Janry 23rd 1844
Dear Sir
I ought to have said a word or two to you about your account with the govt. before now but it can not [illegible] I have besides read the bulk of bad health you've now [illegible].
I went to the [illegible] early after my usual [illegible] to see what had been or was about to be done with your amount - but found my [illegible] pleading me [illegible] of other business & finding that nothing had yet been done, I did not insist upon it [illegible] talkes of out of order, nothing [illegible] [illegible] it should lie own until your [illegible] [illegible] in the [illegible]. Am I
deported with the Nashville Bank demlar[?] list the will not do you a permanent inquiry- be never to complain, last will, I fulsin[?] make awful lou[?] purposes, when the time comes for all he may withold. Jones Jurdy[?] J Morill
Gov N.S Brown P.S. I had almost forgotten today not I last regreted you who is within to very. I would not say to you not I find ready to view May Hugh in any way I want with all lorestugh[?] & fearfully[?] JS