Portersville Tipton Cty Tenn Decr the 18th 1848
His Excellency N.S. Brown governor of the State of Tenn
Dear Sir: I hope you will excuse your old friend if he has taken too great liberty in asking you to do him s small favor governors can sometimes do a friend a Small favor without any great trouble. Sir as I know no one else in Nashville but yourself I have concluded to ask you to do this favor & if you do not wish to do it I hope these will be no great harm done. Sir as both our timber & workmen are very indifferent & I want a good set of strong waggon wheels and am told they make first rate in the Peniteniary can or will you be so good as to get me a set made & shipped to Randolph please have them two Inches on thead tho time 3/4 of Inch thick with good bones I do not wish them painted or tard I wish them just as they are finished by the workman I want the very strongest kind that can be made. Now for the pay you will please be so good as to inform me what the prices is & how I shall get the money to Nashville & I could pay it to any agent in Memphis or else where that will suit or enclose it by mail Just as will be most convenient please write me as soon as you know; the reason I only want the wheels alone is I can have the other work done & not have to pay out money which is disirable these hard times If it is not in your power to attend to it will be so good as to get some friend to do so please send them to Henry M Danils C. Meret Randolph your Compliance will very much oblige your old why freind
Henry Adkins
N.b. The money shall be as sure as my Prophey was when you & Col Bell was at my house that you was to be governor before long that was in 1844 but alas we lost old Harry Clay god has never made the man that I would prefer to have I am like as Govrn Jones I hated to give him up but must (yield?) health & Prosperity & a long life to your Honor is the wish of your old whig friend hopeing I may live to vote for you again & again if necessary your respf obt Svt
H Adkins
Portersville Ten
Mg His (?) 19
N.S. Brown Governor State of Tenn Nashville