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Jauy. 24th 1849

Dear Gov.

I write you to day (?) to say, that after I put my letter of yesterday in the letter box, I reflected upon the tenor of what I said to you on the subject of your candidacy - & it occured to me that I had not said enough on that point. I omitted to express in explicit terms my opinion on the subject & my ernest desire & (?) - that opinion is that you should not think for a moment of declining to run for the next term. It would injure you to do so - & it would injure the party & the State much more. You would be subject to the shape of having weighed yourself & your conduct as God for the present time & fined to submit it to the judgement of the people - or you would be said to have consulted your private (?) & (?). You are & can be in no danger in coming before the people a second time. All (?), public & party, in my opinion require that you should make that further sacrifice of your time.

Yours truly Jno Bue

Gov. N.S. Brown

Last edit 3 months ago by MaryV
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John Bell

Last edit about 1 month ago by MaryV
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