At þat hous þat furst bigonne four hondred ȝer bifore
⁊ eke þreo ⁊ vyfti er seint Dunstan were ibore
For þer was ordre of monekes er seint patrik com
⁊ er seint Austyn to Engelonde brouȝte cristendom .
⁊ seint patrik deide tuo hondred ⁊ trio ⁊ vyfti ȝer
After þat oure suete leuedi oure louerd here ber
At none monekes þer nere furst bote as in hudinge echon
⁊ as men þat drowe to wyldernisse for drede of godes fon .
¶ Seint Dunstan ⁊ seint Adelwold as oure louerd hit bisay
I ordeyened to preostes were al in one day
Þer after sone to Glastnebury seint Dunstan anon wende
He was abbod þer ymaked his lyf to amende
¶ ⁊ for he nolde bi his wille no tyme idel beo
Apriuei smyþþe bi his celle he gan him biseo
For whan he moste of oreisouns reste for werinisse
To worke he wolde his honden do to fleo idelnisse
Sin he wolde poure men þe wyle he miȝte deore
Al þe dai for þe loue of god he ne kipte of hem non hure
⁊ whan he sat at his worc þer his honden at his dede
⁊ his his hurte mid ihesu crist his mouþ his hedes bede
¶So þat al at one tyme he was at preo stedes
His honden þer his hurte at god his mouþ to bidde his bedes
Þerfore þe deuel hadde of him gret enuye ⁊ ȝonde
O tyme he cam to his smyþþe alone him to fonde
Riȝt as þe sonne wende adoun riȝt as he womman were
⁊ spac wiþ him of his worc wiþ laȝinge chere
⁊ seide þat heo hadde wiþ him gret worc to done
Treoflinge heo smot her ⁊ þer in anoþer tale sone
¶ Þat holi man hadde gret wonder þat heo was ⁊ þere
He sat longe ⁊ biþoȝte him longe hou hit were
He biþoȝte him ho hit was he droȝ forþ his tonge
⁊ leide in þe hote fur ⁊ spac faire longe
Forte þe tonge was al afure ⁊ siþþe stille ynouȝ
Þe deuel he hente bi þe nose ⁊ wel faste drouȝ
He tuengde ⁊ schok hire bi þe nose þat þe fur out blaste
Þe deuel wrickede her ⁊ þer ⁊ he huld euere faste
He ȝal ⁊ hupte ⁊ drouȝ aȝe ⁊ makede grislich bere
He nolde for al his biȝete þat he hadde icome þere
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{[right margin: in later hand] Jo. Sanford ....}
{[bottom margin: in later hand] Aaa Bbb Ccc Ddd Eee
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