New York 13th Nov 1848
To his Excellency The Governor of the State of Tennessee
I take the liberty to address your Excellency, and to solicit at your hands the Commission of Commissioners of Deeds & of the State of Tennessee for the State of New York.
I have the honor to enjoy Commissions, as Notary - Public of the State of New Yorkand as Com-missioner of the States of Pennsylvania (my native State) Connecticut, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois- and if your Excellency should require any written testimonials, I can and will cheerfully supply them: but presume on my present commissions for the course I now pursue.
It may not perhaps be out of place to state to your Excellency that I am now advancing in years, with a large family on my hands and that like my deceased Father, who fought and bled in our Army in our Revolutionary struggle, as an officer of the "Military family" of our (?) Washington _ I too, have been permitted the honor of serving our beloved Country in my youth, in the Navy of the U.S. and of fighting side by side as an "Aid" of the glorious Decatur, at the (? Sulyugation) of
Algiers, Tunis & Tripoli _ and carry with me to my grave, indellible marks of favor of the com= = mon enemy of our country. I have taken the liberty to name these facts to your Excellency in the belif that they will meet with a ready response in your Excellencys patriotic breast and will not (?) to the disparagement of my application _ and _ have the honor to Subscribe Very Respectfully Your Excellencys Obdt & very humble serv
J.B. Nones
P.S. My address is Joseph B. Nones