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Manchester Nov 18 = 1848


Permit me to introduce to your favorable
consideration Mr W. H. Willis who will present
you this letter, Mr Willis has had ^a negro
stolen & he has recd information that the
negro & the thief Jefferson Cash have been
apprehended by the police of New Orleans
and are now there in confinement. He
desires to adopt some course by which
the thief may be brought to justice -
I have suggested to him as the only
course, likely to effect the object that
he file his complaint regularly swon [sic] to
before you, setting forth the facts and
praying for a requisition before the
Governor of Louisiana, for the body of
said Cash, I am personally acquainted
with - Mr Willis and he is entirely reliable
and Honorable honorable - Any favor
you may confer upon Willis in forward
ing his laudable effort to bring the felon
to justice will be duly appreciated by him
and confer a favor

your humble servt
[W P Hickerson]
of Manchester

His Exl.l N S Brown

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Charlotte Durham

Not sure how to access this to review but the author of the letter is W P Hickerson (my ancestor and a judge in Coffee County). Other changes: thief has typo; ... body of said Cash ... personally ... fellow instead of below


I fixed Hickerson and made a few minor corrections. W.H. Willis is my ancestor. He went to New Orleans and brought Cash back for trial. The case went to the Tenn. Supreme Court and there is an interesting file at the Archives about it.