B-1-9 Recorded November 17 1812
The State of Tennessee No 3504 To all Whom these presents shall come Greeting: Know Ye that in consideration of military service performed by Thomas Pettyshall to the State of North Carolina war rant No 5258. dated the 12th day of December 1797 entered on the 26th day of Novemeber 1807 by No 1147
There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto Gabriel Greathouse assignee of the heirs of the said Thomas Pettyshall. a certain tract or parcel of land, containing, seventy acres part of said Warrant lying in Robertson County in the first District on the north side of Red River in the second section of the fifteenth Range. Beginning, Seven poles north of Mr McFarlins north east corner of his survey of one hundred acres at two black jacks Runs north one hundred & forty eight poles to two small hickories near a Spring thence West seventy six poles to a hickory and black jack, thence South one hundred & forty eight poles to a stake, thence east to the Beginning, surveyed the 2nd day of January 1810 by J. Shanklin [DS.?] With the hereditaments and appurtenances - to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Gabriel Greathouse and his heirs forever - in Witness whereof Willie Blount Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand & caused the great seal of the State to be affixed, at Knoxville on the 28th day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven and of the Independence of the United States, the thirty sixth
By the Governor
W. G. Blount Secretary, Willie Blount
A Copy Test D McGavock Register of West Tennessee by H. W. MCGavock DR
B-1-9 No 3504 Gabriel Greathouse 70 acres Robertson County