Memphis April 26^th 1849
His Excellency Niel S Brown Govornor to Nashville
Dear Sir
Inclosed you will find an affidavit made by one of our best citizens. I request you will forthwith forward to Mr (Starlling?) Fowlks a requisition upen the Governor of Missouri The Governor of Illinois and the Governor of Kentucky - the negro oy was kidnap ped on Sunday the 15th inst. and confined in a State Room of the Steam Boat, upon which he was car ried off. It is very important that the requisition be forwarded forthwith. please appoint Mr. A. M. Champ, Daniel B. Lindsay and Star ling Fowlks, each, agents to recive said Alfred Moon from said Excutive of said States.
Very respectfully Yrs. &c. [D?] [M?] [Leatherman?]
I will pay all fees
State of Tennessee Shelby County Persinally appeared before me (?) Sterling (?) and make (?) in the form of law; that in the fifteenth day of April eighteen hundred and fifty nine in the county of Shelby and State of Tennesee, one Alfred Moore (?) (?) did when and there (?) steal and decoy away a megro boy slave name (?), the (?) of the said sterling (?); and that the said Alfred Moore (aleay?) Alfred A. moore has fled the state and is now at large in either the State of (?) and Kentucky or Illinois Subscribed and (serve?) to refine me this 26^th day of April 1849