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I wish you to write me a recommendation similar to the others
& enclose it to me on to [?] as you think best. I have been a
lawyer fifteen years, & you have known me as such fourteen, [?]
I went to Pulaski in June or July 1834-

I have no doubt your recommendation woul dhave mor einfluence
with Genl. Taylor than any other person in Tenn. from your
position & character as a lawyer & politician.

I wish you to advise me what course to pursue in order properly
to make the application. I wihs to do it at once in order to be
the first & further to get some apearance [sic] of the appointment
so that I may sell out any land & other property which can
=not be done at once, but requires time to prevent a sacrifice.
It may be a Bill [wile?] [pass?] the present Congress establishing
a government over there, if so the appointment would be
made immediately after the 4th of March -

If you think it advisable mention it to Genl. Taylor when
in Nashville unless you would have some delicacy in so
doing - Exercise your own judgment & feelings about that
[SW?] bill & Genl. [Baisiro?]. I doubt not would aid me & I
should be glad for you to write to Crozier & Haskell, the
would do anything you wish - You can also get the
recommendation of Judge [?] & [?] & the Nashville
Bar & those who know [not?] in attendance on [the?]
Supreme Court, if you think it advisable & it will
not give yout oo much trouble -

I have my heart very much in this matter & rely upon
you very much, both your advice & aid. Should I
get hte appointment, I might have it in my power
to [return?] your kindness. if not I shall [not?] the

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