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Columbia July 26 in 1836

Dear Sir

The citizens of the town of Columbia and county of Maury, believing it to be practicable to construct a turnpike road from this place to the Tennessee river, at some point where they will always have Steam boat navigation, and understanding that it is necessary in order to procure a charter for that purpose from the approaching called Session of the Legislature, that it is necessary that the subject be referred to them in the message of your Excellency at the opening of the Session, the undersigned a portion thereof would respectfully ask of your Excellency as a favour to them and to their fellow citizens, so to bring the subject before the next General Assembly as to obtain acharter to effect the desired object, will such conditions and restrictions and upon such terms as are usual.

They do not deem it necessary in this communication to go into an argument to prove the advantage that would result to the County from such a road. They are satisfied that your Excellency and the members of the [Honbl.?] Legislature are well enough acquainted with the situation and wants of the County to be able to see at once the great advantage to be derived from the construction of the road. They are fully satisfied in their part, that the road can be

Last edit about 1 month ago by AnnaW
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made if a charter should be granted. Judging from the interest manifested for the subject of Internal Improvement by your Excellency, and by the members of the present General Assembly, at their last Session, they are further satisfied that their wishes will be complied with.

With high esteem we remain

Your Excellency's Obt Servts.

Allen Brown A. H. Buchanan John R [Groves?] [illegible] P. R. Baeker WM Yates Thomas Barbour James. N. [illegible] S [U?] Watson M [illegible] Senis N. Northam Sam A [Hammer?] Richd. C. Whiteside James R Plummer J.G. Neeble [Wm.?] M. Davedson

Edw. [H?] Chappin Gardiner [Frierson?] L H. Duncan James Walker A. G. Hays Isaac J. Thomas E. E. [Davidson?] S. B Jones S. P. Walker Abraham [Looney?] Hugh Shaw David [Looney?] R. [D?]. Mayle Robt. P. Webster H. [Langtry?] [illegible]

A [O?] Adams John B. Hays [Leonidas?]] [illegible] Saml D. Frierson M. D. Cooper John Kirk George M. Martin Gideon [illegible] Jno. [illegible] Saunders Jno. B. Johnson [illegible] Edmund Dillahunty [illegible] [illegible] [Pillow?]

Last edit 28 days ago by MaryV
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Petition of The Citizens Colombia Tenn [illegible] Charter

Excellency [illegible] [Cannon?]

Last edit about 1 month ago by AnnaW
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Citizens of Columbia Turnpike

Last edit about 1 month ago by AnnaW
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