . Leue frend quod þis gode mon . ne blameþ me nouȝt Wel isch ot what ihus crist . to mi mouþ haþ brouȝt . As whose seiþ of þat þing . þat he haþ to me sed Telle ich may þe[.]h[.]t bifalle . after ich am dede . Bischop he was of londone . seint Dunston suþþe also Of londone ⁊ of wircestre . he huld boþ to . Hit bifel seþþe . þat þe erchebischop eode was ded þe pope ⁊ þe king edgar . þerof nomen red . Heo maden þe gode seint Dunston . erchebischop þere Gode men þat him knewe . wel glade þerof were . Cristendom in engelond . to god that he drow And þe riȝtes of holichirche . huld vp vaste inow .
¶ He ordeinede þorw al enelonde . þat ech person scholde chese To witen him from lecherie . oþerr his chirche lese .
Seint Aþeliwold was þat time . bischop of winchestre And seint Osewold þe gode mon . bischop of Wircestre . þese twe[.]e and seint Dunston . weren alle at o rede And edgar þe gode king . to [..]n þis holi dede . þese þreo bischopes wenden . þorw al engelonde Ech luþer person heo casten oute . hem ne miȝte non astonte . Heore churchen and here oþer god . clanliche hem binome And setten yn gode men . þorw popes graunt at rome . Eiȝte and fourti abbeis . of monkes ⁊ of nonne Heo arereden in engelonde . mid tresor þat heo so wonne . And so it was let iset . þan in main schrewe Whan gode men mastres beþ . som god heo wolleþ schewe . Gode were þe bischopes þreo . þat at ouine were þo þe bet is engelonde for hem . ⁊ worþ euermo [.]
¶ Oure lord ȝaf on erþe . seint dunston vaire grace þat at o time he was . in a priue place His fader and is moder . in þe ioie of heuene anheiȝ After þat heo dede were . ap[..]piteliche he seiȝ Gret loue our him cudde . þat he him schewede þere So muche of is priuetes . while he alive were .
¶ As he lay anoþer time . in his rest aniȝt He sen þe ioie of heuene . ⁊ þe place so liȝt . Angles he herde singe . a muri song þereinne . þat [..] singeþ in holi chirche . whan þe masse dey biginne . Kyrieleison xpeleison . was þe mirrie song þis holi mon þat þis herde þouȝte noþing long . Wel auȝte he to heuene come . at is ende day Whanne he þe while he liuede . so munche of heuene say .
¶ Harpe he louede wel . of harpe he couþe mow A day he sat in his solas . ⁊ alay þerinne drow . þe harpe he heng oupe wow . þo hit was time to ete þo it was al ȝare þerto . he sat doun to þe mete . Of heuene he gan þenche . of ioie þat was þere And of grete blisse . þer is among soules þat þere were . He sat as he were nome . so muche þeron he þouȝte His harpe þat þer heng . Of who in lute erouȝte Si[..]an to cuþen is þouȝt . ded treo þeiȝ it were As our lordes wille was . as herden alle þo þere. Al bi himself it harpede . a meri song iwis þat me singeþ in holi chirche . an englis is þis . ¶ Halen in soulen glade beþ . þat iheuene beþ ido [.]iweþ oure lordes wey . ⁊ vor him ischedden also.
{¶ Gaudem in celis}