Memphis 22 Dec 1848
Gov. Neil S. Brown,
Dear Sir
You will here please find a check for the amount of McGoverns note due the 1st of next month for $1083.33 ints allowed him for 9 days off $1.62 Taxes paid for the (?) year pr Ref 7.19 8.87 ------------------- $1074.52
You will also here fine the Receipt from 1847. which I do not take out of this remit =ance - I am of the impression that it was taken out of a Remittence herto -fore informs me if I have ever retained the Taxes for 1847 (pr?) receipt here.
McGovern thinks he will have Six or Seven hundred Dollars in a few months and wishes to know if you will allow him 84 percent ons from the time he pays it until the next note is due instruct me as to this
A Petition will be presented to you for the Release of a negro by the name of Elliot sent to the Penitentiary this Term of the Court - I think it just and proper that he should be released write now by first mail & oblige
Respectfully yr Davidson M Leatherman
535 10 _____ 5350 2000 ______ 3/3350 _______ 1116 1083 _____ -33
5950 2000 _________ 3/ _________ 1083-33
You will have to pay taxes until the deed is made. I wanted McGovern to take a deed and let a loan be retained but he will not do this because he says he would thenhave the taxes to pay.