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Knoxville Mar 9th 1848

To His Excellency Neil S. Brown Gov. of Tennessee

Dr. Sir,

You no doubt are aware that there were 3 Leunts out of the 3 Regt. or E. Tenn, Regt of Vol. left behind and Stationed at different point with orders to report to Lt Col J Erving (?) R S. M. D. Cincannatti Ohio for Instruction

I. have the honer of being one of the 3. My station was at Maryville Blunt County E.T. My Company Ft. or Capt Taggs.

I want to report to you that I have never received my Commission as yet, and would beglad to have it before entering the service, which will not as long as we are now ordered to March and are in (?) at this place for the purpose of making preperations to that effect.

I would be happy you would forward my Commission to New Orleans immediately where I can get it on my arrival at that point

Your Most Obt Servant 1st Lt. James H Kennedy Company H. 3d Regt Tenn (?)

His Excellincy Neil S. Brown Gov. of State of Tenne

Last edit over 1 year ago by Denny Adcock
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Lt James H. Kennedy to Gove N S Brown 1848 asking for his Commission ast Lt in 3rd Reg Tenn Vol

Last edit over 1 year ago by Denny Adcock
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