Suffolk Virginia July
William Blount Esq Sir; The enclosed are from [damaged] will I hope excuse the liberty I take in writing [damaged]. He also informed me, that he had wrote to Gen[damaged] in Philad'a that had mentd. me to him that [damaged] rely on either of you gentlemen to render me any serv [?] in your power & I hope sh'd either of you be in pla[?] when this gets to hand that you will be good eno [ blank] to answer it Immediately --- I have serious thoughts [illegible] of becoming an inhabitant of your state & I want information which I cannot get unless you will [illegible] good enough to give it - from the information [illegible] have had I suppose somewhere about Northern w be the part of the Country for me to settle in - object being to carry on the Mercantile business pretty exclusively to build vessells - Is the country thereabouts Healthy & what are the cle [?] disorders - can a vessell of any considerable beam then be built there & sent loaded with tobacco wheat [?] to sea - how are the materials for building & fitting such as anchors. Canvass [?] cordage to be procur'd if no other way, than by a land carriage from these states I'm afraid a ship built & fitted that way w'd cost more than one built here - could not these articles be made there to great advantage for I have a notion [illegible]
[damaged] Hemp + Flax + I am told that [damaged] be made there - I sh'd wish to carry [damaged] large assortm't of goods, will you [damaged]ough to inform me particularly [damaged] suits the Country + note those that [damaged] bly most in demand, this will be [damaged]of considerable consequence to me at what rate does goods generally sell there for instance L100 Pensylvania curr'cy laid out for goods in Philad'a. what on an average will they sell for in Nashville- can waggons be procur'd to go from Knoxville to Nashville [illegible] what terms- if [illegible] the rect. of your [illegible] clude to go out- shall immediately dispatch a young man with money goods + negroes so as to have things in readiness by the spring when I shall come out with my fam= =ily - what can the first quality of land about Nashville be purchased at the most [illegible] pleasant situations - your answer to these matters immediately will forever confer an obligation on me- I wish to dispatch the young man early in Sept'r + to follow with my family early in March. Contrive your answer if you please by the most speedy conveyance -
yr H. Serv Harrison Allman
Suffolk. Paid 50
William Blount esquire in his absence Governor Sevier Knoxsville Tenesee
From Mr. Almand