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Aberdeen Jany. 17th 1849

My Dear Sir
Some two days since I wrote to you advising o fmy
intention to apply for a Judgeship in California [?] under the
Territorial or State Government, which ever may be first formed
& fearing that this letter may not reach you, as the waters are high
& mail uncertain from frequent failures lately, and a private
opportunity offers by my friend Doct. Anderson, & have conclude
to write again -

I have availed myself of all the information to be obtained in
reference to the Country, have reflected upon the matter [materiely?]
weighing everything pro. & con. & have deliberately concluded that
my interest & that of my family would be promoted by getting the
office & removing to that Country. It is true I am profesionally doing
[?] [?] well here. Consdiering the amount of business, but I am [not?]
making enough to educate my children as I desire, & set [them up?]
in the world, or in the [?] of my [?] of my death to enable my wife to do so -
I think I could [afford?] these by going to California - Again I do
not wish all my life to ^be bound like a horse to a treadmill. I desire
to [presentment?] this I cannot expect here, in the state is [?] Co. &
in all probablity will remain so. to have an opportunity of rising
in a new country, aded by that character, & influence a Judge
=ship would afford is another inticement [sic]-
I have not made my intentions known here except to one or two
I can if necessary get the recommendation of the Bench & Bar
of the North Miss & presume I could also in Middle Tenn. on at
least in Nashville, Columbia & Pulaski -

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