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made if a charter should be granted. Judging from
the interest manifested for the subject of Internal
Improvement by your Excellency, and by the
members of the present General Assembly, at
their last Session, they are further satisfied
that their wishes will be complied with.

With high esteem we remain

Your Excellency's Obt Servts.

Allen Brown
A. H. Buchanan
John R [Groves?]
P. R. Baeker
WM Yates
Thomas Barbour
James. N. [illegible]
S [U?] Watson
M [illegible] Senis
N. Northam
Sam A [Hammer?]
Richd. C. Whiteside
James R Plummer
J.G. Neeble
[Wm.?] M. Davedson

Edw. [H?] Chappin
Gardiner [Frierson?]
L H. Duncan
James Walker
A. G. Hays
Isaac J. Thomas
E. E. [Davidson?]
S. B Jones
S. P. Walker
Abraham [Looney?]
Hugh Shaw
David [Looney?]
R. [D?]. Mayle
Robt. P. Webster
H. [Langtry?]

A [O?] Adams
John B. Hays
[Leonidas?]] [illegible]
Saml D. Frierson
M. D. Cooper
John Kirk
George M. Martin
Gideon [illegible]
Jno. [illegible] Saunders
Jno. B. Johnson
Edmund Dillahunty
[illegible] [Pillow?]

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