Rogersville 5 [illegible] 1849
Dear Gov.
I have no doubt you have seen an [illegible] in the Jonesboro [Whig?]-
Stating the terms on which you can get
the support of that paper for re election
if you desire the office of Gov. and another term,
I know that you are acquainted with
the editor of that paper. And know he is
governed in every move he make by whim
or [prindico?]. I know not his cause of
dislike to whigs of this county except when
he was a candidate of Congress in 45 he
ran considerably behind the whig ticket
in this county- and I think he attaches it
to a few leading whig in this county. Who
he is pleased to denominate a [click]--
As to the charge of corruption or favouratism
in the Bank to the county or this side of
the room, the charge is as false as it is corrupt.
The truth is the real working whigs
int he County have never had control.
the Board of directors have been so annoyed
[illegible] as to give the control to a few
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