New Madrid Missouri Nov 8th 1848
Hon N S Brown
Your favor making inquiries in relation to progress of suit of Slute Walken (& Co?) vs Parker (?) after being forwarded from Hickman Ky reached here during my absence & has therefore remained so long unanswered
As I before wrote you there is a judgment at law on Parker & a bill is now pending to subject a farm to sale-
Parker was allowed by statute until second [term?] after the filing of the bill to answer. Upon answering he disclaims title in himself & set up a (?-hilte) in his children derived as follows. His father-in -law Arrington made a deed of gift in Wayne County Tenn in 1835. wherein he conveyed to Mrs Parker two negroes one of which was traded for this farm & a deed taken in the name of his Children =Parker filed an Exhibit with his answer thus deed of gifts upon which was Endorsed the Certificate of the register of Wayne cty that said and had been duly acknowledged & recorded. By a close inspection of the Exhibit I detected signs of mutilation & an in(?) & beliving the same to have been done since the (?) of the instrument I wrote to the Register for a certified copy of the Same as Recorded- I recd it & found my opinion correct. I then filed an amended bill making Parkers Children parties to the Suit & introducing the certified copy as an Exhibit; One of Parkers Childrenwas temporarily absent when process was issued upon the amended bill& it was therefore not served upon him. I had it removed & it was returned at
the last September term of the Court Executed, & a guardian ad libum was appointed who of course claimed until next term of the Court to answer, at which tme he will have the case finally disposed of if nothing occurs which I can now forsee, & that a (decree?) will go in our favor I see no reason to doubt. Upon the filing of the certified copy of the deed of gift Parker became considerably alarmed as tho imputation of forging necessarily cast upon him & in order to screen himself therefrom that taken the deposition of a brother in law that the alteration was made by the (?) & that Parker had no hand in it or any knowledge at the time of such alteration, I wish to obtain the deposition of the Register of Wayne Cty in regard to the Record & (procure?) an order of court for that purpose, I will be in Hickman in a short time & will enclose you the dirionus & inform you of the points upon which I desire proof. You shall be promptly informed of all steps which may be taken at the Spring term of the Court- Ihave removed to theis place but continue my attendance upon the Hickman County Business often recalls me to that place so that the case shall by no means lack attention
My veryResp'y RA Hatcher
(?) Wells Tenn Nov 20 His Excellency - N S Brown Governor Nashville Tenn