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Rogersville 5 [illegible] 1849

Dear Gov.

I have no doubt you have seen an [illegible] in the Jonesboro [Whig?]- Stating the terms on which you can get the support of that paper for re election if you desire the office of Gov. and another term,

I know that you are acquainted with the editor of that paper. And know he is governed in every move he make by whim or [prindico?]. I know not his cause of dislike to whigs of this county except when he was a candidate of Congress in 45 he ran considerably behind the whig ticket in this county- and I think he attaches it to a few leading whig in this county. Who he is pleased to denominate a [click]--

As to the charge of corruption or favouratism in the Bank to the county or this side of the room, the charge is as false as it is corrupt.

The truth is the real working whigs int he County have never had control.

the Board of directors have been so annoyed [illegible] as to give the control to a few

Last edit over 1 year ago by Depickford
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diffacto whigs and the Democrats, who by uniting control the whigs in the [direction] of the officers and the [illegible' have is that we have one of the most [rabid locos] in this Branch that is in the state [(to Mil) Maj Hord who has been twice a member from this county. and by keeping him in the Bank he has the opportunity of [dictionary] all the terms

I have nothing say in this situation of the board except appoint good whigs and in have nothing to fear

I expect some of our whigs have written to the Northern Bank on this subject and given them a bit of money.

We will have a death struggle for this county next summer , and we hope to elect a whig to the Legislation

I see from the Knoxville papers tby wish to have this candidatefrom E Ten next time provided you do not wish a re elections, I would be glad to hear from you on that subject, so as to know how to act. And I will have say if you wish to run I have no doubt you can get the nomination, Brownlow to the contraryno withstanding, and from the note Genl Layton got, and this Congressional district withBrownlow against him, his oppositon amounts to recommendation.

I have no news - I think I will go on to Washington and be there on the 4 th of March and see old [illegible] gr in-

Let me hear from you on the {illegible} of this Respectfully Your Friend W. C. Kyle PS. I need your letter a few days before the election and think it did good arousing the whigs to action. W.C.K I learn from some of our whig friends Mr John [Southerland] left a [illegible] of money when he was at Nashville if that is confirmed the thing will go off well (but if allowed to be changed ) I am to [suit] some whig money in our region of county all will or confusion again WCK

Last edit over 1 year ago by Depickford
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Hon Neill S. Brown


Tennessee 1849

Last edit over 1 year ago by Depickford
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