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Memphis 20th Dec 1848

Bov. Neil S Brown


Thos McGowin, informed
me a few days since that he would be
ready to meet most if not all his
note due the 1st of Janry. I feel certain
he will pay it all to the day. In
what manner shall I send it, in a
check on Nashville or deposit it here
subject to your order and send you
the Certificate of Deposit

How do you feel since old
Zach is now to take the place of little
gimey the man whare closes a
message to the Congress of the W.S in the
language of that Son. of a B... (? Santenamis)
what think you of the last words of
Polks last message.

Our count has been in session for two
Months & all the time I have been working
like a turk - as a beginning I have sent Eight
fellows out of Ten to The Penitentiary and
will send three more I think before
court adjourned. My Respect to Mrs. B
and the Boys. I am your friend
D.M. Leortemun

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