Norfolk, Va February 23 1848
I geg leave to request that Your Excellency will be pleased to appoint me a Commission under the (?) of Tenessee for the State of Virginia to take definations, the acknowledgment as proof of deed &c intended to be used or recorded in Tennessee.
I am an attorney at Law residing at this City; and I already hold similar Commission from mostly the more important States of the Union, including Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. Perhaps this fact,
(of which I give you some evidence by enclosing an impression of my official Seal.) will be deemed by Your Excellency a sufficient guarantee for my due qualification for the office I seek at your hands. But if not, I will cheerfully furnish such other reasonable testimonials upon that subject, as Your Excellency may be pleased kindly to suggest,or cause to be suggested, to me as necessary.
Having applied at first for the Commissions of this character which I already hold, at the request of several of the older members of our bar, who felt the incon-
venience of the want of such officers in this region of Virginia, I am now induced to seek similar commissions from all the important States of this Union.
Hoping that my application will meet with the favorable consideration of Your Excellency, and requesting the favor of an answer to it at your convenience.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, Your Excellency's Most obt. Servt Hw Robertson
To His Excellency, Neil S. Brown, Govenor of the State of Tennessee