Richmond Virginia March 9th 1848
In submitting to your Excellency an application for appointment as Commissioner & for your state, I have deemed it unnecsary to accompy it with numerous recommendations.
Ths single testimonial herewith presented is from the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Register of the Law Office of this state.
With high respect I am Sir , Your very obed Servt E.A. Howard
To the governor of Tennessee
Richmond Virginia March 9th 1848
To his Excellency The Governor of Tennessee
The undersigned take pleasure in recommending to the favorable considerationof your Excellency Mr. Edward C. Howard of this Cityas a fit and proper person to be entrusted by you as a Commissioner to take depositons and affidavits, and the acknowledgment of deeds &c in this state.
We have both been long acquainte with Mr. Howard and can express ourselves with the fullest confidence in regard ot him.
With great Respect
Wm Hickerson S.H. Parker
To his Excellency The Governor of Tennessee
C.C. Howard Virginia