Cleveland, June 29th, 1848 Dear Sir, I received your communication this morning, inquiring for a description of Alfred Baily, the murderer of Howell which description, from the best information I can get, I now proceed to give you. Baily is supposed to be five feet eight or nine inches high, heavy made, swarthy complexion, down look, hazel eyes and - surley look, heavy dark beard, supposed to be between thirty five and forty years of age! The last account heard of him was in the - State of Georgia, Walker County, and the general opinion here is that he will go to Texas. My own opion is, you had better put the publication in some papers which has considerable circula =tion in Georgia. Baily is supposed to weigh from one hundred and fifty to one hundred sixty pounds, rather slow of speech and coarse voice.
Your friend John H. Layne