




Providence December 18. 1847.


Powers L. Green of Little Falls in the County of Herkimer and State of New York is de sirous of obtaining the appointment of Commission er of Deeds for the State of Tennessee

Mr Green, is a well educated Lawyer just starting in Business of a high Moral Character and now holds the appointment of Commissioner from some other of the States.

There is no Commissioner for Tennessee in Herkimer County.

Herkimer County, is or rather may be termed the great Cheese County of New York. there was paid during the last Season to the Farmers of that County something near $700.000. for the one article of cheese hence the Business Transactions of that County are large. A Commissioner of Deeds would be a great accommodation to those who have Busi ness Transactions with the State of Tennessee and to such of your Citizens as may have Business to transact with Herkimer County Inhabitants.

From Mr Greens Legal Education, being conversant with the duties of the office and withal his high Moral Character I can assure your Excellency, that should you be pleased to give him the appointment

Last edit 5 months ago by jparktn


that it will be a good One, a judicious One, and One that will be entirely satisfactory to such of your Citizens as may require the Services of a Commissioner of Deeds in Herkimer County

Very truly Your Obt St Henry Martin

To/ His Excellency Neil S. Brown Governor of Tennessee

Last edit 5 months ago by jparktn



To/ His Excellency Neil S. Brown Governor of the State of Tennessee

Testimonial as to Powers L. Green New York

Last edit 5 months ago by jparktn
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