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Clarksville 2ed Oct /48

My Dear Sir

Under the act of 1842 -4th sections You will find that it becomes the duty of the Executive to fill vacancies of Tobacco inspectors, caused by death or resignation. A (?) Witherspoon Esqr late inspector at this place has resigned and it being an office of some profit my Friend Col Cornelius C Cauisnay wishes you to appoint him to fill the unexpected term which I believe holds until Jany nextCol C is a gentleman of the first order; a splendid Judge of Tobacco - and every way well qualified to fill the office; and his appointment by You of Him to the office specified would be particularly gra -tifying to your friends here; There may be seve -ral applications contemporanous with this, for the same purpose but I venture to make a particular request that you send Col. C. his Commission at as early a period as will suit your Ex cellency's convenience and Thus much oblige

Your Sincere Friend & c C H Saundey

His Excellency N S Brown

Last edit over 1 year ago by Denny Adcock
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C. C. Commissioner

Last edit over 1 year ago by Denny Adcock
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