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Oct the 10th 1848

Governor N S Brown

Dear Sir

I recived your letter on the 8th of this Inst stating that you had received my certificate and that It was necessary for them to make out a statement before a justice of the Peace on Oath of the time and place and the manner in which it was doing Those men live in Allabama, Decalb County, and they sold there claim to me and John Cowan a neighbour of mine we paid them the money for this claim and took there Receipt for it especting to get it from you in a few days, They say that they arested Baily about one mile from Tuscumbia in Franklin County Ala H Baily and family were moving to Arkansas so they say. Baily has been living in the sand mountains in Alabama ever since the murder of Howel until he learned that ther was a reward out for him so he says. Thos men stated that there were no other persons interested in the arrest of Baily and Baily also states the same thing They told me it was on the nineteenth day of Sept about nine o clock in the PM, There was two of those men the Poes family lived in Bradley county, one of these Brothers visited them about the time your reward came out and informed them of that fact, I also wrote a letter to an acquantance of min in that (?) our (?) requesting him to make (illegible), understanding that he had some Relatives in that county thinking it likely he would ask about them as it was a mountainous country, W. Cowan & myself did not now that it was necessary to have any other sertificate than the one I've sent you I will take us some time to get a statement as you state from them as you say. If you as they live something near

Last edit 9 months ago by MaryV
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one hundred miles from here They also live in different settlements if you could send us the check I would accomodate us very much It would save us of some trouble and expence, they enclosed a few lines to you requesting you to direct the Check to me that was agreed upon By them Mr Cowan, and myself

Your abt Sevt Thos L Bates

Last edit over 1 year ago by KC
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Cleveland Oct 10 Te Paid 5

To his Excellency

1848 NS Brown Nashville Tennessee

Last edit over 1 year ago by KC
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