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[N Brown B-1-7-3]

New Market June 24th '48

Dear Sir

I have been afflicted some ten months with the chills & fever and the blind Piles two dreadfull diseases. I have not however failed to hold my courts by myself either. There were two weeks of court in the time that I was not able to be in court to try any litigated cause. I am still afflicted tho am gaining ground as I believe. My Physician and friends recommend rest from duties on the Bench during the summer circuit which commences on the 3rd Monday of July at Newport and will end about the last week in Septem at Jacksboro. I have lost in flesh some hundred and twenty pounds. This I do not regret if I can regain my health and strength - get the Piles subdued as I have now the Chills such subdued and can get my stomach and bowels once more into healthy action I will tho then be fit for duty. My own judgment accord with the advice of my Physician & friends & I feel like some 3 or 4 weeks spent at some chalybeate springs would restore me to to sound health again. The Piles above any other disease known one more completely unfits a man from holding court or indeed from remainings in company when they are bad upon him. In view of the above facts I have deemed it my duty to request Your Excellency to commission a competent person under the provisions of the act of 1835 (Sec C & S Page 239 sec 3) to hold the above Courts - I still hope that I may be able to hold my circuit as I am sure that I am on rising ground, if not to hold the whole session of courts, yet to hold part of term but I want the commission to cover the whole circuit. I have spoken to a gentleman on this subject who I consider of competent law Knowledge and every way qualified to fill the commission. I mean Mr Sam'l B Boyd of Knoxville who has consented to serve should you appoint him and hold the whole round of courts if need be or stop at any time I may be able to resume my duties. My circuit consists of 6 counties to wit, Cocke, Sevier, Jefferson, Grainger

Last edit 3 months ago by Sandym
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Claibourne & Campbell. The circuit commences at Newport for Cocke County 3d Monday of July - at Sevierville the Monday next before the 1st Monday in August Jefferson the 2d Monday August Grainger the 4th Claiborne the 1st Monday in Sept Campbell then the 2d Monday in Sept

Please drop me a line of your action upon this subject His Excellency N.S. Brown Your Obt Servat Robt M Anderson

Last edit 3 months ago by Sandym
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New Market Paid 5 June 25th

His Excellency

Neil S. Brown Nashville Ten

R.M. Anderson 1848

Neill S. Brown


Last edit 3 months ago by Sandym
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