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Memphis April 26^th 1849

His Excellency
Niel S Brown
Govornor to

Dear Sir

Inclosed you will find
an affidavit made by one of our best citizens.
I request you will forthwith forward to Mr
(Starlling?) Fowlks a requisition upen the Governor
of Missouri The Governor of Illinois and the
Governor of Kentucky - the negro oy was kidnap
ped on Sunday the 15th inst. and confined in a
State Room of the Steam Boat, upon which he was car
ried off. It is very important that the requisition
be forwarded forthwith. please appoint Mr.
A. M. Champ, Daniel B. Lindsay and Star
ling Fowlks, each, agents to recive said Alfred
Moon from said Excutive of said States.

Very respectfully
Yrs. &c.
[D?] [M?] [Leatherman?]

I will pay all fees

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