[less?] appointed it -
I give you a Carte blanche to do in this matter as you think
but hoping & believing that you will aid me all you can -
If you think it advisable to get recommendations from [here?] let me
know in what form [?] generally from the Bench & Bar, on
from them individually to members of Congress - or both -
As Mr. Polk made all of his appointments in Oregon from
the [Nov?] slaveholding states. I pressure Genl. Taylor will work
those in California from the slaveholding states -
It might probably be as will for you to send on to Mr. Bell
[yours?] & other recommendations, [write?] me fully.
My regards to Mrs. Brown & the family
Your friend
[?] Goode
Genl. N. S. Brown
N.B. I shall of course desire our of the highest judicial
officers to be filled -
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